Vico C - Por el Lente del Cielo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vico C - Por el Lente del Cielo

Por el Lente del Cielo
Through the Lens of Heaven
Lo tildaron de malvado
They branded him as evil
Lo culparon asi
They blamed him like this
Porque nunca ha retirado
Because he has never removed
La aguja de sus venas
The needle from his veins
Lo tildaron de demente
They branded him as crazy
Lo sentenciaron asi
They sentenced him like this
Porque siempre fue el alcohol
Because he was always the alcohol
La cura de sus penas
The cure for his sorrows
Ya no le quieren hablar
They don't want to talk to him anymore
Por tanto miedo a perder
For so much fear of losing
El respeto de los otros hombres normales
The respect of other normal men
Los que dicen señalando
Those who say pointing
Mira por donde va aquel
Look where he goes
Pobre loco que ya no estén sus cabales
Poor madman who is no longer in his right mind
Pero Por El Lente Del Cielo
But Through the Lens of Heaven
Es otra persona con un futuro
He is another person with a future
Porque Por El Lente Del Cielo
Because Through the Lens of Heaven
No miran de nadie su lado oscuro
They don't see anyone's dark side
Sino lo grande del plan de Dios
But the greatness of God's plan
La tildaron de ramera
They branded her a whore
La culparon asi,
They blamed her like that
Porque es bien larga la lista
Because the list is long
De todos sus amantes
Of all her lovers
La tildaron de enfermiza
They branded her as sick
La sentenciaron asi
They sentenced her like this
Pues ya no ven la decencia
Because they no longer see the decency
Que proyectaba antes
That she projected before
Dicen que seria un tonto
They say that it would be foolish
El que la lleve al altar
He who takes her to the altar
Porque ya tiene tres hijos de amores pasados
Because she already has three children from past loves
Que lo unico que haria
That the only thing he would do
Es aprovechar y abusar
Is to take advantage and abuse
Porque ya sus sentimientos estan congelados
Because her feelings are already frozen
Pero Por El Lente Del Cielo
But Through the Lens of Heaven
Es otra persona con un futuro
He is another person with a future
Porque Por El Lente Del Cielo
Because Through the Lens of Heaven
No miran de nadie su lado oscuro
They don't see anyone's dark side
Sino lo grande del plan de Dios
But the greatness of God's plan
De que estas acusando al adicto
What are you accusing the addict of?
Por todas las veces que se quiere inyectar
For all the times he wants to inject himself
Si hoy te has tomado una botella de ron
If today you have had a bottle of rum
Y la cabeza te quiere estallar
And your head wants to explode
Si vives acusando a la vecina de al lado
If you live accusing the neighbor next door
Porque vive de la prostitución
Because she lives from prostitution
Si tu conyugue no te gusta
If you don't like your spouse
Pero te acuestas con el por su posición
But you sleep with him for his position
Estas evadiendo lo impuestos
You are evading taxes
Y criticando al ladrón
And criticizing the thief
Me tildaron de dos caras
They branded me as two-faced
Me culparon asi
They blamed me like this
Porque no daba el ejemplo de lo que cantaba
Because I did not set an example of what I sang
Me tildaron de engañoso
They branded me as a deceiver
Me sentenciaron asi
They sentenced me like this
Porque siempre se enteraban cada vez que fallaba
Because they always found out every time I failed
Todos decian lo mismo
Everyone said the same thing
Que ya no iba a poder
That I would no longer be able
Recuperar el respeto de los que me seguian
To regain the respect of those who followed me
La crueldad y la ignorancia no les permitia entender
Cruelty and ignorance did not allow them to understand
Que también era un humano que lloraba y sufria
That I was also a human being who cried and suffered
Pero Por El Lente Del Cielo
But Through the Lens of Heaven
Soy otra persona con un futuro
I am another person with a future
Porque Por El Lente Del Cielo
Because Through the Lens of Heaven
No miran de mi a mi lado oscuro
They don't look at me from my dark side
Si asi no fuera no existiria esta cancion
If it were not so, this song would not exist

Авторы: Lozada Luis Armando

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