Vama - Rolul Soarelui - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vama - Rolul Soarelui

Rolul Soarelui
The Sun's Role
Nu mai e timp, te-ntorci acasa
No more time, you're coming home
Doar un bilet ai sa gasesti in locul meu
Only a note you'll find in my place
S-a terminat, cred, ma duc in lume
It's over, I believe, I'm going out into the world
Nu iau nimic, doar amintiri frumoase in buzunar
Taking nothing, just beautiful memories in my pocket
Nu e usor, ma clatin,
It's not easy, I'm swaying,
E mult prea greu s-o iei de la-nceput
It's too hard to start over
Trecutul pare o haina uda
The past feels like a wet coat
Care ma-mpiedica sa-not prin viata mea
That stops me from swimming through my life
Dar nu am, nu am de ales
But I have no, no choice
Inca mai am o viata de trait, o piesa de jucat
I still have a life to live, a play to act
Prea multa vreme am tot jucat
For too long I've been playing
Doar roluri episodice in viata mea
Only episodic roles in my life
De-acuma gata, rescriu povestea
From now on, I'm rewriting the story
Si ma distribui in rolul principal
And casting myself in the lead role
Dar nu am, nu am de ales
But I have no, no choice
Inca mai am o viata de trait, o piesa de jucat
I still have a life to live, a play to act
M-am hotarat sa joc un rol
I've decided to play a role
De azi-nainte eu pe Soare-l voi juca
From today on, I will play the Sun
Am sa rasar in fiecare zi
I will rise every day
Si am s-aduc lumina in viata mea
And I will bring light into my life
Trecutu-l trimit in partea de nord a sufletului meu
I send the past to the north side of my soul
Acolo e noapte, dar eu luminez
It's night there, but I shine
Lumina-napoi primesc
Light I receive back
Dar nu am, nu am de ales
But I have no, no choice
Inca mai am o viata de trait, o piesa de jucat
I still have a life to live, a play to act
Se-aprind reflectoare, reintru-n viata
Spotlights come on, I re-enter life
Povestea se scrie si nimeni nu stie
The story is being written and no one knows
Mai bine ca mine, textul luminii
Better than me, the text of light
Pana cade cortina raman in lumina
Until the curtain falls, I remain in the light

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