Venz - Nanni & La Dea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Venz - Nanni & La Dea

Nanni & La Dea
Nanni & The Goddess
Letteralmente si chiama, ehm, verità
It's literally called, um, truth
Ma non... non vorrei-ecco, non...
But not... I wouldn't want- well, no...
Diciamo che è una situazione strana ragazzi
Let's say it's a strange situation, guys
Capiamo, cioé capiamo... capite
We understand, like, we understand... you understand
Ma scusate, cosa dovrei fare io?!
But excuse me, what am I supposed to do?!
Cosa dovrei fare?
What should I do?
Dai, d-ditemi cosa dovrei fare, su
Come on, t-tell me what I should do, come on
Ho ingaggiato la dea ma le ho mentito
I hired the goddess but I lied to her
Il tempo di una botta ed io sarò già partito
The time of a bottle and I'll be gone
Ho vinto pure un Oscar e adesso mi sento fico
I just won an Oscar and now I feel cool
Ho un Fossa come amico e una rossa al mio domicilio
I have Fossa as a friend and a redhead at my house
Sono Nannipieri, piacere streamer
I'm Nannipieri, nice to meet you, streamer
Cucino cibo di qualità per la tua gastrite, si fa pe' ride
I cook quality food for your gastritis, it's for laughs
Ho viaggiato e visitato mille posti
I have travelled and visited a thousand places
Mo sto con la schiena bloccata pеr via del cross-fit
Now I'm stuck with a locked back because of cross-fit
Dario, i fatti veri prefеrisco dirteli
Dario, I prefer to tell you the true facts
Quindi rifiuto l'offerta del Via di Guinceri
So I refuse the offer of Via di Guinceri
Non me ne voglia ma sono anni che sgobbo
No offense, but I've been working my ass off for years
Voglio solo fare i soldi senza patire troppo
I just want to make money without suffering too much
Ed è bello nemmeno so com'è fatto l'inverno
And it's so beautiful, I don't even know what winter is like
Resto sperando la topa mi tenga all'estero
I keep hoping the chick will keep me abroad
Voglio solo esprimere un concetto
I just want to express a concept
Non so cosa fare quindi mi perdo
I don't know what to do, so I get lost
Tra le strade di Melbourne
In the streets of Melbourne
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare
I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare
I hate your big, dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind
I hate your big, dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind
I hate you so much it makes me sick - It even makes me rhyme...
I hate you so much it makes me sick - It even makes me rhyme...
Ho conosciuto un tipo, sembra carino
I met a guy, he seems nice
L'italiano classico, ha gli occhi di un pervertito
The classic Italian, he has the eyes of a pervert
Mi pare lavori in cucina e m'ispira un casino
He seems to work in the kitchen and inspires a casino in me
Anche con le occhiaie e i tatuaggi da malandrino
Even with the dark circles and the thug tattoos
Mi ha dato buca domenica scorsa
He stood me up last Sunday
Mi ero pure fatta bella, vabbé non importa
I even got all dressed up, oh well, it doesn't matter
Spero sia un ragazzo onesto, è quello che conta
I hope he's an honest guy, that's what matters
Sai che me ne frega se poi c'ha la minchia corta e mi parla
Who cares if he has a small dick and talks to me
Di quanto sia importante la sincerità
About how important sincerity is
Fa discorsi da uomo colto di qua e di là, lo yin e lo yang
He makes speeches like a cultured man about this and that, yin and yang
Bello, davvero, attendo un altro lunedì
Handsome, really, I'm waiting for another Monday
Per una volta nella vita io voglio illudermi
For once in my life I want to fool myself
Prendimi Nanni, montami come all'Ikea
Take me Nanni, ride me like Ikea furniture
Lasciati andare alle spalle l'angoscia e chi te la crea
Leave the anxiety and whoever creates it behind
Io sono la tua musa, la tua dea
I am your muse, your goddess
La luna, la molecola, stella di Cassiopea
The moon, the molecule, the star of Cassiopeia
I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie
I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh - Even worse when you make me cry
I hate it when you make me laugh - Even worse when you make me cry
I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call
I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all
And don't forget I'm...
And don't forget I'm...
I'm also just a girl
I'm also just a girl
Standing in front of a boy
Standing in front of a boy
Asking him to love her
Asking him to love her

Авторы: "vincenzo ""venz"" Vespertilli"

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