Walter Silva - La de los Mangos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Walter Silva - La de los Mangos

La de los Mangos
The One from the Mango Trees
Amor del alma
Love of my soul,
Cariñito de la infancia
My childhood sweetheart,
Sombrita del palo e mango
Shade of the mango tree,
Dónde yo te conocí...
Where I first met you...
Con una pepa
With a seed,
Te tumbaba el otro mango
I would knock down another mango for you,
Y así entre mango y mango
And so, between mangos,
Muchos besitos te di.
I gave you many kisses.
Pero un día por el destino
But one day, fate intervened,
Cogí camino y de tu lado
And I took a path that led me away from you,
Me fui
I left.
Y resulta encantador
And now, it seems so charming,
Y por eso hoy con amor
And that's why today, with love,
Esta canción te escribí
I write you this song
Amor del alma boquita
Love of my soul, little mouth,
Del primer beso
Of my first kiss,
Ojitos del primer gusto
Eyes of my first crush,
Nunca te olvides de
Never forget me,
Que de mi parte
For my part,
Yo nunca te olvidare
I will never forget you.
Porque eso seria
Because that would be like
Olvidarme del campo donde naci
Forgetting the countryside where I was born,
Y eso de ser campesino
And that, being a countryman,
Es la riqueza más grande
Is the greatest wealth
Con la que algún día naci
That I was ever born with.
Que el día que conocí el pueblo
The day I discovered the city,
Me hizo falta tanto el campo
I missed the countryside so much
Que hay mismo me devolví
That I turned right back around.
Amor del alma juntos
Love of my soul, together,
Desde el mismo alambré
On the other side of the same fence,
Mire que crecías mujer
I watched you grow into a woman,
Y viste que hombre crecí
And you saw that I grew into a man.
El mismo gallo cantando
The same rooster crowing
En la madrugada
At dawn,
Te despertaba cariño
Would wake you, my dear,
Y me despertaba a
And would wake me, too.
Cuando veías hacia el monte
When you looked towards the mountains,
Mirabas el mismo monte
You saw the same mountains
Que toda mi infancia vi
That I saw throughout my childhood.
Si veías pa' la sabana
If you looked out towards the plains,
Veías la misma sabana
You saw the same plains
Que en un burro recorrí
That I rode across on a donkey.
Amor del alma
Love of my soul,
Cariñito de la infancia
My childhood sweetheart,
Sombrita del palo e mango
Shade of the mango tree,
Donde yo te conocí
Where I first met you,
Cuando la brisa tumbaba
When the breeze would knock down
Un mango maduro
A ripe mango,
Paliaba con los marranos
I would fend off the pigs
Ese mango para ti
To get that mango for you,
Amorcito campesino
My little country girl,
Campesina la riqueza
Countryside is the wealth
Con la que algún día naci
That I was ever born with.
Que el día que conocí el pueblo
The day I discovered the city,
Me hizo falta tanto el campo
I missed the countryside so much
Que hay mismo me devolví.
That I turned right back around.

Авторы: Walter Silva

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