Vortex - BARBIEGIRL - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vortex - BARBIEGIRL

Ona prechádza mestom
She's walking through the city
Ty si ju všimneš, keď v očiach máš afrodisiacum
You catch my eye, you're my aphrodisiac
Osloviť ju, je naozaj minimum
Talking to you is the bare minimum
Confidence up, musím byť s ňou really cool
Confidence up, I gotta be really cool with you
Začal som sa potiť, ty ma privádzaš do toho stavu
I'm starting to sweat, you're putting me in that state
Neviem kedy, neviem ako, mám ťa plnú hlavu
I don't know when, I don't know how, my head's full of you
Myslím iba na to, ako žiariš z toho davu
I only think about how you shine in the crowd
Idem smerom k tebe, nemôžem ťa nechať samú
I'm coming towards you, I can't leave you alone
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, jee
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, yeah
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, jee
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, yeah
Poď sem a urob môj svet krajší
Come here and make my world more beautiful
Si top, nikto nemá, to čo máš ty
You're the best, no one has what you have
Noc, ty a ja, to mi stačí
The night, you and I, that's enough for me
Nos si ma v srdci, tancuj valčík
Keep me in your heart, dance the waltz
Prv si vyzerala ako prízrak
At first you looked like a ghost
Barbie girl, ty si výhra
Barbie girl, you're a prize
Pri tebe mi hlava nestíha
My head's spinning around you
Ty budeš moja girl, to si píš, ja
You'll be my girl, you can be sure of that
Si curious babe, ja som furious, ey
You're a curious babe, I'm furious, hey
We are getting naughty, fuckin everyday
We are getting naughty, fuckin' everyday
Prepáč mi, keď ťa od seba pushujem away
Forgive me when I push you away
Keď odídem, tak neboj. tak som ochvíľu späť
When I leave, don't worry, I'll be right back
Len mi povedz, na čo máš chuť, ASAP ti to zaplatím
Just tell me what you want, I'll pay for it ASAP
Prekecáme celú noc sa jeden s druhým zoznámi
We'll talk all night, getting to know each other
No žiadne hlúpe kecy, typu, čo máš nové, odkiaľ si
No stupid small talk, like what's up, where are you from
Iba tento moment a či začneme byť odvážni
Just this moment and whether we'll start being bold
Girl, ja som z teba celý hotový
Girl, I'm completely smitten with you
Otvarám sa ti tým, čo ti kurva hovorím
I'm opening up to you with what I'm telling you
Si jediná girl, ktorej to dovolím
You're the only girl I'll allow this
Všetky ostatné mám piči, ty si to čo horí
All the others can go to hell, you're what's burning
Oh my god, hlava z teba dostáva hits
Oh my god, my head's getting hits from you
Come tonight, môžme spolu do rána byť
Come tonight, we can be together till morning
Si naozaj sweet, nemám čo pred tebou skryť
You're really sweet, I have nothing to hide from you
To ráno v jednej posteli, mohol by byť zvyk
That morning in one bed, could be a habit
Tancuješ, ey, ty tancuješ
You're dancing, hey, you're dancing
Ty máš svoju power, ty s ňou valcuješ
You have your power, you're rocking it
Tak nechoď ešte, ostaň babe
So don't go yet, stay babe
One and only, barbie in my daydream
One and only, barbie in my daydream
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, jee
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, yeah
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, jee
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, yeah
Poď sem a urob môj svet krajší
Come here and make my world more beautiful
Si top, nikto nemá, to čo máš ty
You're the best, no one has what you have
Noc, ty a ja, to mi stačí
The night, you and I, that's enough for me
Nos si ma v srdci, tancuj valčík
Keep me in your heart, dance the waltz
ružové vlasy ako barbie
She has pink hair like Barbie
Obtiahnuté jeans a biele Nike
Tight jeans and white Nikes
Na fotách nekonečné lajky
Endless likes on her photos
Girl na ktorú neplatia bájky
A girl who's immune to fairy tales
Ty si dostala moju myseľ, dostala ma tam
You've got my mind, you've got me there
Sme spolu v jednom bode a ja nechcem byť sám
We're together in one spot and I don't want to be alone
Viem, že máš rada keď sa s tebou hrám
I know you like it when I play with you
Poď sem, spolu budeme mať plán
Come here, we'll make a plan together
Ty si barbie girl, sledujem tvoj cat walk
You're a barbie girl, I'm watching your catwalk
Moje myšlienky čierne, tvoje svetlo
My thoughts are dark, yours are light
Tvojim výzorom sa moje srdce hacklo
Your look hacked my heart
Si pre mňa ako diablik, mám chuť zažiť peklo
You're like a little devil to me, I want to experience hell
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, jee
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, yeah
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, barbie
Barbie girl, ty si barbie, jee
Barbie girl, you're a barbie, yeah
Poď sem a urob môj svet krajší
Come here and make my world more beautiful
Si top, nikto nemá, to čo máš ty
You're the best, no one has what you have
Noc, ty a ja, to mi stačí
The night, you and I, that's enough for me
Nos si ma v srdci, tancuj valčík
Keep me in your heart, dance the waltz
Jeee, si sweet ako barbie
Yeah, you're sweet like Barbie
You're so sweet, si sweet ako barbie
You're so sweet, you're sweet like Barbie
You're so sweet, si sweet ako barbie
You're so sweet, you're sweet like Barbie
You're so sweet, si sweet ako barbie
You're so sweet, you're sweet like Barbie
You're so sweet, si sweet ako barbie
You're so sweet, you're sweet like Barbie
You're so sweet, si sweet ako barbie
You're so sweet, you're sweet like Barbie
You're so sweet, si sweet ako barbie
You're so sweet, you're sweet like Barbie
You're so sweet, si sweet ako barbie
You're so sweet, you're sweet like Barbie

Авторы: Branko Stopro Dohovič, Jay 88, Kristián Fiko Kolársky, Matúš Anonym Molnár

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