Violadores del Verso featuring Jeru the Damaja - Solo Quedar Consuelo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Violadores del Verso featuring Jeru the Damaja - Solo Quedar Consuelo

Solo Quedar Consuelo
Only Consolation Remains
quieres terciopelo? tendréis terciopelo,
You want velvet? You’ll have velvet,
Bien allá voy...
Well, here I go...
Cansado ya de ser el buena persona,
Tired of being the good guy,
Convertido ahora, en el que no perdona,
Now turned into, the one who doesn't forgive,
El que perdura y el que nunca su marcha afloja,
The one who endures and the one who never loosens his grip,
El que acongoja y el que hace poner culos en pompa,
The one who distresses and the one who makes asses bounce,
Rap no se adquiere ni en tumbas ni en tómbolas,
Rap is not acquired in tombs or in graves,
Seguimos nuestro curso como en canales, góndolas,
We follow our course as in canals, gondolas,
Grandes ropas, tocha gorda como Góngora,
Great clothes, fat head like Góngora,
No habra Quevedos de lenguas burlonas en mi contra,
There will be no Quevedos with mocking tongues against me,
Si se nota cuando suena mi flota,
It shows when my fleet sounds,
Distinguida de otras bandas cochambrosas, aqui muchas sobran,
Distinguished from other crappy bands, here many are superfluous,
Dispongan de lo que dispongan,
Have whatever they have,
La suficiente talla no dan,
They don't give enough size,
Siempre hice sombra, no me ignoras ni en broma,
I always made shade, you don't ignore me, not even as a joke,
Los pocas cosas retirénse echando ostias,
The few things retire throwing punches,
Cagando leches, poned pies en polvorosa,
Shitting milk, put your feet on the run,
Quiero pulirme al que en frente delante se ponga,
I want to polish myself to whoever stands in front,
Del ebro soy la joya, Zaragoza es la zona,
From the Ebro I am the jewel, Zaragoza is the zone,
El que se desloma por hacer con raps mi forma,
The one who breaks his back to make my form with raps,
Grande como el 45 pie es mi horma,
Big like the 45 foot is my mold,
Sin calma, nerviosa persona asoma,
Without calm, nervous person appears,
Parado sin parar de beber en de vicios somos momias,
Stopped without stopping drinking in vices we are mummies,
Si la gente con poco ya no se conforma,
If people are no longer satisfied with little,
Soy el que algo aporta sigo fiel al rap por norma,
I am the one who contributes something, I remain faithful to rap by rule,
Para bien o para mal mi nombre está en bocas,
For better or for worse my name is on lips,
El que ya no soporta tanta habladuría tonta,
The one who no longer supports so much silly talk,
El que a la hora de hablar ya no se corta,
The one who doesn't cut himself when it's time to talk,
Sus líneas hasta el infinito ya a las afueras exportan,
His lines to infinity already export to the outskirts,
Se prolonga el que lleva seca boca,
The one with a dry mouth is prolonged,
Coloca litros entre pecho y espalda, entre lorza y lorza.
Place liters between chest and back, between love handle and love handle.
Solo quedar consuelo,
Only consolation remains,
Violadores, pisar tu suelo,
Violators, to step on your ground,
El cielo puede esperar,
Heaven can wait,
El terciopelo,
The Velvet,
No espera un novato, seguid modelo,
It doesn't wait for a rookie, follow the model,
You believe it,
El cielo puede esperar, ajá
Heaven can wait, aha
Solo quedar consuelo,
Only consolation remains,
Violadores, pisar tu suelo,
Violators, to step on your ground,
El cielo puede esperar,
Heaven can wait,
El terciopelo,
The Velvet,
No espera un novato, seguid modelo,
It doesn't wait for a rookie, follow the model,
You believe it,
El cielo puede esperar
Heaven can wait
Como un ángel desterrado vine del cielo a la tierra,
Like a banished angel I came from heaven to earth,
En mi maleta el pecado original y un destino,
In my suitcase the original sin and a destiny,
Ser celestino de rimas y ritmos y no...
To be a matchmaker of rhymes and rhythms and not...
