VIP - Nisam rob za P.P. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни VIP - Nisam rob za P.P.

Nisam rob za P.P.
I'm Not a Slave for a Piece of Pussy
Ti i tvoje lažne priče
You and your fake stories
Više meni važne niste
You don't matter to me anymore
Ja nisam rob za parče pičke
I'm not a slave for a piece of pussy
Sve ste slične, zato odlazim
You're all the same, so I'm leaving
Hajdemo da raspravimo odma' ko je frajer, ko je sisa
Let's talk about who's a pimp and who's a pussy
Imas 4 vrste frajera kad usere te riba
There are 4 types of pimps when the fish sucks
Prvi će da zalupi, drugi će da moli
The first one will hit you, the second one will beg
Treći frajer će da ode, ali sa mnom imaš problem
The third pimp will leave, but with me you have a problem
Slusaj neću da te vređam, ribo, prestani da kenjaš
Listen - I don't want to insult you, fish, stop whining
I ne zanima me, počni da se spremaš
And I don't care, start getting ready
Jer ja palim, gotovo je, tačka
Because I'm leaving, it's over, period
Sada raspravi je kraj, slušaj zabole me patka
Now the argument is over, listen - I don't give a fuck
Jer nisam ti ja taj tvoj, kako se to zove
Because I'm not your whatever you call it
Kada treba da se raspravljam
When I have to argue
Kupim svoje stvari i dalje nastavljam
I buy my things and keep going
Čujem se s' drugarom, idem da se razbijem
I call my friend, I go out on the town
I voziću se gradom
And I'll drive around the city
Zapamti me nastavljam po starom
Remember me - I'm going back to my old ways
I ne, ne mogu, bre, stani više
And no, I can't, honey, stop it
Ne mogu da slušam, imao sam živce
I can't listen, I had patience
Prošlog puta sada nemam
Last time - now I don't
Ja ne mogu do besvesti da perem usta pričom
I can't argue to the point of cursing
Još me pitaš zašto opsov'o sam tiho
You still ask me why I cursed under my breath
Šta hošeš, reci sada šta bi htela
What do you want, tell me what you want now
Da l' znaš uopšte šta bi htela
Do you even know what you want
Ja odo' evo svedok mi je Relja
I'm leaving - here Relja is my witness
Razgovora nema, odo' doviđenja, palim
No more talking, I'm leaving - goodbye, I'm leaving
Ti i tvoje lažne priče
You and your fake stories
Više meni važne niste
You don't matter to me anymore
Ja nisam rob za parče pičke
I'm not a slave for a piece of pussy
Sve ste slične, zato odlazim
You're all the same, so I'm leaving
Ej, nemoj ti meni "Šta ti je"
Hey, don't tell me "What's wrong with you"
Nema šta da pričamo, realno si za batine
There's nothing to talk about, you really deserve a beating
To što si glupa traje duže od masnice
Your stupidity lasts longer than a grease stain
Zato ovog puta nema "Čujemo se kasnije"
That's why this time there's no "We'll talk later"
Misliš da sam gluv i slep
You think I'm deaf and blind
Očajno glumiš osim kad ti neko snima iznad bulje te
You act like a bad actor except when someone films you above your eye
A ljudi te vide ispred zgrade u 5
And people see you in front of the building at 5
S' nekim tipom kako ljubiš se, kažeš da družiš se
With some guy kissing you, you say you're friends
Džaba trudiš se, hajde gubi se
It's no use trying, go away
Ulice su pune riba od danas bacam udice
The streets are full of fish - from today I'm throwing bait
Drame i ludnice sačuvaj za budućeg
Dramas and crazy things, save it for your next guy
Ionako cimaš svakog ko pun u klub uđe
You hit on everyone who walks into the club anyway
A noću kad te pitam poruke ko šalje
And when I ask you at night who's sending messages
Uvek isto najbolji drug, gistro loš frajer
Always the same - best friend, bad ex-boyfriend
Riba drolja postane riba drolja ostane
Fish becomes a clown - fish remains a clown
Jednom kurva uvek kurva, jednačina prosta je
Once a whore - always a whore, the equation is simple
Ti i tvoje lažne priče
You and your fake stories
Više meni važne niste
You don't matter to me anymore
Ja nisam rob za parče pičke
I'm not a slave for a piece of pussy
Sve ste slične, zato odlazim
You're all the same, so I'm leaving

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