VaDeBo - Ciutat-Presó - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский VaDeBo - Ciutat-Presó

Prison City
No tenen nom les ombres ni els malsons
Shadows and nightmares have no name in
De la nostra ciutat on tot és vigilat.
Our town where everything is watched.
No tenen noms mordasses i barrots
Muzzles and bars have no name
Fetes per castigar qui vol la llibertat.
Made to punish those who want freedom.
Canvien els noms per maquillar el món.
They change names to make up the world.
Sulfatadors de por, són intrusos als cors.
Sprayers of fear, they are intruders in hearts.
Fan la bruta tasca de castigar
They do the dirty work of punishing
Un moviment sobtat,
A sudden movement,
El volum més alt.
The loudest volume.
Ens hem cansat de nombres, uniformes,
We are tired of numbers, uniforms,
D'estar vigilats.
Of being watched.
De les seues normes, inconformes,
Of their rules, nonconformists,
De l'autoritat.
Of authority.
I aquesta nit li posarem fi
And tonight we will put an end to it
A murs i cel·les, pors i condemnes.
To walls and cells, fears and sentences.
El poble amotinat.
The people are revolting.
Tot el control per a qui no nom,
All the control for those who have no name,
Rostres enlluernats diuen que s'ha acabat.
Dazzling faces say it's over.
Esperant la nit, esperant el final,
Waiting for the night, waiting for the end,
Ja no vigilaran, ja no castigaran.
They will no longer guard, they will no longer punish.
Ens hem cansat d'horaris, ser precaris,
We're tired of schedules, being precarious,
D'estar alienats.
Of being alienated.
De ser adversaris per salaris,
Of being adversaries for salaries,
De misèria.
Of misery.
I aquesta nit li posarem fi
And tonight we will put an end to it
A les mordasses, mitjans de masses.
To the gags, the mass media.
El poble amotinat.
The people are revolting.
La nostra veu s'escolta, ben fort.
Our voice is heard, loud and clear.
De cor segur que tomba, la por.
With a heart sure to conquer, fear.
No tenen nom les ombres ni els malsons
Shadows and nightmares have no name in
D'una gris ciutat on tot és vigilat.
A gray city where everything is watched.
No tenen noms mordasses i barrots
Muzzles and bars have no names
Amb set de castigar qui vol la llibertat.
With a thirst to punish those who want freedom.
Ara que hem recordat els nostres noms,
Now that we've remembered our names,
Ara que ja em tallat tots els senyals.
Now that I've cut off all the signals.
Ara que hem vist les cares dels companys
Now that we've seen the faces of our comrades
I les companyes, ja no ho podran aturar.
And the companions, they will no longer be able to stop it.
Ens hem cansat d'estar entre barreres,
We are tired of being among barriers,
De ser com ninots a les vidrieres
Of being like puppets in the windows
De "l'atrociutat".
Of "atrocity".
I aquesta nit, li posarem fi
And tonight, we will put an end to it
A les cadenes, garrot i regnes.
To the chains, the garrote and the reins.
El poble amotinat.
The people are revolting.
De les clavegueres fins al punt més alt de la ciutat,
From the sewers to the highest point in the city,
Les ombres ara seran les nostres aliades.
The shadows will now be our allies.
Ara patim la fam d'una estació que marcarà
Now we suffer the hunger of a season that will mark
El nou canvi de rumb, farà fort el nostre pas.
The new change of course, will make our step strong.
La nostra veu s'escolta, ben fort
Our voice is heard, loud and clear
Eh eh
Eh eh
De cor segur que tomba, la por
With a heart sure to conquer, fear

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