VillaBanks - Egoista - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни VillaBanks - Egoista

(The Danger)
(The Danger)
Mi ha sgamato un'altra volta a letto con quella sua amica
She caught me again in bed with that friend of hers
Da è finita, nel senso la mia vita
From there it ended, I mean my life
Mami, ne me quitte pas, di quella
Baby, don't leave me, the one
Che ti importa, di me?
Who cares about me?
¿Qué te pasa? Perché non rispondi?
¿Qué te pasa? Why don't you answer?
Mi fa fare la parte dell'egoista
She makes me play the part of the egoist
Anche se domani per te lascerei tutto il resto
Even though tomorrow I would leave everything else for you
Non posso cancellare il male che ti ho fatto fino adesso
I can't erase the hurt I've caused you until now
Ce l'hai addosso, mi detesto
You carry it with you, I hate myself
Mi ami troppo, amo me stesso
You love me too much, I love myself
Ah, et ça y est, tu m'détestes, hein?
Ah, and that's it, you hate me, huh?
J'ai su, t'es vite partie t'faire sauter par ton ex, toi
I knew, you quickly went to get yourself screwed by your ex, you
Jamais j't'ai demandé d'rester
I never asked you to stay
On l'a fait pour quelle raison, déjà?
Why did we do it, anyway?
Ta voix s'est fondue à celle des gens
Your voice has melted into that of the people
Dans DM, t'es passée en général
In DMs, you've gone general
Et rien qu'pour ça, j'étais généreux
And just for that, I was generous
C'est la monnaie, y en a tellement qui t'envient
It's the money, so many envy you
T'étais avec moi sur les côtes
You were with me on the coasts
En même temps, t'aurais pu t'y attendre
At the same time, you could have expected it
T'as vu, j'ai perdu des ennuis avec les sons qu'j'ai fait dans ma chambre
You saw, I got out of trouble with the songs I made in my room
Gucci, Fendi et des damiers
Gucci, Fendi and checkerboards
Maintenant, t'as plus d'amour à vendre, et ça vaut cher
Now you have no more love to sell, and it's worth a lot
Tellement de luxe qu'j'irai acheter à toutes celles qui en auront la chance
So much luxury that I will buy for all those who will have the chance
Et les années passent mais j't'ai pas oubliée
And the years go by but I haven't forgotten you
J'suis pas sûr qu'tout peut s'oublier
I'm not sure everything can be forgotten
Un d'ces quatre, j't'appelle bourré
One of these days, I'll call you drunk
Ne me quitte pas, di quella
Don't leave me, the one
Che ti importa, di me?
Who cares about me?
¿Qué te pasa? Perché non rispondi?
¿Qué te pasa? Why don't you answer?
E non sarei altro che un egoista (io)
And I would be nothing but an egoist (me)
Anche se domani per te lasciassi tutto il resto (tutto il resto)
Even if tomorrow I left everything else for you (everything else)
Non potrei cancellare il male che ti ho fatto fino adesso
I couldn't erase the hurt I've caused you until now
Ce l'hai addosso, mi detesto
You carry it with you, I hate myself
Mi ami troppo, amo me stesso (io mi odio)
You love me too much, I love myself (I hate myself)
Almeno ci provo
At least I try
Lasciarti non lo puoi sapere quello che mi provoca
You can't know what it does to me to leave you
Droga, non è più la stessa cosa (la droga)
Drugs, it's not the same anymore (drugs)
Mi faccio più male e non sale la botta
I hurt myself more and the high doesn't come up
Terrazzo in ciabatte con un'altra thottie (un'altra thottie)
Terrace in slippers with another thottie (another thottie)
Quarta di marcia e di tette
Fourth gear and tits
Vuole fare di tutto
She wants to do everything
Come la sollevo, qua viene giù il tetto
As I lift her up, the roof comes down here
Elle fait le zgar, ensuite, elle s'barre
She makes a scene, then she leaves
Tout l'temps, elle espère qu'on va s'perdre, elle l'aura mérité
All the time, she hopes we'll get lost, she'll have deserved it
Si j'm'éloigne d'toi, j'me fous bien dans la merde
If I get away from you, I'll get myself in deep shit
Et t'auras aucun b'soin qu'j'te raconte toute la putain d'vérité (The Danger)
And you won't need me to tell you the whole fucking truth (The Danger)
Qu'j'deviens fou, j'vois des morts, t'façon, t'en as marre, v'là, les gamins m'admirent (el filósofo)
That I'm going crazy, I see dead people, anyway, you're tired of it, there, the kids admire me (el filósofo)
Ella dice que yo soy un egoísta
She says that I am an egoist
¿Por qué hablas así conmigo
Why do you talk to me like that
Y tus amigas? ¿Por qué?
And your friends? Why?
que hablas peor de cuando estás con ellas
I know you talk worse about me when you're with them
Cuando estás con todos
When you're with everyone
Quiere' apagar la estrella
You want to put out the star

Авторы: Dst

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