Vortex - Fullafresh - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vortex - Fullafresh

Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow
Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow
Sme viacej tru ako tvoje zajebané boty
We're more true than your fuckin' shoes
Máme chuť to tu každý víkend hrotiť
We feel like turning up every weekend, girl
Stále s nami chvíle čo chceš točiť
There are still moments with us you want to record
Stále full harmonogram, čekuj story
Always full schedule, check the story
Killin, killin
Killin', killin'
Spittin facts na Billie jean
Spittin' facts on Billie Jean
Feel it, feel it
Feel it, feel it
Shittin trash
Shittin' trash
nech ťa nevidím
I don't wanna see you no more
Delete, delete
Delete, delete
Vypni to už, daj to do rici
Turn it off, put it in the ditch
Mini, mini
Mini, mini
Rapy na to sa ja necítim
I don't feel like rapping on that
Zamotaný jazyk počuť v tvojich trackoch, v našich je to tabu
Tangled tongue heard in your tracks, in ours it's taboo
Preto to hlavu-pätu, tvoje iba hlavu
That's why it has a head and feet, yours only has a head
Skladám slová, zatiaľ čo z nich ty urobíš čalamádu
I put words together, while you make a mess of them
Stay tru je kult a Vortex pánom hradu
Stay true is a cult and Vortex is the lord of the castle
Nejsom ja ten
I'm not the one
Čo by ti povedal fejk
Who would tell you fake
Len tru a môj gang
Only true and my gang
Shiny as fuck, ako chain
Shiny as fuck, like a chain
Sme lui lui vieš
We're lui lui you know
Nemôžeš povedať nie
You can't say no
Som dokonalosť, roztopím ti čajku ako sneh
I'm perfection, I'll melt your seagull like snow
Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow
Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow
Dám pull up na dom, dám pull up random
I'll pull up at the house, I'll pull up random
Každým jedným dňom som zase v tom
Every single day I'm back at it
Teba nezmení ani pán Boh
Even God can't change you, girl
Neber osobne, ale nič v zlom
Don't take it personally, but no offense
Za mnou stojí moja banda bláznov
Behind me stands my band of fools
Čo po vás vyschlo, to riešime dažďom
What dried up for you, we solve with rain
Svoje mesto mám, kurva, pod palcom
I have my city, damn, under my thumb
My sme Airwick, ty kefa za hajzlom
We're Airwick, you're a toilet brush
Z Prahy do Košíc, potom otáčam to rovno spať
From Prague to Košice, then I turn right back
Neukazuj nám päsť, veď moje meno vieš
Don't show me your fist, you know my name
Kurva, navaľ cash, veď ty vieš, čo chcem
Damn, give me the cash, you know what I want
Mám po tebe smäd a ty to chceš tiež
I'm thirsty for you and you want it too
Dávaj pozor, keď dávame puluuuup
Be careful when we give puluuuup
Žiari zo mňa big aura Drip fullaaa
Big aura Drip fullaaa shines from me
Si hot as fuck, keď som v tebe dnuka
You're hot as fuck when I'm inside you
V každom beate sa cítim jak doma
In every beat I feel like home
Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow
Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow
Prišiel som, videl som, zajebal pull up
I came, I saw, I fuckin' pulled up
Label ide vibe, slečny pri nás, že fuha
The label's vibing, the ladies are with us like whoa
Niekto kričí odzadu, že Stay fuckin' Tru
Someone's shouting from the back, Stay fuckin' True
A chlapci dopíjajú posledné, kým mne začína mood a
And the boys are finishing their last ones, while my mood is starting and
Ty a tvoja slečna ste kurva nuda
You and your girl are fuckin' boring
Don't be fuckin' toxic
Don't be fuckin' toxic
Uvedom si, že pri nás si nula
Realize that with us you're a zero
Som útočník na tvoju babu ako Ondrej Duda
I'm an attacker on your girl like Ondrej Duda
Kebyže sme v CSku, ťa vystrielam like eSuba
If we were in CS, I'd shoot you like eSuba
Netreba viac hovoriť
No need to say more
Sme zajebali pullup
We fuckin' pulled up
Brácho pusti beat a klub zhorí jak truba
Bro play the beat and the club burns like a trumpet
Podávam ti grass, radšej nám to ubal
I'm giving you grass, you better roll it for us
Dneska sa zas opijem, v nič iné nedúfaj
I'm getting drunk again today, don't hope for anything else
Pozri sa mi do očí, som narodený dravec
Look me in the eyes, I'm a born predator
Vidím zadky, narodený lovec
I see asses, a born hunter
Chcel si niečo povedať, no tak mi to povedz
You wanted to say something, so tell me
(Bum Šaka-laka)
(Boom Shaka-laka)
Punchlines ako Korec
Punchlines like Korec
Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow
Pull up
Pull up
Pull up na tvoj town
Pull up in your town
My sme fulla
We are fulla
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Fullafresh chasin' cash down
Tru a
True and
Tru jak celý gang vravia wow
True like the whole gang says wow

Авторы: Branko Dohovič, Jay!, Kristián Kolársky, Matúš Molnár

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