Unu feat. Junkyard - Slagar dupa lagar (feat. Junkyard) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Unu feat. Junkyard - Slagar dupa lagar (feat. Junkyard)

Slagar dupa lagar (feat. Junkyard)
Hit after Hit (feat. Junkyard)
Slagar dupa lagar
Hit after Hit
Slagar dupa lagar shi in plus o balada am compus de cand ma stiu pentru tara intreagase pare ca iar a aparut
Hit after Hit and plus I've composed a ballad since I've known myself for the whole country it seems that it has appeared again
Iata iata cum intra in scena in armura-i sclipitoare
Here she is, here she is how she enters the scene in her glittering armor
Cupa si campionatu
The Cup and the Championship
Cum iti permiti sa te prezinti la festival daca nu ai recomandari nici macar pentru oral
How do you dare to show up at the festival if you don't even have recommendations for oral?
Ai aparut tu noua sa probezi in sus carnatu′
You appeared to us to prove your worth in a sausage
Vezi ca nu ai cablu
You see you don't have a cable
Ti sa rupt si ciorapu'
Your stocking is torn
Vezi ca se uita toate lumea la tine
You see everyone is looking at you
Nu se uita nime′ bine bine
No one is looking well well
Da' cum sa explicam fenomenul in sine?
But how do we explain the phenomenon itself?
Simplu: e zero ... e mai bine???
Simple: it's zero ... is it better???
N-ai nici o vina esti chiar divina
It's not your fault you're even divine
Comedie parodie si chiar pantomima
Comedy parody and even pantomime
Iar ai facut praf tot rahatu'
You've destroyed all the shit again

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