UZI - 心技体 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни UZI - 心技体

Mind, Technique, Body
今世紀発 気合い入れろ さあ進軍左手の
Infuse yourself with this new century's energy and begin your advance, left hand
マイク持つ時代の担い手の番 起こす衝撃 未来への喝
It's time for the bearers of our era to take the mic and rouse us to action
日本凄いテンション しつこい幻想消す 濃い弁論
Japan has incredible tenacity. Its ideals will silence skepticism with eloquent discourse
文武両立 盾と剣 それ即ち武器 紙とペン
Be proficient in both martial arts and academics. They are weapons: the pen and the sword
人の真似だけはやめとけ 壊れた只の壁掛け時計
Don't imitate others. You'll be nothing more than a broken clock on the wall
勝負の世界たられば なくて七癖沸かすぜサタデーナイト
In the competitive arena, regrets don't exist. Instead, nurture your eccentricities on Saturday night
株が急騰まるでヤフー株 マーク最高値 回重ね
Like Yahoo stock, your worth is soaring. Keep hitting new highs
蒔いた種そろそろ発芽 暴落ならば這い上がれ
The seeds you've sown are nearly flourishing. If you stumble, rise again
ガキの頃から見りゃ今 近未来 だが新時代 創れ新時代
From childhood to now, the future feels close. But it's a new era. Create a new era
常に研ぎ澄ます 心技体 今が新時代 造れ新時代
Continuously refine your mind, technique, and body. This is the new era. Forge a new era
心頭滅却すれば火もまた涼し 健全な肉体で行くか
If you extinguish the fires of your mind, even flames will feel cool. Or will you choose a sound body
柔よく剛を制す 更に 剛よく柔を制す
Gentleness can overcome strength. And strength can overcome gentleness
商業至上主義(この国を支配) 本当微妙過ぎ(この国の未来)
Materialism pervades our nation, casting a shadow over its potential
普通にルーティーン終身刑 まるでパロディウスばりシューティングゲーム
Our repetitive routines are a form of life imprisonment, a parodic shooting game
クルージング吸引 封印解く この通信文句
Break the seal on this clandestine message, this alluring hook
やばいぞ 早く目覚めろ 手掛けろ 何かデカめの仕掛けを
Wake up! Find your purpose! Conceive something truly grand!
縛り付けるシステム 自分なりに綻びを見付けるべき
The system tries to restrain you, but look for its flaws
そこを攻めろ 当てろ照準 動け今日中 ノージョーク
Attack its weaknesses. Aim. Take action today. Seriously
大きく 一つ深呼吸 養う英気野蛮な韻補給
Take a deep breath. Cultivate your vitality. Replenish your savage rhymes
進行中 この珍道中 地盤ねじ曲げ震度9
Prepare for this remarkable journey that will shake the very ground beneath your feet
久ヶ原から旗揚げ立ち上がる 紆余曲折経て勝ち上がる
From humble beginnings in Kugahara, we rise. Through trials, we emerge victorious
攻撃の基点 味なパス出す 世界が注目 価値上がる
Our attacks are precise, our connections meaningful. The world is watching, our value rising
付くプレミア 街ですれ違う奴は忘れない髭の腕自慢
We command respect. Those who cross our paths remember us, the bearded master of the mic
新世紀撃つ ヴィンテージ付く 赤富士 交わす盃
In this new era, we drop gems like Mount Fuji, sharing toasts of vintage rhymes
野蛮フロー 野蛮ライムで 今世紀ボルテージ半端無し
Our savage flow, our savage rhymes electrify this century
お前の脳に焼き付ける 変な考え吐き捨てる 焚き付けろ
We brand your brain with indelible thoughts. We provoke you. We inspire
あいうえお から わをん まで網羅 半端無さを
From A to Z, our rhymes showcase our boundless potential
造り上げ 築き上げる未来 それは自分達次第
We shape our future, building upon the foundation we lay

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