Vico C & Redimi2 - Paopaopao - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vico C & Redimi2 - Paopaopao

En la Calle
On the Streets
Me dicen que tu eres el duro
They tell me you're the tough one,
Que tienes el control del bloque
That you control the block,
Que muere el que contigo se choque
That anyone who clashes with you dies.
No se equivoquen
Don't be mistaken,
En la calle
On the streets,
También se anda comentando
There's also talk going around
Que te la pasas abusando
That you spend your time abusing,
Por eso te están asechando
That's why they're watching you,
Y te están velando
And they're keeping an eye on you.
Pao pao pao (coge mi palabra)
Pao pao pao (take my word)
Pao pao pao (que al tipo que tu cucas)
Pao pao pao (the guy you mess with)
Pao pao pao (si le tiras con bala)
Pao pao pao (if you shoot him with a bullet)
Pao pao pao (regresa con bazuca)
Pao pao pao (he'll come back with a bazooka)
Pao pao pao (si mata tu camino)
Pao pao pao (if he kills your path)
Pao pao pao (tu sueño asesina)
Pao pao pao (he murders your dreams)
Pao pao pao (seras copa sin vino)
Pao pao pao (you'll be a cup without wine)
Pao pao pao (muerto que camina)
Pao pao pao (a walking dead)
Si te crees el man
If you think you're the man,
Te crees el gran papa
The big papa,
Yo no sumbo plomo pero vuelo tapas
I don't carry lead, but I fly caps.
Tu mi lata
You're my target,
Lírica que da, pero no mata
Lyrics that hit, but don't kill,
Tiene más peso que tu bunky y que tu gata
They have more weight than your buddy and your girl.
Saca... te el metal de la cintura que llegaron 10 federicos
Take... the metal from your waist, 10 feds have arrived,
Y 10 dela funa
And 10 from the DEA,
Y jura que si te cojen vas pa′l boquete
And they swear if they catch you, you're going to the hole,
Una década encerrado y cinco años con grillete
A decade locked up and five years with an ankle monitor.
Por eso estoy aquí para decir aunque te enojes
That's why I'm here to say, even if it makes you angry,
Que el que siembra fuego, no es maíz lo que recoge
That he who sows fire, doesn't reap corn.
Y coge... que si te tiran sin cobel
And understand... if they shoot you without a vest,
No abra quien te tape, ni te pare, ni te sobe el coco
There will be no one to cover you, stop you, or soothe your head,
Y si no mueres baja el moco
And if you don't die, lower your profile,
Que si quedas cojo pai te atrapan esos locos
Because if you're left limping, girl, those crazy guys will catch you,
Y pao pao pao pal foco
And pao pao pao to the head.
Y perdona si te asusto con el tema que te toco
And forgive me if I scare you with the topic I touch.
Pao Pao Pao (si tu siembras plomo)
Pao Pao Pao (if you sow lead)
Pao Pao Pao (plomo tu cosechas)
Pao Pao Pao (you will reap lead)
Pao Pao Pao (y si tu das muerte)
Pao Pao Pao (and if you give death)
Pao Pao Pao (la muerte te asecha)
Pao Pao Pao (death stalks you)
Pao Pao Pao (camine por la orilla)
Pao Pao Pao (walk by the shore)
Pao Pao Pao (por donde no se choca)
Pao Pao Pao (where you don't clash)
Pao Pao Pao (y si estás en lo malo)
Pao Pao Pao (and if you're in the wrong)
Pao Pao Pao (Lo malo te toca)
Pao Pao Pao (the wrong touches you)
Tipo porqué desde que te fumas un churro
Dude, why is it that when you smoke a joint,
Te crees mas duro que el castillo del morro
You think you're tougher than the Morro Castle,
Pero te agarran en la boca del zorro
But they catch you at the fox's mouth,
Ahí te ablandas y pides socorro
There you soften and ask for help.
Ayer te la luciste disparando
Yesterday you showed off by shooting,
Le vaciaste un par de peines al otro bando
You emptied a couple of clips at the other side,
Yo que en vez de estar gozando y celebrando
If I were you, instead of enjoying and celebrating,
Papito acusate que te están velando
Baby, turn yourself in, they're watching you.
Hoy es tu fiesta y mañana puede ser tu entierro
Today is your party, and tomorrow it could be your funeral,
Porque al que hierro mata muere por el hierro
Because he who kills by the sword, dies by the sword.
Si tu distes salsa no esperes espagueti
If you gave salsa, don't expect spaghetti,
Si sembraste plomo no esperes confeti
If you sowed lead, don't expect confetti.
Antes de usted hacer lo que vaya a hacer mi hermano
Before you do what you're going to do, my brother,
Recuerde que allá arriba existe un Dios soberano
Remember that up there, there is a sovereign God,
Y si en la vida tu escogiste ser el villano
And if in life you chose to be the villain,
Enfrentarás las consecuencias tarde o temprano
You will face the consequences sooner or later.
En la calle
On the streets
Me dicen que tu eres el duro
They tell me you're the tough one,
Que tienes el control del bloque
That you control the block,
Que muere el que contigo se choque
That anyone who clashes with you dies.
No se equivoquen
Don't be mistaken,
En la calle
On the streets,
También se anda comentando
There's also talk going around
Que te la pasas abusando
That you spend your time abusing,
Por eso te están asechando
That's why they're watching you,
Y te están velando
And they're keeping an eye on you.
Pao Pao Pao (si tu siembras plomo)
Pao Pao Pao (if you sow lead)
Pao Pao Pao (plomo tu cosechas)
Pao Pao Pao (you will reap lead)
Pao Pao Pao (y si tu das muerte)
Pao Pao Pao (and if you give death)
Pao Pao Pao (la muerte te asecha)
Pao Pao Pao (death stalks you)
Pao Pao Pao (si matas tu camino)
Pao Pao Pao (if he kills your path)
Pao Pao Pao (tu sueños asesina)
Pao Pao Pao (he murders your dreams)
Pao Pao Pao (seras copa sin vino)
Pao Pao Pao (you'll be a cup without wine)
Pao Pao Pao (muerto que camina)
Pao Pao Pao (a walking dead)
Oh men (huuuuu)
Oh man (huuuuu)
Este es el resultado (muerto que camina)
This is the result (a walking dead)
De una combinación
Of a combination
De un fenómeno y un filósofo (muerto que camina)
Of a phenomenon and a philosopher (a walking dead)
El tatara abuelo y el tatara nieto
The great-great-grandfather and the great-great-grandson
Es redimido men
It's Redimi2 man
Un producto música
A musical product
De la A a la Z (estereoFony)
From A to Z (estereoFony)
Pao Pao Pao
Pao Pao Pao
Pao Pao Pao
Pao Pao Pao
Pao Pao Pao
Pao Pao Pao
Pao Pao Pao
Pao Pao Pao

Авторы: Luis Lozada, Willy Cruz

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