Vatra - Tango - Akustik - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vatra - Tango - Akustik

Tango - Akustik
Tango - Acoustic
Možete si dopustit, dok osiguranje ne dođe po vas
You can afford it, until the insurance comes for you
Da si opet zaplešete malo
To dance a little bit again
Ovo je "Tango"
This is "Tango"
Plesao bih s tobom kroz najprometnije ceste
I would dance with you through the busiest roads
Jedan tango kroz crveno
A tango through the red
Tamo gdje nitko ne bi plesao
Where no one would dance
Na vrhu Hendrixovog mosta
On the top of Hendrix's bridge
I to mi ne bi bilo dosta
And that wouldn't be enough for me
Mi bi se držali za vodove
We would hold onto the waterways
Na krovu četrnaestice sijevale bi iskre
On the roof of the fourteenth, sparks would shine
Samo mi stani na prste
Just stand on my toes
Odgrizi mi usne
Bite my lip
Gorko, slatko, kao tango
Bitter, sweet, like tango
Crno i crveno, stani mi na prste
Black and red, stand on my toes
Odgrizi mi usne
Bite my lip
Zavrtio bih s tobom
I would spin with you
Piruete niz petlje
Pirouettes down the loops
Da nas nikad ne odmrse
So that we would never be unraveled
Plesom razbijali bi izloge
We would break shop windows with our dance
Gradu ponestalo bi stakla
The city would run out of glass
Mi bi se držali za vodove
We would hold onto the waterways
Na krovu četrnaestice sijevale bi iskre
On the roof of the fourteenth, sparks would shine
Samo mi stani na prste
Just stand on my toes
Odgrizi mi usne
Bite my lip
Gorko, slatko, kao tango
Bitter, sweet, like tango
Crno i crveno, stani mi na prste
Black and red, stand on my toes
Odgrizi mi usne, da čujem buku
Bite my lip, so I can hear the noise
Licem uz lice, za naklon je prerano
Face to face, it's too early for affection
Sve ovo još jednom ponovit bi trebalo
All this should be repeated once more
Gledaj me u oči
Look me in the eyes
Gledaj me
Look at me
Samo mi stani na prste
Just stand on my toes
Odgrizi mi usne
Bite my lip
Gorko, slatko, kao tango
Bitter, sweet, like tango
Crno i crveno, stani mi na prste
Black and red, stand on my toes
Odgrizi mi usne, yeah
Bite my lip, yeah
Samo mi stani na prste
Just stand on my toes
Odgrizi mi usne
Bite my lip
(Gorko, slatko, kao tango)
(Bitter, sweet, like tango)
(Crno i crveno, stani mi na prste)
(Black and red, stand on my toes)
(Odgrizi mi usne)
(Bite my lip)
Samo mi stani na prste
Just stand on my toes
(Odgrizi mi usne)
(Bite my lip)
(Gorko, slatko, kao tango)
(Bitter, sweet, like tango)
(Crno i crveno, stani mi na prste)
(Black and red, stand on my toes)
(Odgrizi mi usne)
(Bite my lip)
Vi niste normalni
You're not normal

Авторы: Irena Celio-cega, Robert Kelemen, Ivan Decak, Tomislav Franjo Susak, Mario - Robert Kasumovic

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