Vasco feat. The Quiett, Dok2 & 천재노창 - Don - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vasco feat. The Quiett, Dok2 & 천재노창 - Don

그대의 지갑 혹은 주머니 혹은
From your long wallet or your pocket or
은행계좌와 침대 어딘가 혹은
Your bank account and somewhere under your bed or
도자기 두꺼운 사이 혹은
Inside a ceramic pot, between thick books or
신발 깔창 엄마카드까지
Even under your shoe insole, your mom's card
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where the money is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어 털어 털어
We know where the money is, and we'll take it, take it, take it
숨겨봤자야 티나 like turner 터너 터너
Trying to hide it? It's all obvious like Turner, Turner, Turner
차도 모자라 쑤셔 넣어 넣어 넣어
Even when it's full, it's not enough, stuff it in, more, more, more
큰돈 챙기고 잔돈은 버려 버려 버려
Only take the big bills, and throw away the change, throw it, throw it
한번 지껄인 말은 지킬 까지
Once I say something, I do it till it's done
잔소리 하며 시켜도 하지
Nagging and doing it even without being told
My shit gettin started 느낌이 나지
My shit gettin' started, I feel it
I'm makin my young money Nicki Minajin
I'm makin' my young money, Nicki Minajin'
성공은 한국 실패는 할롱
My success is in Korea, my failure is in Halong
예상을 뒤엎고 비켜나가지
Overturning expectations, I move aside
My dick gettin harder her pussy got wet 조금 이따 가니 씻겨놔 빨리
My dick gettin' harder, her pussy got wet, I'll be there soon, so wash it well, quickly
Lets go 배춧잎 cheese bread my dinero
Let's go, cabbage leaves, cheese bread, my dinero
어제 5천을 시계에 썼지만 이내로
I spent 5,000 on a watch yesterday, but within a month
다시 메꿔 전혀 아무렇지 않은
I'll fill it back up, as if nothing happened
내일 이면 i be fine i be prolly good
Tomorrow, I'll be fine, I'll be prolly good
Okay 이젠 롤스 로이스 목전에
Okay, now a Rolls Royce is within my reach
Fuck bein on some chill shit i go zero to one hunned
Fuck bein' on some chill shit, I go zero to one hunned
Real quick Illionaire Records 벌써 삼년 만에
Real quick, Illionaire Records, it's already been three years
Shit 여기까지 왔네
Shit, we've come this far
그대의 지갑 혹은 주머니 혹은
From your long wallet or your pocket or
은행계좌와 침대 어딘가 혹은
Your bank account and somewhere under your bed or
도자기 두꺼운 사이 혹은
Inside a ceramic pot, between thick books or
신발 깔창 엄마카드까지
Even under your shoe insole, your mom's card
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where the money is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money money
놈들이 감히 돈에 대해서 털어?
How dare you guys talk about money?
연봉을 우리는 달에 벌어
We make your annual salary in a month
Versace Givenchy 빨래를 널어
We hang out Versace and Givenchy clothes to dry
저녁엔 최고급 쇠고기를 썰어
In the evening, we slice the highest quality beef
거짓말이 아냐 인생은 쩔어
It's not a lie, my life is awesome
Fuck bitches get money 인생의 motto
Fuck bitches, get money, that's my life motto
50평 아파트에 혼자서 살어
I live alone in a 50-pyeong apartment
심심할 없어 빡세게 살어
No time to be bored, I live life to the fullest
이것들 끝나면 가야 바로
When all this is over, I gotta go straight
계약하러 Mufucka i'm ballin
To sign a new car contract, mufucka I'm ballin'
1llionaire gang we gettin that money
1llionaire gang, we gettin' that money
짭퉁 구찌 지갑에 있는 money
The money in your fake Gucci wallet
국세청으로부터 떼이는 money
The money that gets taken away by the National Tax Service
많고 생겼지
I'm rich and handsome
보면 심지어 멀쩡한 남자도 게이로 변해
Even straight guys turn gay when they see me
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it, whoa
Bitch you gotta have my money
Bitch you gotta have my money, whoa
매일 하던 하지
Doing the same thing we do every day, whoa
Get money get rich motherfucka
Get money get rich motherfucka, whoa
그대의 지갑 혹은 주머니 혹은
From your long wallet or your pocket or
은행계좌와 침대 어딘가 혹은
Your bank account and somewhere under your bed or
도자기 두꺼운 사이 혹은
Inside a ceramic pot, between thick books or
신발 깔창 엄마카드까지
Even under your shoe insole, your mom's card
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where the money is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money money
벌어 털어 매달 말일 통장처럼
I don't make money, I take all your money, like a bank account at the end of the month
0원할듯 신세 타령만 하다가 뒤지지 송장처럼.
You'll be left with 0 won, just like a corpse, whining about your circumstances until you die.
것도 없는 신세 금어금니 하나쯤 팔아서 내봐 어른 티.
With nothing left to take, sell a gold tooth or two and show off your adult status.
서른이 넘어서 세살 버릇이 남아서 되겠냐 어른이?
You're over thirty, but you still act like a three-year-old, how can you be an adult?
I don't make money
I don't make money
I take money
I take money
Ya'll rap money
Ya'll rap money
Rap money. 사실 앵벌이 fake money.
Your Rap money. Actually, fake money earned from begging.
쇼미에 나오면 10원도 벌고 그대로 땡처리나 당하고 무너질새끼들
You guys who wouldn't earn a dime on Show Me The Money, just get thrown away and crumble
현실은 TV완 달라 it ain't funny
Reality is different from TV, it ain't funny
너흰 Game money
You guys are Game money
수준은 그정도
That's your level
나와 천재노창
Me and Chunjae Nochang
도끼 더큐는 오션스4
Dok2 and The Quiett are Ocean's 4
시원하게 터는
Taking it all coolly
목표는 10억앞에
The goal is ahead of 1 billion
꿈을 이뤄갈 너희는 지켜봐
You just watch as I achieve my dreams
우리가 말하던 Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect we talked about
247 365 매일이 추석 So
24/7 365, every day is Chuseok so
니들이 뿌리면
If you guys throw it away
우리가 알아서 걷어
We'll pick it up ourselves
Dough Mula Racks Gwala Cash
Dough Mula Racks Gwala Cash
있는델 알고 우린 털어 Turn up
We know where it is, and we'll take it, turn up
I don't make money
I don't make money
I take money
I take money
Ya'll rap money
Ya'll rap money
이게 일거리 Whoa
This is my job, whoa
그대의 지갑 혹은 주머니 혹은
From your long wallet or your pocket or
은행계좌와 침대 어딘가 혹은
Your bank account and somewhere under your bed or
도자기 두꺼운 사이 혹은
Inside a ceramic pot, between thick books or
신발 깔창 엄마카드까지
Even under your shoe insole, your mom's card
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where the money is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money
있는 알고 우린 털어
We know where it is, and we'll take it
Money money money

Vasco feat. The Quiett, Dok2 & 천재노창 - Don (feat. The Quiett, Dok2 & Nochang) - Single
Don (feat. The Quiett, Dok2 & Nochang) - Single
дата релиза

1 Don

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