Vortex - ROLLIN' - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vortex - ROLLIN'

Rollin rollin cez to mesto, I don't give a fuck
Rollin' rollin' through this place, baby, I don't give a damn
Holly molly, žiadne sorry, buď si alebo niesi kár
Holy moly, no apologies, you're either in or you're out, ma'am
Dovi snoby, choď si šňupnúť, to čo si si nasekal
Later snobs, go snort what you chopped up for yourself
Boli stories o tom, že som si aj ja niekedy dal
There were stories that I indulged myself sometimes as well
Ale to bol len back roll man
But that was just a back roll, girl
Zajebem to rovno čelom vpred
I'll hit it head-on, full speed ahead
Na plné trysky jak boba fett
Full throttle like Boba Fett, I'm not afraid
One shot, two shots, all night stand
One shot, two shots, all night stand, let's make some memories
Z roboty do práce, tak celý týždeň
From work to job, the whole week long, baby, I'm on the grind
Autom hore-dole, litre miniem
Driving up and down, burning through liters, leaving it all behind
Rum môj kamoš, ja niesom na víne
Rum's my buddy, I'm not a wine guy, gotta stay true to myself
Ráno káva a ďalší deň príde
Coffee in the morning, and another day arrives, another day on the shelf
Scores-my goals
Scores-my goals
To je heslo
That's the motto, baby, that's how I roll
Oh my balls
Oh my balls
Inak by to nešlo
There's no other way, gotta give it my all
Killstreak ako Charles Manson
Killstreak like Charles Manson, always on the attack
Bez slov, pozorujem každé vaše jedno gesto
No words, I observe every single gesture you make, no turning back
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Neviem s tým kamo prestať
Can't stop with it, baby, it's in my soul
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin till the cash comes
Rollin' till the cash comes, gotta reach my goal
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Neviem s tým kamo prestať
Can't stop with it, baby, it's who I am
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin till the cash comes
Rollin' till the cash comes, gotta follow my plan
Pamätám na časy, keď som mal deravé vrecká
I remember times when my pockets were empty, nothing but air
Potom prišiel hustle, kámo, tak to bolo messed up
Then came the hustle, girl, it was messed up, I swear
Som shield na tvoje strely, baby, nepriestrelná vesta
I'm a shield to your bullets, baby, a bulletproof vest, I'll protect you from despair
Si nudný, kámo, prebúdzaš ma asi ako nesca
You're boring, girl, you wake me up like Nescafé, gotta get out of here
Nevedeli oni kde a čo
They didn't know where and what
Pred kým každým ja behal som
From whom I was running
Skúšali na mňa voľačo
They tried something on me
Nevyšlo geňo, povedz, so?
It didn't work out, buddy, what's up?
Checkuj aký tento beat sauce
Check out the sauce on this beat, it's fire
Jedine rap mi robí radosť
Only rap makes me happy, it takes me higher
Ty si v tom beate skurvene lost
You're fucking lost in this beat, can't deny her
Dúfaj že nelúsknem ako Thanos
Hope I don't snap like Thanos, causing a fire
No dnes to rollin 24/7, all day all night
Now it's rollin' 24/7, all day all night, always on the go
Ja si volím tento život a všetko na tom all right
I choose this life and everything about it is alright, gotta let it flow
Vybuchuje reprák, keď to počúvaš jak bomba
The speaker explodes when you listen to it like a bomb, feeling the beat
Zo shitu sa ti nenajem, so grindin till the stack comes
I can't eat from shit, so I'm grindin' till the stack comes, can't be beat
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin till the cash comes
Rollin' till the cash comes, gotta make it rain
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Neviem s tým kamo prestať
Can't stop with it, girl, it's in my veins
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin till the cash comes
Rollin' till the cash comes, gotta break these chains
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Neviem s tým kamo prestať
Can't stop with it, girl, it's my domain
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin till the cash comes
Rollin' till the cash comes, playing this game
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Neviem s tým kamo prestať
Can't stop with it, girl, gotta maintain
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin till the cash comes
Rollin' till the cash comes, easing the pain
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'
Rollin, Rollin
Rollin', Rollin'

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