Victor Rutty feat. Rober del Pyro & DJ Kaef - El Flaco - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Victor Rutty feat. Rober del Pyro & DJ Kaef - El Flaco

El Flaco
El Flaco
No queria jugar con el
I didn't want to play with him
Manda mas que un coronel
He commands more than a colonel
Al poco piensan tatuarse ya la piel
Soon they'll think about getting a tattoo on their skin
Se van yendo de su lao', amigos que me han ganao'
They're leaving, friends I've won
No fueron puñetazos, nos queria dejar un cao'
It wasn't punches, he wanted to leave us a mess
Por el barrio como un frile policiaco
Through the neighborhood like a cold cop
Nadie quiere tener que deberle nada al flaco
Nobody wants to owe the skinny guy anything
Va creciendo y aprendiendo como dar atracos
He's growing up and learning how to rob
La avaricia siempre acaba por romper el saco
Greed always ends up breaking the sack
Sus horas de libertad estan contadas
His hours of freedom are counted
Nada parara esta bala, polis, conos en su cara
Nothing will stop this bullet, cops, cones in his face
Drogas, putas, marcas caras
Drugs, whores, expensive brands
Una vida dedicada, nada sabes como acaba
A dedicated life, you don't know how it ends
Coches caros,
Expensive cars,
Claro nunca trabajando de noche donde todos los gatos son pardos
Of course never working at night where all the cats are brown
Adicciones, maldiciones,
Addictions, curses,
El camino equivocado acaba en un centro de menores encerrado
The wrong path ends up in a juvenile detention center
Pasa el tiempo
Time passes
Sale el loco del correccional
The crazy guy gets out of the correctional facility
Pasa el tiempo
Time passes
Es un bandante todo profesional
He's a professional gangster
Pasa el tiempo
Time passes
Pilla cacha empieza a funcionar
He gets a gun and starts to work
Pasa el tiempo
Time passes
El celular no deja de sonar
The phone never stops ringing
Paso ahora no la droga va con el
He's now dealing drugs, it's with him
Empieza a traficar
He starts dealing
Llena de putas la suite del hotel
He fills the hotel suite with whores
Roba joyas, coches caros
He steals jewelry, expensive cars
Aluniza sin reparo
He lands without any scruples
Y enfoca con dos palos
And focuses with two sticks
Tira al aire dos disparos
He shoots two shots in the air
Dinero fácil vuela rápido
Easy money flies fast
Sin libertad paga pena en un centro penitenciario
Without freedom he pays the penalty in a penitentiary
Muros de cemento y funcionarios
Concrete walls and officials
El tiempo pasa lento y dentro te mata el silencio
Time passes slowly and silence kills you inside
Si la suerte es de su lado más vale tomar cuidado
If luck is on his side, it's better to be careful
Camina cabizbajo por el patio
He walks with his head down in the yard
Quiere revivir cenizas del pasado
He wants to revive the ashes of the past
Las cosas ya no están como las había dejado
Things aren't the same as he left them
Las pocas visitas que le esperan les dicen
The few visits that await him tell him
Siempre como un poco flaco espero verte pronto fuera
Always a little skinny I hope to see you out soon
Las dos semanas que le quedan
The two weeks he has left
Esta pensado en otro plan donde van a ver dónde la pegan
He's thinking about another plan where they'll see where they're getting it
Camina solo en busca de dinero fácil
He walks alone in search of easy money
Humo negro en su cara, el caballo galopa su sangre
Black smoke on his face, the horse gallops his blood
Camina solo porque no lo quiere nadie
He walks alone because nobody wants him
La vida le dará lo que le quitara más tarde
Life will give him what he took away later
Se le a olvidado el mundo ya del otro lado de la valla
He's forgotten the world on the other side of the fence
Pregunta su mujer
His wife asks
La responde tu te callas
He answers you shut up
La vecina del primero grita
The neighbor downstairs yells
Mi niña bonita
My pretty girl
Pero sale con el coche a 100 y ella no se quita
But he leaves with the car at 100 and she doesn't take off

Авторы: Victor Roberto Daniel

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