Wabi Danek - Na Cestě - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wabi Danek - Na Cestě

Na Cestě
On the Road
Kdysi u silnice stával, deku do půl zad,
Once I was standing by the road, a blanket on my back,
si mával, jak si mával, nechtěli ho brát,
I waved and waved, but no one wanted to take me,
Nikdy Kerouaca nečet a neznal třetí proud,
I never read Kerouac and I didn't know about the third stream,
Přesto býval spolu s Deanem každej víkend on the road.
Even so I was with Dean every weekend, on the road.
Nikdy neměl ani zdání, jak se hrával bop,
I never had a clue how to play bebop,
Měl jen slinu na toulání a překážel mu strop,
I just longed to roam free and the ceiling got in my way,
životem na plný pecky a neubírat plyn,
Life at full throttle and never let up,
Tuhle víru na svý pouti vždycky vzýval Sal i Dean.
This was the faith that Sal and Dean always invoked on their journeys.
Tak mi řekni, na co vlastně mám
So tell me, what do I really need with
Moudrosti vyčtený z knížek,
Wisdom gleaned from books,
Co je dobrý, na to přijdu sám,
What is good, I'll figure out myself,
Co je špatný, za tím křížek udělám.
What is bad, I'll mark with a cross.
Tohle na cestě mi říkal, ho kdysi vzal,
This is what he told me on the road, I took it to heart,
Potom zavolal jen: "Díky!" A frčel dál,
Then he just called out, "Thanks!" And I sped off,
Od těch dob jsem vždycky hlídal, kamkoliv jsem jel,
Ever since then I've always made sure that wherever I go,
Nestojí-li u patníku se svou vírou Dean a Sal.
Dean and Sal aren't standing at the signpost with their faith.
Vždycky u silnice stával, vlasy do půl zad,
He was always standing by the road, long hair on his back,
si mával, jak si mával, nechtěli ho brát,
He waved and waved, but no one wanted to take him,
Nikdy tuhle knížku nečet a neznal třetí proud,
He never read this book and he didn't know about the third stream,
Přesto býval spolu s Deanem každej víkend on the road.
Even so he was with Dean every weekend, on the road.
On the road.
On the road.

Авторы: Stanislav Danek

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