Venderme como hacéis vohotros y vohotras sino
Sell myself as you do, but
Hacer rap por placer fluyo por orgullo,
Rap for pleasure I flow with pride,
Respeta mi rollo que en el tuyo no me incluyo,
Respect my roll that I don't include myself in yours,
Modesto, oye de esto,
Modest, hey about this,
Si te molesta mi arrogancia es porque eres incapaz como el resto,
If my arrogance bothers you it's because you're incapable like the rest,
Resiste, que mamá aun te viste,
Resist, mommy still dresses you,
Que pasa estas triste,
What's wrong you're sad,
A que viniste, a machacar esta canasta,
What did you come for, to crush this basket,
Problemas, oye mi lema,
Problems, listen to my motto,
Aun te queda Houston,
You still have Houston,
Conoces la luna, allí arriba puse mi listón,
You know the moon, I put my bar up there.
Rap afrodisiaco, chicas quieren mi rabo acabar,
Aphrodisiac rap, girls want my cock to finish,
Encerradas en lavabo con este pavo,
Locked in the bathroom with this turkey,
Otras huyen de nohotros como de las calorías,
Others run from us as if from calories,
Asi es la vida david, la orgia otro día hoy ciego,
That's life David, the orgy another day today blind,
Yo soy el puto hijo de puta del año,
I am the fucking son of a bitch of the year,
Mi puto grupo suena en tu puta cara facha como antaño,
My fucking group sounds in your fucking fascist face like in the past,
Noches en vela, poetas sin sueño
Sleepless nights, poets without sleep
Hasta que la rima por fin como un perro huele a su dueño,
Until the rhyme finally smells like a dog to its owner,
Es mi oficio por vicio, penetrar tu orificio,
It's my job by vice, to penetrate your hole,
Prensa de mierda especializada en desperdicio,
Shitty press specializing in waste,
Con quien me comparas en su reportaje,
Who do you compare me to in your report,
Si yo en mi rap no traje mensaje tan sólo homenaje al lenguaje,
If in my rap I didn't bring a message, just a tribute to language,
Míreme, critíqueme, dígame,
Look at me, criticize me, yes tell me,
Cuántas miradas pusilánimes, a cuántos gané,
How many pusillanimous looks, how many did I win,
Hoy represento un rap tan duro como el vino más viejo,
Today I represent a rap as hard as the oldest wine,
Coño!, que por eso lanzo besos al espejo,
Damn!, that's why I blow kisses to the mirror,
Oye la mierda que Javier da, es de verdad,
Listen to the shit that Javier gives, it's real,
Para y tu cerda, somos cerdos,
For you and your sow, we are pigs,
Vohotros sois fumables, escuchables, audibles,
You are smokable, listenable, audible,
Con lo que vuestros flows llevan rimas demasiado previsibles,
With what your flows carry rhymes that are too predictable,
Yo... soy el artífice de miles de estilos difíciles,
I... I am the architect of thousands of difficult styles,
No tengo límites y venzo a tímidez,
I have no limits and I overcome shyness,
Yo tengo la habilidad, la virilidad,
I have the ability, the virility,
Cojones enormes de la ciudad del Pilar, misiles,
Huge balls of the city of Pilar, missiles,
No me sorprende sus vaciles, historias fáciles,
I'm not surprised by his swagger, easy stories,
Vienen con huevos frágiles y caras de imbéciles,
They come with fragile eggs and the faces of imbeciles,
Crudo, más de uno quiso y no pudo,
Raw, more than one wanted to and couldn't,
arrepiéntete antes de que se te seque el sudor.
Repent before your sweat dries up.
