Vico C - El Bueno, El Malo Y El Feo (feat. Tego Calderon Y Eddie Dee) (Dance Hall) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vico C - El Bueno, El Malo Y El Feo (feat. Tego Calderon Y Eddie Dee) (Dance Hall)

El Bueno, El Malo Y El Feo (feat. Tego Calderon Y Eddie Dee) (Dance Hall)
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (feat. Tego Calderon & Eddie Dee) (Dancehall)
Oye, el turno es del feo asi que tirate, tapate,
Hey, it's the ugly one's turn, so take cover, girl,
En vez de uno son tres de la paste los marie,
Instead of one, there are three of us from the paste, the Marie,
Soy el que tira como las ve, de la escuela de Vico y el E-d-d
I'm the one who throws it like he sees it, from the school of Vico and E-d-d,
A ti se te tranco el bolo con el cocolo
Your flow got stuck with the coconut,
Tus sueño de grandeza los esborono, negrolo
I erased your dreams of greatness, little black boy,
Y eso que estan culpandonos
And they're blaming us for that,
Ajorandonos, hablando bazofia marginandonos
Pressuring us, talking trash, marginalizing us,
En ves de ser, Tego el que te canta
Instead of being Tego, the one who sings to you,
Podria ser, Tego el que te asalta, saco e′ trampa
I could be Tego, the one who assaults you, saca e′ trampa,
Lucho pa' que mi hija nunca pase hambre
I fight so my daughter never goes hungry,
Por eso tienen que matarme
That's why they have to kill me,
Y no te crea que es de boca, pa′ fuera canto e' collera
And don't think it's just talk, I sing loudly,
Me pongo necio en la ruñidera,
I get tough in the fight,
Yo no tengo culpa de tu fracaso, payaso
I'm not to blame for your failure, clown,
Dejame por loco y no hagas caso
Think I'm crazy and ignore me,
Oye lo que te conviene, llora, llora nene
Listen to what's good for you, cry, cry baby,
Gente como tu sin control me tiene
People like you with no control have me,
Tu no pagas mis deudas, ni me das plata
You don't pay my debts, nor do you give me money,
Y es que de verdad no amenaza, Guasa Guasa.
And the truth is, you're no threat, Guasa Guasa.
Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
I don't know why they wanna mess with us,
(Se le acabo el aceite, a sus lampara)
(Their lamps ran out of oil,)
Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
They just can't handle our lyrics so raw,
(Quien dijo que no quedaba na′ papa)
(Who said there was nothing left, papa?)
Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa′ca
I don't know why they wanna mess with us,
(Se le acabo el aceite, a sus lampara)
(Their lamps ran out of oil,)
Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
They just can't handle our lyrics so raw,
(Quien dijo que no quedaba na' papa)
(Who said there was nothing left, papa?)
Sigo en mi viaje
I'm still on my journey,
Directo del clandestinaje
Straight from the underground,
Con un flow salvaje
With a wild flow,
No hay personaje que se preste pa′l sabotaje
There's no character who can sabotage me,
No hay quien pueda con el cangrinaje
No one can handle the hustle,
Hablan de mas, y no dan pa' na
They talk too much, and they're good for nothing,
Se les acabo el aceite a sus lamparas
Their lamps ran out of oil,
Muchos suite, muchas armas, mucho bling-bling
Many suites, many weapons, lots of bling-bling,
Y ala hora de la verdad, salen huyendo como Hussein
And when it comes down to it, they flee like Hussein,
Esos mecanismo ya yo los conosco
I already know those mechanisms,
Llevan mil años tratando de tumbarme el quiosco
They've been trying to knock down my kiosk for a thousand years,
No se comparan con la letra mia,
They can't compare to my lyrics,
Porque viven en la isla pero de la fantasia
Because they live on the island, but in a fantasy,
Pana mio, no te duermas con el trio
My friend, don't fall asleep with the trio,
Pa′ nosotros esto es pan comio,
For us, this is easy,
Va muy ligero ni sueñes con ser primero
You're going too fast, don't even dream of being first,
Donde manda capitan no manda marinero
Where the captain commands, the sailor doesn't,
Esto es junte pa' la historia
This is a gathering for history,
De Puerto Rico pa′l mundo en victoria
From Puerto Rico to the world in victory,
Haciendo cosas diferentes,
Doing things differently,
Porque yo no estoy pegao yo le gusto a la gente.
Because I'm not stuck, people like me.
Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
I don't know why they wanna mess with us,
(Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
(Their lamps ran out of oil,)
Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
They just can't handle our lyrics so raw,
(Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
(Who said there was nothing left, papa?)
Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
I don't know why they wanna mess with us,
(Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
(Their lamps ran out of oil,)
Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
They just can't handle our lyrics so raw,
(Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
(Who said there was nothing left, papa?)
Aqui llego el mas que tiene muela
Here comes the one with the most teeth,
Mas clasico que Doña Fela
More classic than Doña Fela,
El arquitecto de la vieja escuela
The architect of the old school,
Y se cancelan los planes de los que me celan
And the plans of those who envy me are canceled,
Ahora vamos a ver, si el gas pela
Now let's see if the gas peels,
Porque con lo mio come mucho mas que Pacman
Because with mine, you eat much more than Pacman,
Tengo mucho mas trucos que el cinturon de Batman
I have many more tricks than Batman's belt,
Tus palabras contra la mia se te gastan
Your words against mine wear out,
Con lo tuyo se aburren, con lo mio se arrastran
They get bored with yours, they crawl with mine,
Aqui esta el bueno, el malo y el feo
Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly,
Tirando ′tras nosotros cascaritas de guineo
Throwing banana peels behind us, Jua,
Pa′l que nos persiga se resbale, Jua
So whoever chases us slips, Jua,
Pa'l que habla del tecato y se le bira la quija
For the one who talks about the junkie and his planchette turns,
Gobierno, escucha bien mi queja, que tengo liricas
Government, listen well to my complaint, I have lyrics,
Que pueden destrosar hasta el chicho de la oreja
That can destroy even the earwax,
De mi abusastes tras las rejas, pero ahora estoy afuera
You abused me behind bars, but now I'm out,
(¿Que, Que?)
(What, What?)
Y mi defecto no me acompleja, So-salpica, brinca cuica,
And my defect doesn't complex me, So-splash, jump cuica,
Que lo que tengo el pica pica tu no me ganas ni en canica
What I have, the pica pica, you can't beat me even in canica,
Y mira aquien se lo explica, mastica
And look who explains it to you, chew,
Llegaron los que aplastan al que critica.
The ones who crush the critics have arrived.
Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa′ca
I don't know why they wanna mess with us,
(Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
(Their lamps ran out of oil,)
Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
They just can't handle our lyrics so raw,
(Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
(Who said there was nothing left, papa?)
Que yo no se porque ellos quieren tirar pa'ca
I don't know why they wanna mess with us,
(Se le acabo el aceite, a su lampara)
(Their lamps ran out of oil,)
Es que no pueden con su letras tan sangana
They just can't handle our lyrics so raw,
(Quien dijo que no quedaba na papa)
(Who said there was nothing left, papa?)

Авторы: Luis Lozada, Domingo Ramos, Tegui Calderon-rosario, Eddie Davila

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