Vypsana Fixa - Měla krátkou ofinu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vypsana Fixa - Měla krátkou ofinu

Měla krátkou ofinu
She Had a Short Bang
Měla krátkou ofinu
She had a short bang
A hledala wifinu.
And she was looking for wifin'
Nemohla ji najít a pak
She couldn't find it and then
Vymazala z mobilu
She deleted from her phone
Dalšího krále debilů,
Another fucking idiot,
Kterýmu před tím napsala fuck.
Whom she had written fuck before.
Slunce svítilo do dubna,
The sun was shining in April,
Ji bolela kedlubna,
Her kohlrabi was aching,
Srdce, to ji bolelo fakt.
Her heart, it really ached.
Černý řasy se lepily
Black lashes were sticking,
A jiný barvy nebyly
And there were no other colors
Nežli ty černý,
Than the black ones,
Bylo to tak.
That's how it was.
A to máma, že zamilovat
And mother knows that to fall in love
A to táta, to není jen tak.
And father knows, it's not just like that.
Měla krátkou ofinu
She had a short bang
A ubalila bylinu,
And she rolled a herb,
Plavala tam na louce znak.
She was swimming there on the meadow, on her back.
Slunce pořád svítilo
The sun was still shining
A to černý nebylo,
And it wasn't black anymore,
Jen na nehtech byl ten černej lak.
Only on her nails was that black nail polish.
Vzpomněla si na mámu
She remembered her mother
A taky na dalajlámu,
And also the Dalai Lama,
To je ten nejlepší chlap.
He is the best man.
Pak zavolala tátovi
Then she called her father
A ten to taky dobře jaký to je, jaký to je
And he also knows it well what it's like, what it's like
Se zamilovat.
To fall in love.
Jaký to je?
What is it like?
A to máma, že zamilovat
And mother knows that to fall in love
A to táta, to není jen tak.
And father knows, it's not just like that.
A to máma, že zamilovat
And mother knows that to fall in love
A to táta, to není jen tak.
And father knows, it's not just like that.
Měla krátkou ofinu
She had a short bang
Měla krátkou, měla, měla.
She had short, she had, she had.
A pod měla čelo a mozek.
And under it, she had a forehead and a brain.
Měla krátkou ofinu
She had a short bang
A stejně přes ni neviděla
And still she couldn't see through it
Tu kouli připoutanou k noze.
That ball chained to her foot.
Měla krátkou ofinu,
She had a short bang,
Měla krátkou, měla, měla.
She had short, she had, she had.
A večer možná pod bude klozet.
And in the evening, there might be a toilet under it.
Měla krátkou ofinu
She had a short bang
A stejně přes ni neviděla
And still she couldn't see through it
Ty mraky, který pluly.
Those clouds that were floating.
Měla krátkou ofinu
She had a short bang
Měla krátkou, měla, měla.
She had short, she had, she had.

Авторы: Michal Mareda, Vypsana Fixa

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