Vico C - Mi Forma De Tiraera - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vico C - Mi Forma De Tiraera

Mi Forma De Tiraera
My Way of Dissing
Mi forma de tiraera, chequea, que me los gano a mi manera,
My way of dissing, check it, I win them over my way,
Y vela que desde otoño hasta primavera
And watch, from autumn to spring
No encontraras otra cancion que sea mas potente y mas sincera,
You won't find another song as powerful and sincere,
Es mi forma de orientarlo guiarlo
It's my way of guiding you, leading you
Sin boconiar que voy a masacrarlos o velarlos
Without boasting that I'm going to massacre or bury them
Traigo la regla para despertarlos
I bring the ruler to wake them up
Aver si puedo de la fantacia lebantarlos
Let's see if I can lift them from their fantasy
Mi forma de tiraera, chequea, que me los gano a mi manera
My way of dissing, check it, I win them over my way
Y vela que desde otoño hasta primavera
And watch, from autumn to spring
No encontraras otra cancion que sea mas potente y mas sincera
You won't find another song as powerful and sincere
Es mi forma de orientarlo guiarlo
It's my way of guiding you, leading you
Sin boconiar que voy a masacrarlos o velarlos
Without boasting that I'm going to massacre or bury them
Traigo la regla para despertarlos
I bring the ruler to wake them up
Aver si puedo de la fantacia lebantarlos
Let's see if I can lift them from their fantasy
1997 la tiraera estaba al palo en el rap y yo estaba algarete
1997, dissing was hot in rap and I was adrift
No tenia la moral para estar opinando
I didn't have the morale to be giving my opinion
Asi que me quede en silencio analizando
So I stayed silent, analyzing
De que algun dia les daria cual es mi opinion
That one day I would give them my opinion
Pero primero cambiaria mi condicion
But first I would change my condition
Para cantar desde otro punto de vista
To sing from another point of view
No como un vico violento sino como un vico pasifista
Not as a violent Vico, but as a pacifist Vico
Hice la lista, de lo que havia que cambiar
I made a list of what had to change
Y vi que de mi tierra me tenia que mudar
And I saw that I had to move from my land
Vine a parar con mi familia a la ciudad de orlando
I ended up with my family in the city of Orlando
Y poco a poco pude ver que ya estaba cambiando
And little by little I could see that I was already changing
Donde el 98 habia llegado estaba preparado
By the time '98 arrived, I was ready
Y mi produccion ya la habia grabado
And I had already recorded my production
Sacando a mucha gente del decierto
Taking many people out of the desert
Con una produccion que titule aquel que habia muerto
With a production that I titled "The One Who Had Died"
No tenia ni un mensage sinico tampoco siquico,
It didn't have a cynical message, nor a psychic one,
Y no hablaba de nadie en especifico
And I wasn't talking about anyone in particular
Estaba dando testimonio con mi fisico pero algunos cantantes
I was giving testimony with my physique, but some singers
Le apestaba como acrilico
It stunk to them like acrylic
Y uno de ellos que siempre me ha caido bien
And one of them who has always been cool with me
Que hasta me habia recortado cerca de lloren
Who had even given me a haircut near Lloren
De mi persona dejo grabadas difamaciones con cosas
Left defamations of me recorded with things
Que no tenia confirmadas, me pregunte
That he hadn't confirmed, I asked myself
Que haria Cristo en este caso se revelaria o cuidaria sus pasos?
What would Christ do in this case, would he rebel or watch his steps?
Me tomo tiempo aguantarme sin tirar bombasos
It took me time to hold back without throwing bombs
Pero aprendi que con amor hay que dar los cantazos
But I learned that blows must be given with love
Mi forma de tiraera, chequea, que me los gano a mi manera,
My way of dissing, check it, I win them over my way,
Y vela que desde otoño hasta primavera
And watch, from autumn to spring
No encontraras otra cancion que sea mas potente y mas sincera,
You won't find another song as powerful and sincere,
Es mi forma de orientarlo guiarlo
It's my way of guiding you, leading you
Sin boconiar que voy a masacrarlos o velarlos
Without boasting that I'm going to massacre or bury them
Traigo la regla para despertarlos
I bring the ruler to wake them up
Aver si puedo de la fantacia lebantarlos
Let's see if I can lift them from their fantasy
Como quien dice es el 2004
It's 2004, as they say
La tiraera sigue viva y ya a estado por un largo rato
Dissing is still alive and has been for a long time
Desde que me hicieeron victima han pasado años
Years have passed since they made me a victim
Y si me dejaba ajitar, cual seria en daño?
And if I let myself get agitated, what would be the harm?
Quiza empezaria hacer papel de pistolero
Maybe I'd start playing the role of a gunman
Cantando letras de matar aunque no sea sincero
Singing lyrics about killing even if it's not sincere
Mi vida seria solo un misterio
My life would be just a mystery
Puede que fuece a un hospital o que acabara en un cementerio
I might end up in a hospital or in a cemetery
Porque lo gritos de guerra lo que traen es guerra
Because war cries bring war
