VTEN - Galli Sadak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни VTEN - Galli Sadak

Galli Sadak
Galli Sadak
जो गर्न खोज्छ यहाँ राम्रो काम, त्यै नर्क जान्छ
Whoever tries to do good here, goes to hell
मेरो बानी ब्यहोराले यहाँ सब कुरा फरक पार्छ
My habits and behavior change everything around here
जव हान्नथाल्छु Rap, एक्कासि रगत तात्छ
When I start rapping, the blood rushes in suddenly
किनकी मेरो कहानीको सुरुआत भयो गल्ली सडकबाट
Because my story began in the streets and alleys
कसैलाई मद्दत मागेन, लागे आफ्नै बाटोमा
I didn't ask for anyone's help, I went my own way
Wantedमा रे मेरो नाम पत्रिकाले खबर छापेछ
My name is on the wanted list, the newspapers are printing the news
त्यसको केही मतलब लागेन
That doesn't mean anything to me
हेर्दिन समाचार
I don't watch the news
ईन्काउन्टर हान्ने सोचि राछस मुजि खबरदार
Be careful, they're thinking of taking me out, I’m warning you
इज्जत गर भेट्लास् (भेट्लास्) फेरि
Have some respect, you’ll see me again (you’ll see me again)
मेरो ग्याङ नेपाल भरि
I’ve got my gang all over Nepal
तॅ जस्तो हैन हिँड्छु सबैलाई राम्रो ब्यबहार गरि
Unlike you, I walk around treating everyone well
केटाहरू सब भेज्जा नि
The guys are all good, you know
मेरो ग्याङ नेपाल भरि
I've got my gang all over Nepal
राई, लिम्बु, तामाङ, मगर, गुरुङ, नेवार धरि
Rai, Limbu, Tamang, Magar, Gurung, even Newar
मुजि हेर, जादिन जेल
Look at me, I'm going to jail
मलाई खेल्नुछैन त्यो कवाडी सरकारी राजनीति खेल
I don't want to play that crappy government political game
ह, खाते आफूलाई त्या राखेर हेर
Hah, put yourself in my place and see
मलाई के ल्याङ हान्छस मैले चाहे भने उल्टै तँलाई हाल्दीन्छु जेल
What can you do to me, if I want, I’ll put you in jail instead
चुपचाप लागी बस्दिछ म, पुगिसक्यो मलाई मस्ती गर्न
I'm staying quiet, babe, I've had enough fun
गाँजा गोटी साथामा रक्सी टन्न, मत चार्जमा हिन्दैथे अस्ति सम्म
Weed and pills in my pocket, lots of booze, I was charged just yesterday
छप्किसंग मस्ती गर्न, हिन्दैथे गजेडी जंकी तालमा
To have fun in an instant, I was walking to the rhythm of a crazy junkie
यस्तै हो खातेको परिभाषा, हल्लीदै निस्कन्थे गल्लीबाट
This is the definition of a loser, I'm yelling fearlessly from the streets
सल्किराछ गाँजा पोलेनको धुवाँले दिमाग चल्दिराछ
Weed and pollen smoke is making my brain spin
भेजा साइको अतिभाछ, ज्यान सुकेर जिउ हड्डिमात्र
I’m a psycho, babe, my body’s skinny, just skin and bones
लगाछ महँगो घडि हातमा
I wear an expensive watch on my hand
के बितिराछ घरपरिवारमा केहि थाछैन त्यसैले दिक्क लाग्छ
I don’t know what's going on with my family, that's why I'm upset
मन लाग्दैन यो कुरा सम्झिराख्न
I don't feel like remembering this
छोडिसके मैले गाँजा फुक्न गोटीच्यापन
I've stopped smoking weed and swallowing pills
केटाहरूले भन्छ तॅलाई Cops ले खोजिराछ
The guys say the cops are looking for you
Rap हान्छस तर किन बेसी बोली राछस्
You rap, but why do you talk so much
होस्गर केटा नत्र तैले गोली खान्छस्
Be careful, kid, or you’ll get beaten up
अपराधी सरकारले पाल्या
The government is feeding the criminals
भात खुवाउदै मजाले राख्याछ
It's feeding them well
बिग्रेको समाजको दोस मेरो टाउकोमा खन्याउदै हाल्याछ
They're blaming me for the problems of this messed up society
के गर्न खोजेको थाछैन
I don't know what they're trying to do
जेल हाल्याछ मलाई समातेर
They arrested me and put me in jail
के फाइदा मलाई यहाँ निर यो बिग्रिसकेको समाज बिगारेर
What good will it do to me to ruin this already ruined society here?
मेरो टाउकोमा लाग्याछ दस वटा केस (केस)
I have ten cases (cases) against me
मलाई मन पर्दैन त्यो गाढा निलो कलरको Dress (Dress)
I don't like that dark blue Dress (Dress)
मेरो जिन्दगी खाते जस्तो भाछ सक्छस् भने मुजि हेर (हेर)
My life has become like a loser's, look at me if you can (look)
आफ्नै घरमा डर लाग्छ आजकल समस्या हुँदैछ धेर (धेर)
I'm scared to even be in my own house, there are a lot of problems these days (a lot)
हेर, सपनाहरू धेरै नि, जान दिन हुन्न खेर पनि
Look, I have a lot of dreams, I can't let them go to waste
काम छैन या लाटा जस्तो ट्वाल्ल पर्दै परि हेरेर नि
There's no work, or do I just look like an idiot standing around doing nothing
तॅ छस लक्षको धेरै नजिक, हुनेछ अवश्य तेरो नै जित
You're very close to your goal, you'll surely win
दाईहरूले केही गर्याछ भाई, त्यो इतिहासलाई हेरेर सिक
Our elders have done some things, bro, learn from that history
जो गर्न खोज्छ राम्रो काम त्यै नर्क जान्छ
Whoever tries to do good goes to hell
मेरो बानी ब्यहोराले या सब कुरा फरक पार्छ
My habits and behavior change everything
जव हान्नथाल्छु र्याप एक्कासि रगत तात्छ
When I start rapping, the blood rushes in suddenly
किनकी मेरो कहानीको सुरुआत भयो गल्ली सडकबाट
Because my story began in the streets and alleys
जो गर्न खोज्छ राम्रो काम त्यै नर्क जान्छ
Whoever tries to do good goes to hell
मेरो बानी ब्यहोराले या सब कुरा फरक पार्छ
My habits and behavior change everything
अपराधी हिँड्छ खुलेआम यहाँ बलात्कार
Criminals walk free here, there’s rape
किनकी मेरो कहानीको सुरुआत भयो गल्ली सडकबाट
Because my story began in the streets and alleys

Авторы: Suraj Thapaliya

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