Ummon guruhi - Yomg'ir - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon guruhi - Yomg'ir

Yana yog'adi yomg'ir
The rain falls again
Meni ko'z yoshlarimdir
My tears are falling
Tun bo'yi yog'ayotgan yomg'ir
The rain pouring all night long
Meni dardlarimdir
Are my sorrows
Yana qora osmon bulut
Again, the black sky with clouds
Sevgilim meni unut
My love has forgotten me
Deya ketdi o'zga bag'riga
Saying they left for another's embrace
Ishongim kelmaydi shunga
I can't believe it
Netay yomg'ir endi u yo'o'o'o'q
Why is the rain now goneeee
Sevgilim meni yo'o'o'o'o'q
My love is goneeee
Oqib ketdi o'zgalar bag'rigaa!
Flowed away to another's embrace!
Yana yog'adi yomg'ir
The rain falls again
Meni ko'z yoshlarimdir
My tears are falling
Tun bo'yi yog'ayotgan yomg'ir
The rain pouring all night long
Meni dardlarimdir
Are my sorrows
Yana qora osmon bulut
Again, the black sky with clouds
Sevgilim meni unut
My love has forgotten me
Deya ketdi o'zga bag'riga
Saying they left for another's embrace
Ishongim kelmaydi shunga
I can't believe it
Netay yomg'ir endi u yo'o'o'o'q
Why is the rain now goneeee
Sevgilim meni yo'o'o'o'o'q
My love is goneeee
Oqib ketdi o'zgalar bag'rigaa!
Flowed away to another's embrace!
Yomg'ir olib ket meni o'zing bilan
Rain, take me with you
Yer bo'lay oqib biz yurgan u yo'llardan
Let me become the earth, flowing from the paths we walked
Mayli yoniga boray bir tomchi
Let me go to them as a single drop
ko'z yosh bo'lib
as a teardrop
Lekin sen yonimda bo'l yaqinim
But be by my side, close
sirdosh bo'lib
as a confidant
Axir quyosh bo'lib yo'llarim
After all, the sun as my path
did not illuminate
Yonimda yolg'izim deb bildim
I thought I was alone by my side
yolg'izi deb bilmadi
they didn't think I was alone
Yog'aver endi yomg'ir dardlarim
Keep pouring, rain, my sorrows
senga ayon
are known to you
Bu dunyoda azob yo'q
There is no suffering in this world
ayriliqdanda yomon
worse than separation
Tomchilayotgan yomg'ir meni dardlarim bilar
The dripping rain knows my sorrows
Osmonda qora bulut men uchun raxmi kelar
The black clouds in the sky have pity on me
Axir sen oppoq bo'pturib ezding mani yuragim
After all, you, being so pure white, crushed my heart
Qora bulutlar esa bo'ldi mani ermagim
And the black clouds became my shelter
Yog'ayotgan bu yomg'ir hali
This rain that is falling still
bilsang ko'p yog'ar
you know, will fall a lot
Aslida bu yomg'ir emas meni ko'z
Actually, this rain is not rain, it's my tears
yoshim bo'lar
that will be
Sen yog'irni sevarding ana senga
You loved the rain, here you go
ol yomg'ir
take the rain
Manimcha bu yomg'ir endi
I think this rain now
yog'adi butun umr
will fall my whole life
Netay yomg'ir endi u yo'o'o'o'q
Why is the rain now goneeee
Sevgilim meni yo'o'o'o'o'q
My love is goneeee
Oqib ketdi o'zgalar bag'rigaa!
Flowed away to another's embrace!
Yana yog'adi yomg'ir
The rain falls again
Meni ko'z yoshlarimdir
My tears are falling
Tun bo'yi yog'ayotgan yomg'ir
The rain pouring all night long
Meni dardlarimdir
Are my sorrows
Yana qora osmon bulut
Again, the black sky with clouds
Sevgilim meni unut
My love has forgotten me
Deya ketdi o'zga bag'riga
Saying they left for another's embrace
Ishongim kelmaydi shunga
I can't believe it
Yomg'ir misoli ko'zlarim daryo
My eyes are a river like the rain
Sevgilim meni mendan anchalar
My love is so far from me
Dunyo esa go'yoki tor sevgisiz
The world seems narrow without their love
Yomg'ir sog'inaman uni yomon
I miss the rain badly
Misoli esa ko'z oldimdadir hamon
Its image is still before my eyes
Bu dunyoda azob yo'q
There is no suffering in this world
ayriliqdanda yomon
worse than separation
Yomg'irga aylandi meni sirlarim
My secrets turned into rain
Ariqlarga to'ldi men yonib urgan
The ditches filled with my burning
Yonimdan ketar toshlarimmas
It's not my stones that leave me
ko'z yoshlarim
but my tears
Shu ahvolim bilardim, sezardim,
I knew this state, I felt it,
lekin ishonmasdim
but I didn't believe it
Chunki sevardim yurakni
Because I loved, my heart
I didn't listen
Hislar aldardi yomg'ir yig'lardi
Feelings deceived, the rain cried
Lekin anglamasdim, chunki
But I didn't understand, because
I loved!
Yana yog'adi yomg'ir
The rain falls again
Meni ko'z yoshlarimdir
My tears are falling
Tun bo'yi yog'ayotgan yomg'ir
The rain pouring all night long
Meni dardlarimdir
Are my sorrows
Yana qora osmon bulut
Again, the black sky with clouds
Sevgilim meni unut
My love has forgotten me
Deya ketdi o'zga bag'riga
Saying they left for another's embrace
Ishongim kelmaydi shunga
I can't believe it Bir Qadam Oldinda! One Step Ahead!

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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