Vec - Rozdiel - перевод текста песни на английский

Rozdiel - Vecперевод на английский

Riadim sa novou ale poznám aj starú mapu
I follow a new map, but I also know the old one
Narodil som sa v ČSSR a tak to bude nafurt
I was born in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, and that's how it will always be
Nikto mi neprerobí moju starú hlavu
No one can change my old head
Viem odkial som kde som pochoval starú mamu
I know where I'm from, where I buried my grandmother
Československo je minulosť som si zvykol
Czechoslovakia is the past, I've gotten used to it
Každý máme svojho prezidenta svojich politikov
We each have our own president, our own politicians
Aj tak sme každý vždy išli na vlastné triko
We've always gone our own way anyway
My sme vymysleli halušky vy zase piko
We invented dumplings, you invented meth
My vyrábame Boženy vy Tatry
We make Boženy, you make Tatras
Vy máte Krkonoše my Tatry
You have the Krkonoše Mountains, we have the Tatras
My Suchoňa vy Smetanu
We have Suchoň, you have Smetana
My Dunaj vy Vltavu
We have the Danube, you have the Vltava
Jedno máme ale spoločné my aj vy
But we have one thing in common, you and me
Rusi nás pol storočia kopali do riti
The Russians kicked our butts for half a century
Tvárili sa ako velký brat
They pretended to be our big brother
A malý brat mohol byt rád že je rád
And the little brother had to be happy to be a brother at all
Mlieko stálo 2kčs
Milk cost 2 crowns
Po kusovku si si išiel do PNS
You went to the PNS for a newspaper
Za rovnaku cenu v celej ČSSR
For the same price everywhere in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
2 hymny plus jedna zo ZSSR - CCCP
Two anthems plus one from the USSR - CCCP
A aj ked to bolo pekne dávno
And even though it's been a long time ago
Vidím že toto bude naozaj večný závod
I can see that this will truly be an eternal race
Náš najväčší rival je náš najbližší národ
Our greatest rival is our closest nation
Neni to jedno? aký je v tom rozdiel brácho?
Doesn't it matter? What's the difference, bro?
Podla niektorých v tom žiadny rozdiel nie je
According to some, there's no difference at all
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
To si píš že je v tom rozdiel yeah yeah
You better believe there's a difference yeah yeah
Podla niektorých v tom žiadny rozdiel nie je
According to some, there's no difference at all
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
To si píš že je v tom rozdiel yeah yeah
You better believe there's a difference yeah yeah
Nás jebali maďari vás jebali nemci
We were screwed by the Hungarians, you were screwed by the Germans
My vás vy nás sme tu jebali všetci
We screwed you, you screwed us, we've all been screwed here
Tak čo sa tu furt jebete že kto z nás je lepší
So why are you still arguing about who's better
Kto je ten väčší kto koho preští
Who's bigger, who'll beat who?
Je to o tom aký komu príde z NHL útok
It's about who gets the better NHL draft pick
či to bude štátny sviatok alebo smútok
Whether it's a national holiday or a day of mourning
Gumáky na nohách vs.ponožky v sandáloch
Galoshes on your feet vs. socks in sandals
česká koruna vs slovenské euro
Czech koruna vs. Slovak euro
Áno, slovenský dabing je väčšinou pekný trapas
Yes, Slovak dubbing is usually a ridiculous joke
Ale čučoriedka, Prievidza radšej nechajte na nás
But blueberries, Prievidza, you'd better leave to us
Viem že březen je marec a kostka neni kôstka
I know that March is March, and a dice isn't a bone
No to vaše Jelikož, poněvač, nýbrž znie jak z Polska
But your "Jelikož, poněvač, nýbrž" sounds like something from Poland
Baklažán s fašírkou na olovrant je maškrta
Eggplant with meatloaf for a snack is a treat
Krocan s bramborama řeřicha s vokurkou do břicha
Turkey with potatoes, radishes with cucumbers in your stomach
Korytnačka, cencúl, USB klúč, vieš čo to je?
Do you know what a korytnačka, cencúl, USB klúč is?
Želva píčo, rampouch kreténe a flashka vole
A turtle, you jerk, an icicle, you fool, and a flash drive, dude
Podla niektorých v tom žiadny rozdiel nie je
According to some, there's no difference at all
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
To si píš že je v tom rozdiel yeah yeah
You better believe there's a difference yeah yeah
Podla niektorých v tom žiadny rozdiel nie je
According to some, there's no difference at all
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
Je v tom rozdiel? nie je
Is there a difference? No, there isn't
To si píš že je v tom rozdiel yeah yeah
You better believe there's a difference yeah yeah

Авторы: Vec Vec, Radoslav Cepela

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