Vortex feat. Exact - Drip - перевод текста песни на английский

Drip - Vortex перевод на английский

Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Miniem zarobím, len tak zahodím, všetky love za týždeň
I spend it, earn it, then throw it all away, all that money in a week
Dôjde mi výplata, hneď si tu kupujem, čo mi prv pod ruku príde
When I get paid, I immediately buy whatever comes to hand
A každý len nadáva dokola kam dávam všetky tie peniaze
And everyone keeps asking where I put all that money
Dávam ich do snov, dávam ich do seba, tak za to mi prepáčte
I put it into dreams, I invest in myself, so forgive me for that
Načo ich šetriť, jak každý Slovák
Why save it like every Slovak?
Radšej ich pomíňam zas a znova
I'd rather spend it again and again
Do hrobu si ich fakt neberiem, načo?
I'm not taking it to the grave, why bother?
Aby som zaplatil tam chlast mravcom?
To pay for the ants' drinks down there?
Neni problém kúpiť 20 hier na Steame
It's no problem to buy 20 games on Steam
Ani kúpiť monitory od JBL
Or to buy JBL monitors
Na doma si nakúpim cigy aj pivec
I'll buy cigarettes and beer for home
Snáď si raz zarobím na vlastný byt (Yeah)
Maybe one day I'll earn enough for my own apartment (Yeah)
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
So fresh, so clean
So fresh, so clean
Motherfuckin' Drip
Motherfuckin' Drip
Nič není 4 free
Nothing is for free
Noačo, bitch
So what, bitch
Šetriť si, to je fuj-fuj nie
Saving money is a no-no
Mám plné ruky tašiek, tak ustúpte
My hands are full of bags, so step aside
Flexiť s tým budem ja postupne
I'll be flexing with this gradually
Zoženiem aj to čo není dostupné
I'll get even what's unavailable
Gádže nemíňajú love, lebo ja ich miniem za nich
The girls don't spend money, 'cause I'll spend it for them
Teraz je na to moment, aby som sa všetkých zbavil
Now is the time to get rid of it all
Flexin, all night all day, lebo ma to proste baví
Flexin', all night all day, 'cause I just enjoy it
Mne to nerobí problém, hlavne, že sme zdraví
It's no problem for me, as long as we're healthy
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Všetko čo mám, ja dávam do music a handier
Everything I have, I put into music and clothes
Boty od Nike, hoodiesky na head
Nike shoes, hoodies on my head
Sushi na tanier, farffale na plate
Sushi on the plate, farfalle on the dish
Nikdy som nechcel byť broke (Ani nebudem)
I never wanted to be broke (And I won't be)
Ale prachy sa menia v prach
But money turns to dust
A keď nejsú money, tak riešime jak sa to
And when there's no money, we figure out how it can be done
Jak sa to nedá a jak sa to
How it can't be done and how it can be done
Vždy sa to
It can always be done
Ice - šperk, chceme blink, chcem fly on private jet (Blink-blink)
Ice - jewelry, we want bling, I want to fly on a private jet (Blink-blink)
Mám ten taste, mám ten sauce
I got that taste, I got that sauce
Mám ten dip-dip, mám toho dosť
I got that drip-drip, I got enough
Keď bude fame, bude cash-cash-cash
When there's fame, there'll be cash-cash-cash
Keď bude bae, bude sex-sex-sex
When there's a bae, there'll be sex-sex-sex
Buď moja Riri, daj mi tvoj cake
Be my Rihanna, give me your cake
Sleduj jak zbohatnem, facts
Watch me get rich, facts
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak mniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič
In a week, I'll have nothing left
Cashout, drip
Cashout, drip
Take a sit
Take a seat, girl
Mám love, tak miniem
I got money, so I'll spend it
Za týždeň nemám nič (Tak miniem...)
In a week, I'll have nothing left (So I'll spend it...)

Авторы: Branko Dohovic

Vortex feat. Exact - 2X21
дата релиза

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