Solo quedar consuelo,
Only consolation remains,
Violadores, pisar tu suelo,
Violators, to step on your ground,
El cielo puede esperar,
Heaven can wait,
El terciopelo,
The Velvet,
No espera un novato, seguid modelo,
It doesn't wait for a rookie, follow the model,
You believe it,
El cielo puede esperar, ajá
Heaven can wait, aha
Solo quedar consuelo,
Only consolation remains,
Violadores, pisar tu suelo,
Violators, to step on your ground,
El cielo puede esperar,
Heaven can wait,
El terciopelo,
The Velvet,
No espera un novato, seguid modelo,
It doesn't wait for a rookie, follow the model,
You believe it,
El cielo puede esperar
Heaven can wait
Ahora dejénme, seré solemne,
Now let me be solemn,
Máxime cuando la opinión de miles fue unánime,
Especially when the opinion of thousands was unanimous,
El ritmo es del rumba,
The rhythm is Rumba's,
Mi estilo dejó a barrios en penumbra,
My style left neighborhoods in darkness,
Nadie nos hizo sombra,
Nobody shadowed us,
Y este tipo sabe como andan los diablos,
And this guy knows how the devils walk,
Como andan los diablos, orgulloso de saber de que hablo,
How the devils walk, proud to know what I'm talking about,
El mundo atrapo,
The world trapped,
Nadie sabe pensar como el capo, chapó!,
Nobody knows how to think like the boss, chapeau!,
Por seducir con famas,
For seducing with fames,
Por conmover con dramas,
For moving with dramas,
Por hacer rabiar a mamá,
For making mom angry,
"Ey, que tramas,
"Hey, what are you up to,
Deshaciendo las camas"
Undoing the beds"
Haced sitio a las damas,
Make way for the ladies,
Vacaciones en Bahamas,
Bahamas vacation,
Mi rap como blasfemia, anemia, infamia,
My rap like blasphemy, anemia, infamy,
Apoteosis en Mesopotamia,
Apotheosis in Mesopotamia,
Nefastos y modestos, escuchad al maestro,
Nefarious and modest, listen to the master,
Quedaros con esto, el padrenuestro,
Stay with this, the Lord's Prayer,
Algo tan grande ocupó tan poco espacio,
Something so big took up so little space,
No pongo precio a mi palacio,
I don't put a price on my palace,
que el lujo trae consigo el matrimonio,
I know that luxury brings marriage with it,
Puede ser el demonio,
It could be the devil,
Superpop recomienda capricornio,
Superpop recommends Capricorn,
Raps sin par, con motivos,
Unparalleled raps, with motives,
Cuando hablo de marrones, morenas, coronas,
When I talk about browns, brunettes, crowns,
Aterrizé del cielo al estudio,
I landed from heaven to the studio,
Nueva York sólo fue preludio,
New York was just a prelude,
De lo que hoy congela el mercurio,
Of what freezes mercury today,
Tomad medidas, líneas comprometidas,
Take action, compromised lines,
Tipos con sonrisa de moral herida,
Guys with morally wounded smiles,
Son modales para levantar catedrales,
They are manners to raise cathedrals,
Puntos vitales, para tumbar a rivales.
Vital points, to knock down rivals.
Solo quedar consuelo,
Only consolation remains,
Violadores, pisar tu suelo,
Violators, to step on your ground,
El cielo puede esperar,
Heaven can wait,
El terciopelo,
The Velvet,
No espera un novato, seguid modelo,
It doesn't wait for a rookie, follow the model,
You believe it,
El cielo puede esperar, ajá
Heaven can wait, aha
Solo quedar consuelo,
Only consolation remains,
Violadores, pisar tu suelo,
Violators, to step on your ground,
El cielo puede esperar,
Heaven can wait,
El terciopelo,
The Velvet,
No espera un novato, seguid modelo,
It doesn't wait for a rookie, follow the model,
You believe it,
El cielo puede esperar
Heaven can wait
This time i'm with a crew, I usually Rap Solo,
This time I’m with a crew, I usually Rap Solo,
Me llamo Jeru, soy un moreno malo,
My name is Jeru, I’m a bad moreno,
You wanna be an MC? te da mucho trabajo,
You wanna be an MC? It takes a lot of work,
When it comes to mic flow trust me, es loco,
When it comes to mic flow trust me, it’s crazy,
Back in the days I had a afro, now I let it lock up,
Back in the days I had an afro, now I let it lock up,
Shine with the nubian glow, flow, on,
Shine with the nubian glow, flow, on,
Hunt down the hell spawn,
Hunt down the hell spawn,
Killing vampires like in "dusk till dawn",
Killing vampires like in "dusk till dawn",
My name is Jeru, rolling with the crew,
My name is Jeru, rolling with the crew,
From españa, you know they like to get down,
From Spain, you know they like to get down,
With the damaja, with no delay,
With the damaja, with no delay,
Need an in hero in here, like Don Quijote and,
Need an in hero in here, like Don Quixote and,
Sancho Panza, you need the esperanza,
Sancho Panza, you need the hope,
You get no help from the men from La Mancha,
You get no help from the men from La Mancha,
If this was karate then i'll be the sensei
If this was karate then I’ll be the sensei
Jeru the Damaja and doble V
Jeru the Damaja and double V

Авторы: David Gilaberte Miguel

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