Vlado Kreslin - Tista Črna Kitara (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vlado Kreslin - Tista Črna Kitara (Live)

Tista Črna Kitara (Live)
His Black Guitar (Live)
Bil sem še Vladek,
I was still Vladek,
Ko so - kot vedno za praznik -
When - as they always did for a holiday -
Mustachioed gypsies
Brkati cigani v hišo igrat.
Came to the house to play.
Oče je stopil v sobo po tisto črno kitaro,
Father went into the room for that black guitar,
Ki jo je kupil
Which he bought
Za prvo plačo.
With his first paycheck.
Gospod tisto kitaro še imate,
Sir, do you still have that guitar,
Gospod, tisto črno kitaro še imate?
Sir, do you still have that black guitar?
Gospod, tista bila je res dobra.
Sir, that one was really good.
So ga spraševali
They asked him
še dolgo po tem,
For a long time after that,
Zmeraj, ko hoteli so prositi drobiž.
Always when they wanted to ask for a nickel.
Zmeraj, ko igrali so v vaški gostilni
Always when they played in the village pub
In hodili v pavzah do šanka.
And walked to the bar during the breaks.
Pa njihove žene,
Also their wives,
Ko prišle so pred vrata
When they came to the door
Po stare obleke,
For old clothes,
So rade vprašale:
Would love to ask:
Gospod, tisto kitaro še imate,
Sir, do you still have that guitar,
Gospod, tisto črno kitaro še imate?
Sir, do you still have that black guitar?
Gospod, tista bila je res dobra.
Sir, that one was really good.
Včasih, ko pridem domov,
Sometimes, when I go home,
Sedim pod kostanji
I sit under the chestnut trees
In pijem,
And drink,
Pijem s prijat′li,
Drink with the friends,
Ki tam še živijo.
Who still live there.
Takrat, skoraj vedno
Then, almost always
Pri mizi
At the table
Za nas zaigrajo
They play for us
In vprašajo,
And ask,
Otroški obrazi
Childish faces
S hripavim glasom:
With raspy voices:
Gospoud, tisto gitaro šče mate,
Sir, you still have that guitar,
Gospoud, tisto čarno gitaro šče mate?
Sir, you still have that black guitar?
Gospoud, tista je bijla dobra,
Sir, that one was good,
Tista je bijla dobra.
That one was good.

Авторы: Miro Tomassini, Vlado Kreslin

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