Voz de Mando - La Batalla del Golfo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Voz de Mando - La Batalla del Golfo

La Batalla del Golfo
The Battle of the Gulf
Ocuparon 100 agentes, dos boludos artillados
One hundred agents occupied, two armed tough guys
Servicios de inteligencia y federales del estado
Intelligence and federal services from the state
Personal de la marina y suficiente artillería
Navy personnel and sufficient artillery
El equipo de rastreo y una sombra como espía
Tracking team and a spy as a shadow
En el gran operativo un trabajo ultrasecreto
A top-secret job in the big operation
Solo por un objetivo
Just for one objective
Iban por el Macho Prieto
They were after Macho Prieto
Sucedió en Puerto Peñasco la gran batalla del Golfo
It happened in Puerto Peñasco, the great battle of the Gulf
Llegaron y se metieron hasta la boca del lobo
They arrived and went straight into the wolf's mouth
Activaron la luz verde pa'l primer grupo de asalto
They activated the green light for the first assault group
Gonzalo estaba en la mira y se le acercaban despacio
Gonzalo was in their sights and they were approaching him slowly
Pero el diablo nunca duerme, nunca le gusto la noche
But the devil never sleeps, he never liked the night
Se oyeron algunos gritos
Some screams were heard
Luego la súper del once
Then the eleven's super
Solamente con la corta, el MP les dio frente
He only had a shotgun, the MP confronted them
Venía en camino su escolta y los ajustaba el peque
His escort was on its way and the little guy adjusted them
Miraba con impotencia desde el punto donde estaba
He looked on helplessly from the point where he was
Seguía ajustando a su gente, buscándoles una entrada
He kept adjusting his men, looking for an entrance for them
Les dijo: "aquí está un boludo que dispara hacia Gonzalo
He said to them: "Here's a tough guy shooting at Gonzalo
Túmbenlo inmediatamente
Take him down immediately
Y rescaten a mi hermano"
And rescue my brother"
¡Túmbenlo!, ¡túmbenlo a la...
Take him down! Take him down to the...
Voz de Mando
Voz de Mando
Otro boludo artillado no dejaba de echar balas
Another armed tough guy kept firing bullets
Desde el aire hacía pedazos cualquier carro que pasara
From the air he smashed to pieces any car that passed by
De pronto llego un blindado quitando todo a su paso
Suddenly an armored car arrived, removing everything in its path
Detonando el antiaéreo llego el equipo del Macho
Detonating the anti-aircraft, Macho's team arrived
El águila del desierto espanto los artillados
The desert eagle scared the gunmen
Fueron hasta donde el viejo
They went to where the old man was
Y lograron rescatarlo
And managed to rescue him
A un veterano de guerra no lo intimida cualquiera
A war veteran is not intimidated by just anyone
Ni tampoco le sorprende si es gobierno se ladea
Nor is he surprised if the government is dishonest
La famosa sombra espía fue abatida por el fuego
The famous shadow spy was shot down by fire
Por la forma tan violenta que respondió el Macho Prieto
Due to the violent way Macho Prieto responded
Se brincaron la frontera, la consigna era Gonzalo
They crossed the border, the mission was Gonzalo
Lo tuvieron frente a frente
They had him face to face
Y se les fue de las manos
And it slipped through their hands
Porque firme ha estado siempre, no se ha sabido rajar
Because he has always stood firm, he has not known how to back down
Firme con su hermano el peque y su gente de Culiacán
Firm with his brother the little one and his people from Culiacán
Como dicen que decía: "yo jamás voy a entregarme
As they say he used to say: "I'll never give myself up
Si me quieren encerrado van a tener que matarme"
If you want me locked up, you're going to have to kill me"
Han reportado la baja del capo Gonzalo Inzunza
The death of capo Gonzalo Inzunza has been reported
Si está vivo o está muerto
If he's alive or if he's dead
Es una buena pregunta
That's a good question

Авторы: Niebla-lopez Daniel Antonio

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