Vico-C - Mundo Artificial - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vico-C - Mundo Artificial

Mundo Artificial
Artificial World
Salí un día con amigo y sin dinero a buscar diversión
One day I went out with my friend, broke, looking for some fun.
Tenia un carro del año ropa moderna y en su cuello un cadenon
He had a brand new car, modern clothes and a big chain around his neck.
Me presento sus amitadas profesionales de alta posición
He introduced me to his friends, professional women in high positions.
Y yo solo aparentaba tener dinero para formar más unión
And I just pretended to have money to be more connected.
Conocí una muchacha de ojos azules y un cuerpo fenomenal
I met a girl with blue eyes and a phenomenal body.
Dije que era el hijo de un doctor para poderle interesar
I told her I was a doctor's son to spark her interest.
La invite a salir y me miro de arriba a abajo
I asked her out and she looked at me from head to toe,
Hasta que quizo aceptar y yo no sabía que
until she finally agreed, and I didn't know that
Estaba formando parte del mundo artificial
I was becoming part of the artificial world.
Mundo artificial
Artificial world.
Mundo artificial
Artificial world.
Al llegar a casa me puse la mejor ropa que tenía
When I got home, I put on the best clothes I had.
Era la cita más cara de vida así que vacie alcancia
It was the most expensive date of my life, so I emptied my piggy bank.
Cogi el carro de tío prestado y sin decir hacia donde iba
I borrowed my uncle's car without telling him where I was going.
Conduci a la casa de la chica y era
I drove to the girl's house and it was
Un palacio desde abajo hasta arriba
a palace from top to bottom.
Toque la puerta, abrio el papá y preguntó, " ¿Tienes Dinero?"
I knocked on the door, her father opened it and asked, "Do you have money?"
Y yo le dije:usted despreocupese que eso para es lo primero
And I said: "Don't worry, that's the least of my concerns."
Me invitó a pasar me invito a cenar pero para ser bien sincero
He invited me in, invited me to dinner, but to be honest,
Me sentía como simple gusano en el medio de un gallinero
I felt like a simple worm in the middle of a chicken coop.
Por fin salimos, fuimos al cine y gozamos sin descansar
We finally went out, went to the movies, and had a blast.
Todo lo que ella tocará con la vista yo lo tenía que comprar
Everything she laid her eyes on, I had to buy.
Pero, que importa, nos hicimos novios y nos fuimos a celebrar
But, what does it matter, we became a couple and went out to celebrate.
Y mi mente no comprendía que ella estaba en el mundo artificial
And my mind didn't understand that she was in the artificial world.
Mundo artificial
Artificial world.
Mundo de fantasía
Fantasy world.
situación economica empeoro de la noche al amanecer
My financial situation went from bad to worse overnight.
En esos días tuve que trabajar duro hasta más no poder
In those days I had to work hard, to the point of exhaustion.
Y todo ese lo hacía para que mis panas ricos pudieran ver
And I did all of it so that my rich buddies could see
Que a cualquier señorita de cualquier posición la podía complacer
that I could please any lady of any social standing.
Su supuesto amor que sentía por la hizo pensar en la boda
The supposed love she felt for me made her think about getting married.
Y yo me dije a mismo "Dios mío pero quien me salva ahora"
And I said to myself, "Oh God, who will save me now?"
Y solamente para que todos me dijeran "Vico C el casanova"
And just so everyone would call me "Vico C the Casanova,"
Decidí complacerla y convertirla para siempre en señora
I decided to please her and make her my wife forever.
Concluí en que pobreza ya no la tenía que negar
I concluded that I no longer had to hide my poverty.
Ella decía juraba y aseguraba que siempre me iba a adorar
She said, swore, and assured me that she would always adore me.
La lleve a casa para que se pudiera familiarizar
I took her to my house so she could become familiar with it.
Y allí comenzó la tragedia hecha por el mundo artificial
And there the tragedy, created by the artificial world, began.
Mundo artificial
Artificial world.
Al mirar los humildes muebles que adornaban apartamento
Upon seeing the humble furniture that adorned my apartment,
Se mostro extrañada y se fue, sin tan siquiera tomar asiento
she looked surprised and left, without even taking a seat.
Y yo, que no comprendía lo que pasaba en esos momentos
And I, who didn't understand what was happening in those moments,
Decidí perseguirla, pero mis pasos fueron demasiado lentos
decided to chase after her, but my steps were too slow.
Me llamo y me confesó que fue una gran desilusión
She called me and confessed that it had been a huge disappointment.
Y yo afectado le dije que quería una simple explicación
And I, hurt, told her I wanted a simple explanation.
Me dijo que habiamos terminado sin la minima compasión
She told me that we were over, without a shred of compassion.
Y colgo el teléfono, y esa fue su última decisión
And she hung up the phone, and that was her final decision.
Decidí salir a buscarla pues yo no podía aceptar
I decided to go look for her, I couldn't accept
Que me dejara así porque si con todas mis dudas sin aclarar
that she would leave me like this, with all my doubts unanswered.
Al llegar a su casa mis lágrimas se empezaron a derramar
When I arrived at her house, my tears began to fall,
Cuando la vi con amigo el rico
when I saw her with her rich friend.
Así es el mundo artificial
That's how the artificial world is.
Mundo artificial
Artificial world.
Gente plástica, sin corazón
Plastic people, heartless.
Mundo de fantasía
Fantasy world.
Mundo artificial
Artificial world.

Авторы: Luis Manuel Lozada-santiago

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