Vico C - Peligro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vico C - Peligro

V-I, V-I, C, C-O, O Y C, Y C?
V-I, V-I, C, C-O, O And C, And C?
Abusate y aprende de la vieja escuela
Abuse yourself and learn from the old school
Tengo hiphop, dinamita de la buena,
I have hiphop, dynamite from the good,
V-I, V-I, C, C-O, O Y C, Y C?
V-I, V-I, C, C-O, O And C, And C?
Abusate y aprende de la vieja escuela
Abuse yourself and learn from the old school
Tengo hiphop, dinamita de la buena
I have hiphop, dynamite from the good
Click, click pop-pop.
Click, click pop-pop.
El profesor de todos los Mc's
The teacher of all the Mc's
V-I-C-O C,? C-C-O-C-C-O-C
V-I-C-O C,? C-C-O-C-C-O-C
Rindiendo cuenta siempre al maestro jc
Always reporting to Master JC
Progamando musica Fun, Funk a Funky
Programming music Fun, Funk to Funky
Salganse del medio que es the ready to attack
Get out of the way that is the ready to attack
Si no quieres que te coma como un Snacks, am bats
If you don't want me to eat you like a snack, am bats
Mas completo dulce spas
More complete dulce spas
Tengo hiphop metiendo puntos como shaq
I have hiphop getting points like shaq
Ninja, ninja yo
Ninja, ninja me
Traigo peligro como un ninja, ninja yo
I bring danger like a ninja, ninja me
Porque sigo desbaratando bando yo
Because I keep breaking up sides I
En especial a los que estan difamando yo,
Especially those who are slandering me,
Hay un ejercito que esta tirando me
There's an army that's pulling me
Pero a ninguno esta amedrentando me
But no one is intimidating me
Anti raperos se estan muy copiando me
Anti-rappers are copying me a lot
Y de la radio van eliminando me,
And from the radio they are eliminating me,
Pero yo sigo completando la mision
But I keep completing the mission
Sabes que no le temo a tu corrupción
You know I'm not afraid of your corruption
Musica rap esta pidiendo a tu estacion
Rap music is asking for your station
Y tu no le puedes ganar a una Nación, Juuuj!
And you can't beat a nation, Juuuj!
Mi espada va cortandolo sin pena, What? s?
My sword is cutting him without pity, what? s?
Si es mi soldado que a su lado, tiene un tin perfecto que Destrehan
If he is my soldier that next to him, he has a perfect tin that Destrehan
Aprende en el Scene not nena
Learn at the Scene not baby
Is Off esf! Cada vez que Vico llega y suena
Is Off esf! Every time Vico comes and rings
Porque yo vengo aficciando la Lyrics bien Rough
Because I've been making up the Lyrics well Rough
A ver si en verdad tu eres bien Tough
Let's see if you're really tough...
Cuando yo me enciendo no me pongo en Off
When I turn on I don't turn off
Y para mi no fue, si no fue Dindin
And for me it wasn't, if it wasn't Dindin
Me dieron la señal de subirme al ring
They gave me the signal to get in the ring
Y mi entrenador sigue siendo el King
And my coach is still the King
Por eso la batalla la peleo bien Clean
That's why I fight the battle clean...
Meto kid, meto So meto foco, meto swing
Meto kid, meto So meto focus, meto swing
Dilililirilin, Get V-I-C
Dilililirilin, Get V-I-C
Gente de la mush, cud-cud the kilicid
People of the mush, cud-cud the kilicide
Abusate y aprende de la Vieja Escuela
Abuse yourself and learn from the Old School
Click, click pop dinamita de la buena.
Click, click pop dynamite of the good.
Agarralo, prendelo, escuchalo, estudialo, repitelo
Grab it, turn it on, listen to it, study it, repeat it
Analizalo y copialo, pruebalo
Analyze it and copy it, try it
Mastica y saborea el big's
Chew and taste the big's
Y acaba de entender porque no puedes competir con VC,
And just understand why you can't compete with VC,
¿Y quien es el gladiador? ¿Quién es el champion?
And who is the gladiator? Who is the champion?
¿Quién es aquel? Que cuando canta tu te pones en On
Who is that? That when she sings you get on...
Porque te tira lo que llega dentro del corazon
Because it throws you what comes inside the heart
Y sabes bien que tu conciencia a mi me da la razon
And you know well that your conscience gives me the reason
¿Y quien es el General? ¿Quién es el Capitan?
And who is the General? Who is the Captain?
¿Quién es aquel? Que cuando canta los demonios se van
Who is that? That when he sings the demons leave
Porque su lirica no la detiene ni Superman
Because her lyrics don't stop her, not even Superman
Y los novatos atrevidos asustados estan
And the daring scared newbies are
So, corre, corre y avisale a tu Màma
So, run, run and tell your mom
Al que duerme que se cambia la piyama
To the one who sleeps who changes his pajamas
Para que aqui venga y salude al Crece
To come here and say hello to the Grow
Ven que aqui bulla las estupideces
You see the stupid stuff is going on here
Corre, corre y avisale a tu Papa
Run, run and tell your Dad
Para que aproveche cuando de la ñapa
So that you can take advantage when from the ñapa
Poesia callejera que esta fama
Street poetry that this fame
Si no esta preparado Detra-nana
If you are not ready for the Nana
Hay, hayyayay Coma
There is, hayyayay Coma
En un solo dia no construyeron a Roma
They didn't build Rome in a single day
Poco a poco vamos escalando esta Loma
Little by little we are climbing this hill
Ya que nos dirije a alcanzar la na,
As I lead us to reach the na,
Peligro Yo, digo peligro Yo, Digo peligro
Danger I say danger I say danger
No busques que te marque dentro de mi libro
Don't look for me to mark you inside my book
Y sigo, dando en la disco cuando es que me tiran
And I keep on, hitting the disco when it's that they throw me
Que no es a mi si no a DIOS que desafian.
It is not me but God that is being challenged.

Авторы: Lozada Luis Armando

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