Vypsana Fixa - Vše Za 39 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vypsana Fixa - Vše Za 39

Vše Za 39
Everything for 39
Aby to auto zacouvalo
For the car to drive back
Asi tak za dva roky
About two years ago
A ten chlap byl celej čas
And that guy was in the secret hemisphere
V tajnejch hemisférách rád.
He would happily have been happy.
Aby ta holka, která skáče
For the girl who jumps
Kolem lidí, co jdou z práce,
Around who the people are looking from work,
Byla jak ve vzduchu drak
Like a kite in the air
A pak by přistála na panelák.
And then lands on a panel house.
Aby ta horká černá káva
For that hot black coffee
Voněla celou noc do rána
It smelled all night
A pak by přilez rak
And then a crayfish would come
A chodil by v hodinkách.
And he would wear a watch.
Aby to všechno zabrzdilo,
So that it all slowed down,
Aby to aspoň chvíli bylo
So that it could be a while at least
Asi tak jak nehet a lak -
Like a nail and nail polish -
Tak by se to mohlo posunovat
That way it could move
Zpátky k sobě.
Back to itself.
Aby to bylo místo tik-tak jen tak,
So that instead of ticking it would just be like that,
Aby to bylo podle dirigenta
So that it would be according to the conductor
Sem tam - jenom sem tam
Here and there - only here and there
A pak to dorazilo pomalu k nám.
And then it came to us slowly.
Aby to bylo taky trochu mimo
So that it was also a bit off
Třeba jako Quentin Tarantino -
Like Quentin Tarantino -
To jo, to se ví, že jo,
Exactly, I know, I know,
Dám ruku na tvoje rameno.
I'll put my hand on your shoulder.
U Vše za 39
At everything for 39
Sedí oba společně
They are both sitting together
A baví je jen sedět,
And they just enjoy sitting,
Sedět jen tak zbytečně.
Sitting there just unnecessarily.
U Vše za 39
At everything for 39
Sedí oba společně
They are both sitting together
A vyfukujou kouře
And blowing smoke
A zpomalujou svět
And slowing down the world
Zpátky k sobě.
Back to itself.
U Vše za 39
At everything for 39
Si zpívají radostí
They sing for joy
A dovnitř choděj lidi
And people come inside
A nakupujou blbosti,
And buy nonsense,
Ale oni dva jsou venku
But the two of them are outside
A pozorujou svět
And they observe the world
A otáčej ho k sobě
And they turn it towards themselves
A otáčej ho teď
And they turn it now
Zpátky k sobě.
Back to itself.
Aby všechno zabrzdilo,
So that everything would stop,
I to, co zabrzdit nesmí,
Even what should not stop,
Aby se to zastavilo
So that it would stop
A na chvíli zastavil i vesmír.
And the universe would stop for a while.
Aby stromy do betonu
So that trees in the concrete
Vypustily hodně silný mízy,
Would release a lot of strong sap,
Aby se zeměkoule z kovu
So that the globe of the earth made of metal
Naposledy otočila
Finally turned
A lidi byli
The people were
Freezing freezing freezing home -
Freezing freezing freezing at home -
Zpátky v sobě.
Back to themselves.

Авторы: Michal Mareda, Vypsana Fixa

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