Y si estoy guerreando que bueno le doy a mi tierra
And if I'm warring, what good am I doing for my land?
Que diria a un hijo mio que sacara un arma
What would I say to a son of mine who pulled out a gun
Cuando mis labios tieran tiros y no la calma
When my lips spit bullets and not calm
Pero la gente lo quiere porque la entretiene
But people like it because it entertains them
Pero cuando llega el dia en que la muerte viene
But when the day comes when death comes
Se preguntan "quien fue el que mato a mi nene"?
They ask, "Who killed my child?"
Pero nuca supervisan el cd que tienen,
But they never check the CD they have,
Quisa dirian en directa que los condenen
Maybe they would say directly to condemn them
Amenazarlo tirotearlo hasta por las cienes
Threaten to shoot them even in the temples
Pero al contrario les deseo lo que nos mantiene
But on the contrary, I wish them what sustains us
El pan de vida asi que vengan para que cenen
The bread of life, so come and dine
Lo que yo siembro es lo que cosecho, eso es un hecho
What I sow is what I reap, that's a fact
No puedo estar birao y caminar derecho
I can't be twisted and walk straight
No puedo pretender sacar a alguien por el techo
I can't pretend to throw someone out the roof
Y no pensar que es posible que me explote el pecho
And not think it's possible my chest will explode
Desde hace tiempo este mismo tema ya les traje
I've been bringing you this same theme for a long time
Pero hay cantantes que no entienden este mensaje
But there are singers who don't understand this message
Que vengo con bandera blanca dentro de mi equipaje
That I come with a white flag inside my luggage
Para que atiendan comprendan y pa que encajen
So that they listen, understand, and fit in
Mi forma de tiraera, chequea, que me los gano a mi manera,
My way of dissing, check it, I win them over my way,
Y vela que desde otoño hasta primavera
And watch, from autumn to spring
No encontraras otra cancion que sea mas potente y mas sincera,
You won't find another song as powerful and sincere,
Es mi forma de orientarlo guiarlo
It's my way of guiding you, leading you
Sin boconiar que voy a masacrarlos o velarlos
Without boasting that I'm going to massacre or bury them
Traigo la regla para despertarlos
I bring the ruler to wake them up
Aver si puedo de la fantacia lebantarlos
Let's see if I can lift them from their fantasy
Chequea la gente que te rodea
Check the people around you
Estudia bien sus corazones para que usted vea
Study their hearts well so you can see
Que su amistad esta compuesta de malas mañas
That their friendship is made up of bad habits
Que te saludan y despues contra ti, memete sisaña
That they greet you and then gossip against you
No meten caña en la madurez, asi es que es
They don't put in the effort in maturity, that's how it is
Ni tampoco saben donde es que caminan sus pies
Nor do they know where their feet are walking
Mentes de mimen no se aproximen a discutir con la gente
Mimicking minds, don't come close to arguing with people
Que saben para que no se lastimen
Who know, so you don't get hurt
De mi mente sale luz para que se animen
Light comes out of my mind to encourage them
De la suya sale fango cuando la esprimen
Mud comes out of theirs when they squeeze it
Su sinsañeo no me oprime, no van hacer que me vuelvan a tirar
Their gossip doesn't oppress me, they won't make me shoot again
Y a pelear me obliguen, mi vision es demaciado grande
And force me to fight, my vision is too big
Si me rebuscas veras que no hay pistola que conmigo ande
If you search me, you'll see that there's no gun that walks with me
Lo que traigo es conocimiento que se expande
What I bring is knowledge that expands
Por mas sisaña que usted me mande, voy pa′ lante
No matter how much gossip you send me, I'm going forward
Pa tras ni pa' cojer impulso
Not backward or to gain momentum
Tengo cafe que con mi cristocina te lo endulzo
I have coffee that I sweeten for you with my Christ-like essence
Con mi cancion que no es de guerra si no un discurso,
With my song, which is not of war, but a speech,
Para que los que se creen rambo cojan su curso, y como expulso,
So that those who think they are Rambo take their course, and how I expel,
Al ignorante de mi casa, que con su lirica me atraza mi querida raza
The ignorant from my house, who with their lyrics confuse my beloved race
Que es lo que pasa, arreguindate de esto, que esto si es melaza
What's going on, wake up to this, this is real sweetness
Mi forma de tiraera, chequea, que me los gano a mi manera,
My way of dissing, check it, I win them over my way,
Y vela que desde otoño hasta primavera
And watch, from autumn to spring
No encontraras otra cancion que sea mas potente y mas sincera
You won't find another song as powerful and sincere
Es mi forma de orientarlo guiarlo
It's my way of guiding you, leading you
Sin boconiar que voy a masacrarlos o velarlos
Without boasting that I'm going to massacre or bury them
Traigo la regla para despertarlos
I bring the ruler to wake them up
Aver si puedo de la fantacia lebantarlos
Let's see if I can lift them from their fantasy

Авторы: Luis Armando Lozada, Paul F. Irizarry, Domingo Ramos

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