Vortex - Gucci - перевод текста песни на английский

Gucci - Vortexперевод на английский

(Vortex on this fuckin' track)
(Vortex on this fuckin' track)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci (Gucci, Gucci)
I wanna feel like Gucci (Gucci, Gucci)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci
I wanna feel like Gucci
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
I wanna feel like Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
You ain't nothin' to me
You ain't nothin' to me, girl
Všetci tu nejako zaspali dobu
Everyone here's somehow behind the times
Nás je počuť od domu ku domu
You can hear us from house to house
Silní jak korene stromu
Strong like the roots of a tree
Máme byť mrtví, tak toto je delay z hrobu
We're supposed to be dead, so this is a delay from the grave
Neskorý spánok
Late sleep
Áno, som rád, keď vidím posteľ nad ránom (ay)
Yeah, I'm glad when I see my bed in the morning (ay)
Hľadám únik, neviem čo sa presne stalo
I'm looking for an escape, I don't know what exactly happened
Kľudne sa pozeraj ako si pôjdem ten slalom
Feel free to watch me slalom
Toto tu je ešte len začiatok
This is just the beginning
Cítim, že mám toho, fakt, tak dosť
I feel like I have so much, really
Fuck everybody, zuby cerím na nich
Fuck everybody, I'm baring my teeth at them
Bitch, look at my muay thai flow
Bitch, look at my muay thai flow
You know shit and that's not false
You know shit and that's not false
Budeš si musieť prestaviať dom
You'll have to rearrange your house
Vieš, že bude horieť
You know it's gonna burn
Keď budeš počuť "Idem si moc z nuly na sto!"
When you hear "I'm going from zero to a hundred!"
Nevieš ako na tom robiť, ani sa nevyznáš
You don't know how to do it, you don't even understand
Ideme jak žraloci, ty ako piča-rybka
We're going like sharks, you're like a pussy-fish
Počujem ten beat hovorím si "čuka-rika"
I hear the beat, I say "chooka-rika"
Pochopí to iba ten, kto sa vyzná
Only those who know will understand
Stratil veľa času, teraz si ho idem vyhrať
Lost a lot of time, now I'm gonna win it back
Kokoti si mysleli, že si ma môžu získať
Assholes thought they could win me over
Nebudem ja skákať, ako oni budú pískať
I'm not gonna jump when they whistle
Budem robiť na svojom, môžte mi riť vylízať
I'll do my thing, you can lick my ass
A stále nechápu nás akí sme
And they still don't understand what we're like
My dávno neriešime či sa niekomu páčime
We stopped caring a long time ago if someone likes us
Chceme zarobiť si love, nech sa nám žije fakt dobre
We want to make money, so we can live really well
No robiť to pre seba, pre ľudí, toto je ten hlavný bod (yeah)
But doing it for ourselves, for the people, that's the main point (yeah)
Sa cítim ako Gucci (ay)
I feel like Gucci (ay)
Sa cítim ako Gucci (Gucci, Gucci)
I feel like Gucci (Gucci, Gucci)
Sa cítim ako Gucci (ay)
I feel like Gucci (ay)
Sa cítim ako Gucci
I feel like Gucci
Sa cítim ako Gucci (ay)
I feel like Gucci (ay)
Sa cítim ako Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
I feel like Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
Sa cítim ako Gucci (ay)
I feel like Gucci (ay)
Sa cítim ako Gucci, Gucci
I feel like Gucci, Gucci
Ja si len tak vibe-im
I'm just vibin'
Jäger, Sprite, Ice-tea
Jäger, Sprite, Ice-tea
In my hood ridin
In my hood ridin'
Chcelo by viac money, money
I want more money, money
Tak počuj a sadni na riť
So listen up and sit down
V noci sme jak pretekári
At night we're like racers
Tvoja hoe, čo chodi s nami
Your hoe, that hangs out with us
Je sladká jak honey, honey
Is sweet like honey, honey
Suga how you get so fly
Suga how you get so fly
O polnoci sme fuckin' high
At midnight we're fuckin' high
Neviem, čo ďalej vydumať
I don't know what else to come up with
Na tvoj IG sa ti vyčurám
I'll piss on your IG
Okay Gucci, what I feel like
Okay Gucci, what I feel like
Cigu si vychutnám na midnight
I'll enjoy a cigarette at midnight
Náš track bomba ako mína
Our track's a bomb like a mine
Tvoj track je báseň, jak Marína
Your track is a poem, like Marina
Na konte ďalšia kokotina
Another bullshit on the account
Keď sme v meste, tak to vybuchýna
When we're in town, it blows up
Nečakám, že ty pochopíš ma
I don't expect you to understand me
Tvoj problém ma nezaujíma
I don't care about your problem
'wanna my face to be luxury
Wanna my face to be luxury
One of one, to be forever seen
One of one, to be forever seen
Som jeden z jedného, není ďalší ako my
I'm one of one, there's no other like us
Just my crew, you ain't nothin' to me motherfuckin' Gucci
Just my crew, you ain't nothin' to me motherfuckin' Gucci
Sa cítim ako Gucci (ay)
I feel like Gucci (ay)
Sa cítim ako Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
I feel like Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
Sa cítim ako Gucci (ay)
I feel like Gucci (ay)
Sa cítim ako Gucci, Gucci
I feel like Gucci, Gucci
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
I wanna feel like Gucci, Gucci (Gucci)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
I wanna feel like Gucci (ay)
You ain't nothin' to me
You ain't nothin' to me, girl

Авторы: Branko Dohovic

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