Vlado Kreslin - Zunaj Je Veter - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vlado Kreslin - Zunaj Je Veter

Zunaj Je Veter
It's Windy Outside
Zunaj je veter, zunaj zavija
It's windy outside, it's howling outside
Čas se prebija skozi noč
Time breaks through the night
Ura tiktaka, vse se odvija
The clock ticks away, everything unfolds
Je polnoč
It's midnight
Tam, tam sva se grela
There, there we warmed ourselves
Tam, tam sva se imela
There, there we enjoyed ourselves
Dih moj rdel tvoje dlani
My breath reddened your palms
Kje zdaj minevaš
Where do you pass now
Kje zdaj preštevaš
Where do you now count
Njihove zvezde, najine dni?
Their stars, our days?
Notri je toplo, peč še gori
It's warm inside, the stove is still burning
Mehki trenutek pod mizo ždi
A soft moment waits under the table
Noč se poslavlja, v srcu odzvanja
The night is saying goodbye, it echoes in my heart
Ogenj tli
The fire glows
Tam, tam sva se imela
There, there we enjoyed ourselves
Tam, tam sva gorela
There, there we burned
Dih moj hladi tvoje dlani
My breath cools your palms
Kje zdaj minevaš
Where do you pass now
Kje zdaj preštevaš
Where do you now count
Njihove zvezde,najine dni
Their stars, our days
Vse se zgodi nam in vse nam mine
Everything happens to us and everything passes us by
Že v začetku rojen je kraj
Already at the beginning, the end is born
A po novembru in po decembru
But after November and after December
Pride maj
May will come
A po novembru in po decembru
But after November and after December
Pride maj
May will come

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