Vlado Kreslin - Ogledalce Povej - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vlado Kreslin - Ogledalce Povej

Ogledalce Povej
Tell Me, Mirror
Mrtvo hladna mimo gre
She passes me by, stone-cold
Kot da prvič me vidi ali ne spomni se
As if seeing me for the first time, or not remembering
Kot da ognja še včeraj ni bilo
As if yesterday's fire was gone
Pa saj se še sam več ne zmenim za to
Well, even I don't care about it anymore
Kar čez noč se zgodi,ogledalo trdi,da si isti in da nisi ti
It happens overnight, the mirror says you're the same and you're not
Včasih zaspimo kot vojna in mir
Sometimes we fall asleep like war and peace
Zjutraj pa se zbudimo kakor prazen papir
And in the morning, we wake up like a blank piece of paper
Včasih zaspimo kot Micka in Franc
Sometimes we fall asleep as Micka and Franc
Zjutraj pa se zbudimo Amerikanec in Španec
And in the morning, we wake up an American and a Spaniard
Kar čez noč se zgodi,ogledalo trdi,da si isti in da nisi ti
It happens overnight, the mirror says you're the same and you're not
Ogledalce, povej,kdo je isti v deželi še tej?
Tell me, mirror, who is the same in this land?
Včasih zaspimo, kot predsednik sveta
Sometimes we fall asleep as the president of the world
Zjutraj pa se zbudi ovca ostrižena
And in the morning, we wake up a shorn sheep
Včasih zaspimo kot zaljubljeni par
Sometimes we fall asleep as lovers
Če bi dvakrat premislil, ne bi nič in nikdar
If I had thought twice, I would have never, ever
Kar čez noč se zgodi,ogledalo trdi,da si isti in da nisi ti
It's happening overnight, the mirror says you're the same and you're not
Ogledalce, povej,kdo je isti v deželi še tej?
Tell me, mirror, who's the same in this land?
Micka ali Franc,vojna ali mir
Micka or Franc, war or peace
President sveta ali ovca ostrižena?
President of the world or shorn sheep?
Micka ali Franc,Amerikanec ali Španec
Micka or Franc, American or Spaniard
President gorja ali državljan sveta?
President of the mountains or citizen of the world?
Micka ali Franc,Amerikanec ali Španec
Micka or Franc, American or Spaniard
Micka ali Franc,Amerikanec ali Španec
Micka or Franc, American or Spaniard

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