Ummon guruhi - Танцую - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ummon guruhi - Танцую

I'm Dancing
Хотели новый трек?
Did you want a new track?
Возьмите нате
Here you go, take it
Bizada erta-yu kech
Party at our place from morning to night
Bo'ladi party
Take a little bit of money with you
Захвати с собой
And let life be
Немного money
In marmalade
И пусть будет жизнь
Do you have fire in your heart?
В мармеладе
Or do you have a thousand different problems?
O'zi yuragida o'ti borla Bormi?
On weekends - parties
Yoki miyada ming xil Muammomi?
That's our thing
В выходные - вечеринки
I have a white dress
Это по нашему
But my shirt is ripped
Ustimda oq ko'ylak
But it's fashionable
Faqat yirtilgan shimim
Cool and fun
Зато это модно
On weekends there's
Круто и клево
A party at our place
По выходным бывает
But it's fashionable
У нас тусовка
Cool and fun.
Зато это модно
Today I'm going to be a wild man
Круто и клево.
It's a holiday for us
Mana bugun olaman dam
Let the holiday continue until dawn
Bizada bayram
Until the sun rises
Bayram davom etsin erta tonggacha
My beauty is next to me
Quyosh nuri ko'ringuncha
Her eyebrows are like a pen
Yonimda sanam
Walk with me
Qoshlari qalam
Until we're tired of playing
Yur man bilan
Malaysia, Dubai
To'yib-to'yib o'ynab bo'lguncha
Someone else is in the crowd
Malayziya, Dubay
I'm having fun
Yana kimdur qatda
In Tashkent - in this heat
Manga maza sho'tda
In the garden by the water
Toshkentda - shu issiqda
Loud music
Suv bo'yida chor bog'da
I'm dancing how I want
Baland musiqa
Like this, like this, like this
Я танцую как хочу
I'm dancing
Вот так так так
And dancing like this
Я танцую
We're partying like this
И так танцую
In rhythm, like this, like this, like this
Мы так тусуем
You're dancing
Вод такт такт такт
You like it like this
Ты танцуешь
You don't like it like this
Нравится так
But it's fashionable
Не нравится вот так
Cool and fun
Зато это модно
On weekends there's
Круто и клево
A party at our place
По выходным бывает
But it's fashionable
У нас тусовка
Cool and fun
Зато это модно
My life
Круто и клево
Music and rhythm
My life
My life
музыка и ритм
Speeds by with a beat
My life
I know life
пролетает битом
It's so beautiful
Я знаю life
You know it's so cool here
Это так прекрасно
When it's your own race
Знаешь здесь так классно
These bright dreams
Когда своя расса
Take me away with their waves
Эти светлые мечты
Take me away with their notes
Забирают волнами
Hey DJ, turn up the volume a bit
Забирают нотами
Today I'm going to be a wild man
Эй DJ, прибавь немного volume
It's a holiday for us
Mana bugun olaman dam
Let the holiday continue until dawn
Bizada bayram
Until the sun rises
Bayram davom etsin erta tonggacha
My beauty is next to me
Quyosh nuri ko'ringuncha
Her eyebrows are like a pen
Yonimda sanam
Walk with me
Qoshlari qalam
Until we're tired of playing
Yur man bilan
Here I am, here I am, here I am, here I am
To'yib-to'yib o'ynab bo'lguncha Mana mamnaqa mamnaqa
Give me two
Harakatlarim bor bor bor bor
Make the song louder
Murivvatidan qo'sh qil
I'll take a letter
Qo'shiqni balandroq
Me again
Xat olaman
Today I'm
Yana man
Like this, like this, like this
Bugun man Вот так так так
I'm dancing
Я танцую
And dancing like this
И так танцую
We're partying like this
Мы так тусуем
In rhythm, like this, like this, like this
Вод такт такт такт
You're dancing
Ты танцуешь
You like it like this
Нравится так
You don't like it like this
Не нравится вот так Зато это модно
But it's fashionable
Круто и клево
Cool and fun
По выходным бывает
On weekends there's
У нас тусовка
A party at our place
Зато это модно
But it's fashionable
Круто и клево
Cool and fun
По выходным у нас тусовка.
On weekends there's a party at our place.

Авторы: ummon guruhi

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