Valentino - Volim Te Još - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Valentino - Volim Te Još

Volim Te Još
I Still Love You
Noćima ja proklinjem telefon što me ne budi
I curse the phone at night when it doesn't wake me
Danima ja mrzim zvono što ne zvoni
During the day I hate the bell when it doesn't ring
Sanjam te na vratima, koferi u rukama
I dream of you at the door, suitcases in your hands
Graciozan hod, ulaziš sa riječima
Gracious strides, you come in with these words
Volim te još
I still love you
Kao prije, mislim na nas
Like before, I think of us
Kao prije, volim te još
Like before, I still love you
Kao prije, mislim na nas
Like before, I think of us
Gadne riječi si, po prvi put, govorila
For the first time, you uttered hurtful words
Iscijepala slike, poklone i moja pisma
You tore up the pictures, the presents, and my letters
I prije si umjela da nestaneš na dva, tri dana
You've disappeared for two or three days before
Vraćala si se s kajanjem na usnama
You've returned with remorse on your lips
Volim te još
I still love you
Kao prije, mislim na nas
Like before, I think of us
Kao prije, volim te još
Like before, I still love you
Kao prije, mislim na nas
Like before, I think of us
(Yeah, yeah!)
(Yeah, yeah!)
Telefon je pozvonio, rodila se nova nada
The phone rang, a new hope was born
Korak - dva i ja sam tu, reci, dušo, šta ti treba?
A step or two and I'm there, tell me, darling, what do you need?
Čuj, stari, noćas odlazim iz ovog grada
Listen, old man, I'm leaving this city tonight
Ne vjeruj u mene jer više nikad nećeš čuti
Don't believe me, because you'll never hear from me again
Volim te još
I still love you
Kao prije, mislim na nas
Like before, I think of us
Kao prije, volim te još
Like before, I still love you
Kao prije, mislim na nas
Like before, I think of us

Авторы: Zijo Valentino

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