Wantons - Hamkhoone - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wantons - Hamkhoone

ما شدیم یه جمع لشه همخونه آخه انقد زدیم که ته شب نشه رفت خونه
We've become a bunch of drunk roommates, we drank so much that we can't go home at the end of the night.
پس هرکی که بهتره دست به فرمونش باید بقیه رو تا صبح توی شهر بچرخونه
So whoever is better at driving has to drive the rest of us around the city until morning.
ما چی شدیم یه جمع لشه همخونه آخه انقد زدیم که ته شب نشه رفت خونه پس
We've become a bunch of drunk roommates, we drank so much that we can't go home at the end of the night. So
هرکی که بهتره دست به فرمونش باید بقیه رو
whoever is better at driving has to drive the rest of us
تا صبح تو این شهر بچرخونه تو این شهر بچرخونه
around this city until morning, around this city until morning.
اَ اوناییم که هرجایی تو هر جمع نمیره با یکیمون شوخی کنن اونیکیمون کم
Oh, we are those who don't go anywhere, don't fit in with just anyone. They joke with one of us, one of us loses their temper.
جنبه میشه اَ اونا که زندگیمون انگار چند صحنه فیلمه اَ اونا که نمیخندم
It happens, oh, those whose lives are like scenes from a movie, oh, those who don't laugh
مگه خندم بگیره ما همش داریم عادت به هر عادتی بده واسمون باید میشه آخر
unless something makes me laugh, we are always getting used to every habit that is bad for us, must become the end of
هر نبایدی تهش با اتی تو جمیم با همدیگه میریم سلامتی همه هردفعه
every should not be, with Ati in our group, together we go, to everyone's health, every time
میبینمش بهش میگم که سلام اتی نده همش حرفامو به خنده میگم وقتی همه رو
I see him I tell him hello Ati don't give it, I say all my words with a laugh when I've gotten rid of everyone
خلاص کردم یه دنده میشم من قد یه سال تحصیلی خوابم سر در نمیارین از
I become stubborn, I'm like a year of school sleep, you don't understand my
فریکامم وقتی بیدارم عینه کبری میشه هردفعه هرجا هر تصمیمی دارم هر
freaks when I'm awake like cobra becomes every time, everywhere, every decision I have, every
سوراخی رو پر میکنم فکرمو مثه پتروس جلوی هر سدی میزارم انقد لفظ میام
hole I fill, my mind like Petros, I put in front of every dam, I come up with so many words
زیر لفظی میارن تا اینکه پدی کلافه نشه
they bring it up indirectly so that Pedi doesn't get bored
هی ماها میرسیم به خونه حتی اگه کلاغه نرسه
Hey, we get home even if the crow doesn't.
ما شدیم یه جمع لشه همخونه آخه انقد زدیم که ته شب نشه رفت خونه
We've become a bunch of drunk roommates, we drank so much that we can't go home at the end of the night.
پس هرکی که بهتره دست به فرمونش باید بقیه رو تا صبح توی شهر بچرخونه
So whoever is better at driving has to drive the rest of us around the city until morning.
ما چی شدیم یه جمع لشه همخونه آخه انقد زدیم که ته شب نشه رفت خونه
We've become a bunch of drunk roommates, we drank so much that we can't go home at the end of the night.
پس هرکی که بهتره دست به فرمونش باید بقیه رو تا صبح توی شهر بچرخونه
So whoever is better at driving has to drive the rest of us around the city until morning.
همخونه واسه دردودل بهتر از یه همخونه همخونه ما با
Roommate for venting is better than a roommate, we roommates are with
همیم با اینکه دوریم از خونه کسی نمیتونه مارو برگردونه
each other even though we're far from home, no one can bring us back.
اینا میگن سمی انقد زده یذره خل شده لاینارو پ یه
They say it's poisonous, he's been hit so much he's a little crazy, these lines are half
نمه اگه کمه پر کنش مگه بده یه تهران فنه منه ک.
wet, if it's not enough, fill it up, isn't it bad, a Tehran fan of mine, k.
خله دافت اومد لاس و زدش بعده خطه اوت شدش از خونه راه دور ، نه نمیره
crazy, your girl came and hit it, after the line, she got kicked out of the house, long distance, no, she won't go
یادمون چشمامون بازن ولی ساعتا برد خوابشون هیجده و
We remember our eyes are open but the clocks have taken their sleep eighteen and
نوزده و بیست رفت دوست داشتیم از خونه کوچه رو بیشتر
nineteen and twenty gone, we wished the alley was more than home
ما شدیم یه جمع لشه همخونه آخه انقد زدیم که ته شب نشه رفت خونه
We've become a bunch of drunk roommates, we drank so much that we can't go home at the end of the night.
پس هرکی که بهتره دست به فرمونش باید بقیه رو تا صبح توی شهر بچرخونه
So whoever is better at driving has to drive the rest of us around the city until morning.
ما چی شدیم یه جمع لشه همخونه آخه انقد زدیم که ته شب نشه رفت خونه
We've become a bunch of drunk roommates, we drank so much that we can't go home at the end of the night.
پس هرکی که بهتره دست به فرمونش باید بقیه رو تا صبح توی شهر بچرخونه
So whoever is better at driving has to drive the rest of us around the city until morning.
سمی فک کن چی میشه اگه این لنگو بده کوری این هفته چندمیه ول کن بره
Poisonous, think what happens if this lame gives it, Kori, what week is it this week, let it go
ماها مخمونو دادیم به بیب کمپلت پرت به پرمون نگیره که هلی کوپتره حسـام
We've given our brains to Bib, completely scattered, don't take it from us, it's a helicopter, Hessam
عوش شده مثه قبلی نی همه چیشو داد پای شرط بندی میثمم مست چته تو شبنم
He's changed, not like he used to be, he gave everything to gambling, Meysam is drunk, what's wrong with you, Shabnam
خیس با خودمون نمیدونیم چندچندیم شاید یکم تند رفتیم رد کردیم کاش میشد
wet, we don't know what's going on, maybe we went a little too fast, we missed it, I wish we could
دور بزنیم برگردیم تا فروردین خودم بهمن میکشم قلبم تیر ولی پیش همیم
turn around and go back to Farvardin, I'm Bahman, I'm shooting my heart, it's Tir, but we're still ahead
حتی وقتی شهریور میره کوری هنوز با دافا حش-ری ور میره هنوز پا میدن شل
Even when Shahrivar goes, Kori still has fun with the girls, he still kicks, they give it up loose
میرن زیرش با خودم نمیدونم تکلیفم چیه آخه چند ساله هر زنگی تفریح هر
They go under it, I don't know what my offer is, because for years every ring has been a recreation, every
سنگی برفی هر جمعی منفیه و بیخیاله حرفا که
stone is snowy, every group is negative and carefree about the words that
پشت سرشم کوری میره تا برسه مثه نقطه سر خط
behind it, Kori goes until he reaches it like a period at the beginning of a line

Авторы: Wantons

Wantons - Hamkhoone
дата релиза

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