Vita de Vie feat. Parazitii - Beat mort - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vita de Vie feat. Parazitii - Beat mort

Beat mort
Dead Drunk
Am viteza pe faleza
I speed along the boardwalk,
Penetrez orice coafeza
Penetrating any hairdresser
Care e in antiteza cu conceptul meu de freza
Who's in antithesis to my hairstyle concept
Rezeama-te de mine
Lean on me
Daca nu mai poti sa stai pe tine
If you can't stand on your own anymore
Sa facem trenuletu\′
Let's make a little train
Cretule! Mama ta e-acasa?
You idiot! Is your mom home?
Spala-te, ca vin la masa!
Wash up, I'm coming to dinner!
Lasa-ma putin cu ea,
Leave me alone with her for a bit,
Asa si-asa
Like this and that
Si-acuma ia-ma Ombladon,
And now take me Ombladon,
Ia-ma, du-ma de la microfon
Take me, get me away from the microphone
Sa-mi tin gura...
To shut my mouth...
Sa nu taie cenzura
So the censors don't cut it
Daca n-ai stiut, n-ai cum sa uiti
If you didn't know, you can't forget
Asculti oricum, sunt prea multi
You listen anyway, there are too many
Inculti, neplacuti, stiuti de toata lumea
Uncultured, unpleasant, known by everyone
Gurile rele spun
The gossips say
Ca ne tampim odata ce trec anii,
That we go crazy as the years go by,
Dar nu ne dam banii,
But we don't give our money,
La psiholog, cum fac americanii
To psychologists, like the Americans do
In orice colt din lume,
In every corner of the world,
E-un nebun plin de spume
There's a madman full of foam
Care-alearga o femeie s-o zugrume
Who chases a woman to strangle her
Pe bune,
Nu-s vinovat io,
It's not my fault,
N-am inventat
I didn't invent
Nici femeia hoata
Neither the thieving woman
Nici barbatul mort de beat!
Nor the man dead drunk!
Cand toti ne-acuza ca ne spargem venele
When everyone accuses us of bursting our veins
Ne spargem boxele sa nu mai danseze manele coardele
We burst our speakers so the strings don't dance manele anymore
Vagabonzii stiu,
The vagabonds know,
Ca fraierii nu pot amenintand non-stop
That suckers can't threaten non-stop
Cu politia sa intre-n top
With the police to get to the top
Cred ca m-am tirat beat mort
I think I passed out dead drunk
Da\' cand ma-ntorc
But when I get back
O sa-ti dam un bas si-o toba mare peste bot!
We'll give you a bass and a big drum over your face!
Tata cand m-a conceput
When dad conceived me
M-a conceput beat mort,
He conceived me dead drunk,
M-am nascut beat mort,
I was born dead drunk,
Tu m-asculti beat mort...
You listen to me dead drunk...
Canta tu in locu\′ meu
Sing in my place
Toata lumea cade beata dupa primul tau efort...
Everyone falls drunk after your first effort...
Dac-as fi mut
If I were mute
As injura prin semne
I would curse through signs
N-ar sti ce pot sa-nsemne
They wouldn't know what they could mean
In curand ar cenzura dansurile moderne
Soon they would censor modern dances
Nu stiu cine ti-a bagat, ce ti-a bagat in inima...
I don't know who put, what they put in your heart...
Cred ca-i treaba sado-maso intima
I think it's a sado-maso intimate thing
Relaxeaza-te cu laxative
Relax with laxatives
Du-te la specialist
Go to the specialist
Dai primul semn muzical de sifilis
You give the first musical sign of syphilis
N-am inteles reteta de succes
I didn't understand the recipe for success
...da e mai bine,
...but it's better,
Oricum nu ne-am sucit de maine
We haven't twisted ourselves tomorrow anyway
Toti golanii au descoperit ca in loc de vise
All the gangsters have discovered that instead of dreams
Au un pretext mai bun:
They have a better excuse:
Substante interzise...
Illegal substances...
Vrei o viata ca-n reclame,
You want a life like in commercials,
Aparent selecta, perfect,
Seemingly select, perfect,
Iar viata-n p**a n-o mai lua direct in piept!
And don't take life in the ass directly in the chest anymore!
Cainii de pe strada se intreaba
The dogs on the street wonder
De ce oameni cu masina si cu celular
Why people with a car and a cell phone
Merg in 4 labe pe trotuar,
Walk on all fours on the sidewalk,
Oameni cu apartament dorm pe ciment?
People with apartments sleep on cement?
Evident, e un nou curent.
Obviously, it's a new trend.
Orice carciuma, in care intri
Any pub you walk into
Plina de barbati,
Full of men,
Printre ei doar 3 femei:
Among them only 3 women:
Aceleasi 3...
The same 3...
O sa ma trezesc,
I'm going to wake up,
Si-o sa-ncep o viata noua,
And I'm going to start a new life,
Dintre iarba si-o halba
Between the grass and a mug
O sa le-aleg pe amandoua
I'm going to choose both


Vita de Vie feat. Parazitii - Exxtra
дата релиза

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