Vița de Vie - Sunetul mai tare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vița de Vie - Sunetul mai tare

Sunetul mai tare
Loud Sound
Daca crezi ca e momentul...
If you think it's the moment...
Daca crezi ca e momentul sa se faca antrenamentul
If you think it's the moment to get training
Pune-ti hainele de plastic...
Put on your plastic clothes...
Pune-ti hainele de plastic, leaga-ti parul c-un elastic
Put on your plastic clothes, tie your hair with an elastic
Baga sunetul mai tare...
Make the sound louder...
Baga sunetul mai tare, cauta lume care sare
Make the sound louder, look for people who jump
Studiaza tot terenul...
Study all the terrain...
Studiaza tot terenul, ia in piept tot oxigenul
Study all the terrain, take in all the oxygen
Daca vrei sa dai o tura...
If you want to go for a ride...
Daca vrei sa dai o tura pe soseaua de centura
If you want to go for a ride on the ring road
Ia masina din parcare...
Take the car from the parking lot...
Ia masina din parcare, scoate-o la inaintare
Take the car from the parking lot, take it forward
Orice muzica iti place...
Whatever music you like...
Orice muzica iti place, fa acuma cum iti spun
Whatever music you like, do now as I tell you
Vezi butonul care zace.
See the button that's there.
Ia butonul care zace si mai dai volum!
Get the button that's there and turn up the volume!
Discoteca e prea mica...
The disco's too small...
Discoteca e prea mica sa mai sar in cap.
The disco is too small to jump in the cap.
Baga-ti capu-n difuzoare, baga-ti capu-n vecini
Put your head in the speakers, put your head in the neighbors
Sunetul mai tare sa se-auda peste tot
The sound to be heard everywhere
Sa se-auda din masina daca stai la stop.
To be heard from the car if you're at a stop.
Daca vrei sa schimbi macazul...
If you want to change the switch...
Daca vrei sa schimbi macazul, daca nu-ti mai place jazz-ul
If you want to change the switch, if you don't like jazz anymore
Baga sunetul mai tare...
Make the sound louder...
Baga sunetul mai tare, ia o boxa mult mai mare
Make the sound louder, get a much bigger speaker
Daca ai intentii bune...
If you have good intentions...
Daca ai intentii bune dar lipseste practica
If you have good intentions but lack practice
Baga bani in difuzoare...
Put money in the speakers...
Baga bani in difuzoare sa se-auda muzica
Put money in the speakers so that the music can be heard
Orice muzica iti place...
Whatever music you like...
Orice muzica iti place, fa acuma cum iti spun
Whatever music you like, do now as I tell you
Vezi butonul care zace.
See the button that's there.
Ia butonul care zace si mai dai volum!
Get the button that's there and turn up the volume!
Baga sunetul ma
Make some noise, man

Авторы: Adrian Despot, Sorin Danescu

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