Vlado Kreslin - Tam Na Koncu Drevoreda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vlado Kreslin - Tam Na Koncu Drevoreda

Tam Na Koncu Drevoreda
At the End of the Avenue of Trees
Vse, kar mi je bilo
All that I have been
Vse kar mi še bo
All that I will be
Megla nad vodo
Fog over the water
Krog, še en majhen krog
A circle, another small circle
Tja čez prašno pot
Across a dusty path
Nova zvezda se utrne,da se želja rodi
A new star fades, so that a wish may be born
Melodija stara izzveni
An old melody fades away
Dan, en navaden dan
A day, an ordinary day
Človek ali komar, en nebeški dar
A man or a mosquito, a gift from heaven
Kam, kje od kod in kam
Where to, where from, and where to
Kje od kod in kam?
Where from, and where to?
Nova zvezda se utrne,da se želja rodi
A new star fades, so that a wish may be born
Melodija stara izzveni
An old melody fades away
Tam na koncu drevoreda sam bom stal
There, at the end of the avenue of trees, I will stand alone
Vam prepeval in pomahal v pozdrav
Singing to you and waving you goodbye
Beli konji, širna polja in vode
White horses, vast fields, and water
Tople roke, ki ste me rojevale
The warm hands that gave birth to me
Vse, kar mi je bilo
All that I have been
Vse kar mi še bo
All that I will be
Bela pikica na nebu se v solzo spremeni
A white speck in the sky turns into a tear
Bela pikica tam gor si ti
A white speck up there is you
Bela pikica na nebu se v solzo spremeni
A white speck in the sky turns into a tear
Tam nad poljem veter se umiri
There above the field the wind grows calm
Tam na koncu drevoreda sam bom stal
There, at the end of the avenue of trees, I will stand alone
Vam prepeval in pomahal v pozdrav
Singing to you and waving you goodbye
Vse lepote, ki ste kdaj ljubile me
All the beauties that once loved me
Vse besede, ki ste mi odpuščale
All the words that have forgiven me
Tam na koncu drevoreda sam bom stal
There, at the end of the avenue of trees, I will stand alone
Vam prepeval in pomahal v pozdrav
Singing to you and waving you goodbye
Beli konji, širna polja in vode
White horses, vast fields, and water
Tople roke, ki ste me rojevale
The warm hands that gave birth to me

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