Vița de Vie - Fraier Ca Tine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vița de Vie - Fraier Ca Tine

Fraier Ca Tine
Loser Like You
V-am ascultat cat am fost la scoala
I listened to you when I was at school
Toata vorba goala
All of your empty talk
A trecut pe langa mine
It passed me by
Si imi pare bine
And I'm glad it did
Ca daca va ascultam
Because if I had listened to you
Si daca va credeam
And if I had believed you
Ajungeam ca voi - ajungeam un gunoi
I would have ended up like you - a piece of trash
Stai acasa, repeta, citeste, invata
Stay at home, repeat, read, learn
Lucruri inutile pe care le faci ca sa iesi in fata
Useless things that you do to stand out
In clasa, sa te laude profesorii
In class, so that the teachers will praise you
Vrei s-ajungi ca ei? Ei iti sunt mentorii?
Do you want to end up like them? Are they your role models?
Nu ai loc sa te-ascunzi
You have nowhere to hide
Nu ai unde sa fugi
You have nowhere to run
Nici o sansa nu ai sa scapi
You have no chance of escape
Ai ramas izolat,
You are isolated,
Tremuri si esti speriat
You are trembling and scared
Stai pe vine si da din cap
You cower and nod your head
In liceu eram de capul meu si n-aveam nici o treaba
In high school I did my own thing and didn't give a shit
Desi n-aveam bani,
Even though I had no money,
Aveam baietii care sa mearga sa faca cheta
I had the boys who would go and beg
De la fraierii ca tine
From losers like you
Ai fi dat oricat ca sa ajungi ca mine
You would have given anything to be like me
Inconjurat de gaste si de late moluste
Surrounded by gangs and other mollusks
Ramaneam sa bem afara iar tu intrai la scoala
We would stay out drinking while you went to school
Seara cand venea puneam fetele la lucru
In the evening when you came, we put the girls to work
Tu te duceai acasa si-o dadeai in cap lu' mutu
You went home and jacked off to the mute button
Nu ai loc sa te-ascunzi
You have nowhere to hide
Nu ai unde sa fugi
You have nowhere to run
Nici o sansa nu ai sa scapi
You have no chance of escape
Ai ramas izolat,
You are isolated,
Tremuri si esti speriat
You are trembling and scared
Stai pe vine si da din cap
You cower and nod your head
Mi-au mai ramas doua strofe sa vorbesc despre tine
I have two more verses to talk about you
Nu stiu de ce am pierdut atata timp sa scriu despre tine
I don't know why I've wasted so much time writing about you
Nu meriti nici cea mai mica atentie
You don't deserve the smallest amount of attention
Din punctul meu de vedere esti o mare frectie
From my point of view, you are a big disappointment
Ai ramas la fel si nimic n-o sa te schimbe
You have stayed the same and nothing will change you
Sambata si duminica iesi cu ma-ta sa te plimbe
On Saturdays and Sundays you go out with your mom for a walk
Esti un caine legat la ochi si de picioare
You are a dog, blindfolded and tied up
Si tot asa vei fi si in viata urmatoare
And that's how you will be in your next life
Nu ai loc sa te-ascunzi
You have nowhere to hide
Nu ai unde sa fugi
You have nowhere to run
Nici o sansa nu ai sa scapi
You have no chance of escape
Ai ramas izolat,
You are isolated,
Tremuri si esti speriat
You are trembling and scared
Stai pe vine si da din cap
You cower and nod your head

Авторы: Adrian Despot

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