Vanced - Plastic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vanced - Plastic

Nu te aștepta te iert după ce mi-ai greșit
Don't expect me to forgive you after you've wronged me.
Nu te aștepta par mai fericit
Don't expect me to seem happier.
Îmi dai 2 runde zâmbesc zic pass
You give me two rounds to smile, I say pass.
Singurul cuvânt care ma schimba ști ca e cash
The only word that changes me, you know, is cash.
Rămâi o falsa în plastic
You remain a fake in plastic.
Flow-ul prea clasic
The flow is too classic.
Par prins,elastic
I seem caught, elastic.
O dau bombastic
I'm giving it bombastic.
Îmi dai 2 runde zâmbesc zic pass
You give me two rounds to smile, I say pass.
Singurul cuvânt care ma schimba ști ca e cash
The only word that changes me, you know, is cash.
Rămâi o falsa în plastic
You remain a fake in plastic.
Flow-ul prea clasic
The flow is too classic.
Par prins,elastic
I seem caught, elastic.
O dau bombastic
I'm giving it bombastic.
Benzină în nară fiindcă-s Socar
Gasoline in the narrative because I'm Socar.
Apa albastră fiindcă-s ocean
Blue water because I'm the ocean.
Ține o țigară fiindcă-s Karma-San
Hold a cigarette because I'm Karma-San.
Unde mi-s frați de pe maidan?
Where are my brothers from the maidan?
Am impresia ca nu mai pot sa evoluez
I have the impression that I can't evolve anymore.
Fiindcă stau ancorat într-un timp și un mers
Because I'm anchored in a time and a pace.
Privește și tu la stele pana în univers
Look at the stars with me until the universe.
Am,mijlocul zilei și doua apusuri
I have the middle of the day and two sunsets.
Nu site ora fiindcă nu are fusul
Don't site the hour because it doesn't have a time zone.
Pare prea mort de asta îi iau pulsul
It seems too dead, so I take its pulse.
Îmi face gluma cu,unde-i ursul?
You joke with me, "Where's the bear?"
Pasesz și fraier pe gheata ca pucul
I step and jerk on the ice like a puck.
N-am timp de tine,scuze bubu
I don't have time for you, sorry babe.
Îmi dai 2 runde zâmbesc zic pass
You give me two rounds to smile, I say pass.
Singurul cuvânt care ma schimba ști ca e cash
The only word that changes me, you know, is cash.
Rămâi o falsa în plastic
You remain a fake in plastic.
Flow-ul prea clasic
The flow is too classic.
Par prins,elastic
I seem caught, elastic.
O dau bombastic
I'm giving it bombastic.
Nu-mi da o foaie ca te declar
Don't give me a sheet to declare myself.
Ce sa îți fac dacă te arunci în ocean?
What can I do if you throw yourself into the ocean?
La dispoziție ai doar un an
You only have one year at your disposal.
Poate ajungi cu mine la mal
Maybe you'll reach the shore with me.
Alta vorba alt val
Another word, another wave.
Cu hiene îs hilar
With hyenas, it's hilarious.
Prosti cu fenta
Fools with a trick.
Îmi dai 2 runde zâmbesc zic pass
You give me two rounds to smile, I say pass.
Singurul lucru care ma schimba ști ca e cash
The only thing that changes me, you know, is cash.
Scoasa din țiplă e Barbie
Taken out of the tipple is Barbie.
Zâmbesc prea mult fiindcă-s sadic
I smile too much because I'm sadistic.
Îmi vede întuneric in suflet chiar dacă port ochelari
You see darkness in my soul even though I wear glasses.
N-am expresivitate pe față
I don't have expressiveness on my face.
Nu dau bani pe o zdrența
I don't give money for a rag.
Urc în deal chiar dacă e vremea nasoala
I climb the hill even though the weather is bad.
Car pachete le țin la mine subsoară
I carry packages, I keep them under my arm.
Îmi dai 2 runde zâmbesc zic pass
You give me two rounds to smile, I say pass.
Singurul cuvânt care ma schimba ști ca e cash
The only word that changes me, you know, is cash.
Rămâi o falsa în plastic
You remain a fake in plastic.

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