Vescan feat. Noaptea Tarziu - Pierde Tot Anu' - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vescan feat. Noaptea Tarziu - Pierde Tot Anu'

Pierde Tot Anu'
Waste the Whole Year
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
Si, daca vorbeai de viitor, dadeam cu banu
And if you talked about the future, I'd toss a coin
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
Ieseam din club mereu deodata cu barmanu'
I'd leave the club at the same time as the bartender
Si-mi amintesc ca a fost o zi prin studentie
And I remember there was a day in college
Cand ma trezeau, dupa-masa, din nou, alarmele din betie
When they woke me up in the afternoon, again, the alarms from the hangover
Mahmur fara bani
Hungover without money
Ca am baut cu tot clubul, cu tot cu barmani, cu tot cu dusmani
Because I drank with the whole club, with the bartenders, with the enemies
Si ce ma mai distram, dansam si cantam "It's my life"
And how we had fun, danced and sang "It's my life"
Cu doi-trei nebuni, echipa de soc, de luni pana luni
With two or three crazy guys, a shock team, from Monday to Monday
Party non-stop, cam asta a fost planul
Non-stop party, that was the plan
Altii pierde vara, noi pierde tot anu'
Others waste the summer, we waste the whole year
Hai, DJ, da muzica tare, pentru noptile pierdute
Come on, DJ, turn up the music, for the lost nights
Si pentru sticlele goale-n cateva minute
And for the empty bottles in a few minutes
Da' nu-i nimic, am mai fost eu pe-aici
But it's okay, I've been here before
Sa sparg intr-o seara cat nu fac in cinci
To break in one night what I don't do in five
Cu niste amici si sticla complice
With some friends and a bottle as an accomplice
Pana nimeni nu poa' sa se mai ridice
Until no one can stand up anymore
Pierde vara, pierde tot anu'
Waste the summer, waste the whole year
Felicitari mie c-am reusit
Congratulations to me for succeeding
Sa mai bifez o zi in care nu fac nimic
To tick off another day where I do nothing
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
Si, daca vorbeai de viitor, dadeam cu banu
And if you talked about the future, I'd toss a coin
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
Ieseam din club mereu deodata cu barmanu'
I'd leave the club at the same time as the bartender
Se mai intampla sa n-am chef de lume
It happens that I don't feel like people
Prima cafea cand soarele apune
The first coffee when the sun sets
Problemele pot sa se adune
Problems can accumulate
Alarma poate sa sune
The alarm can ring
Apeluri de la iubita, mesaje
Calls from my girlfriend, messages
Ca cica-i dezamagita
Because she's supposedly disappointed
Unde ai fost, de ce si cu cine
Where were you, why and with whom
Iubi, daca nu stii, mi-e mai bine
Honey, if you don't know, I'm better off
Hop, cu greu ma ridic din cap
Hop, I barely get up from the floor
Cu cele mai proaste dureri de cap
With the worst headaches
Pe unde am umblat, oare ce s-a intamplat
Where I went, what happened
Pe cine sa intreb, daca m-am si distrat
Who to ask, if I had fun
Ca merg in zig zag la ce bar am lasat
Because I'm zig-zagging to the bar I left at
Toti banii de chirie
All the rent money
Si cum gasesc un prieten
And how I find a friend
La care inca n-am datorie
To whom I don't owe anything yet
Da' nu-i nimic, am mai fost eu pe-aici
But it's okay, I've been here before
Sa sparg intr-o seara cat nu fac in cinci
To break in one night what I don't do in five
Cu niste amici si sticla complice
With some friends and a bottle as an accomplice
Pana nimeni nu poa' sa se mai ridice
Until no one can stand up anymore
Pierde vara, pierde tot anu'
Waste the summer, waste the whole year
Felicitari mie c-am reusit
Congratulations to me for succeeding
Sa mai bifez o zi in care nu fac nimic
To tick off another day where I do nothing
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
Si, daca vorbeai de viitor, dadeam cu banu
And if you talked about the future, I'd toss a coin
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
Ieseam din club mereu deodata cu barmanu'
I'd leave the club at the same time as the bartender
E dimineata, asta nu-i patu' meu
It's morning, this isn't my bed
Nici ceasul meu
Nor is it my watch
Parca nu sunt eu
It feels like it's not me
Vad un trandafir si un sutien cat o husa de tir
I see a rose and a bra as big as a rifle case
Am telefonul, dar n-am pantaloni
I have a phone, but no pants
Ma uit pe story, shot-uri cu Flori
I look at my story, shots with Flori
Ce-am facut azi noapte, ca am zero memorii
What did I do last night, because I have zero memories
Stai o secunda, who the f*ck is Flori
Wait a second, who the f*ck is Flori
Pierde vara, da
Waste the summer, yeah
Pierde tot anu'
Waste the whole year
Pierde vara, da
Waste the summer, yeah
Sunt pierde tot anu'
I'm a waste the whole year
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
N-am fost un pierde vara
I wasn't a summer loser
Am fost un pierde tot anu'
I was a waste the whole year
Ieseam din club mereu deodata cu barmanu'
I'd leave the club at the same time as the bartender

Авторы: mahia beldo, vescan, cuza

Vescan feat. Noaptea Tarziu - Pierde Tot Anu'
Pierde Tot Anu'
дата релиза

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