Warda - Ehdono El Ayam Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Warda - Ehdono El Ayam Live

Ehdono El Ayam Live
Ehdono El Ayam Live
احضنوا الايام لتجري من ايدينا
Let's embrace the days before they slip away from our grasp
احلى ايام الهوى راحت علينا
The best days of love have left us
م الشهد دوقونا
From honey, they made us taste
بالسكر دوبونا
With sugar, they intoxicated us
وبعد ما حبيناهم
After we loved them
وبعد ماهنيناهم
After we yearned for them
بالمر سقونا
With bitterness, they filled us
بالرخص باعونا
For a low price, they sold us
آه وبايدينا
Oh, and it's in our own hands
آه انكوينا
Oh, we've been tricked
لما بالحب ابتلينا
When we fell into the trap of love
ابتلينا واتنسينا وانتهينا
We fell into it, abandoned ourselves, and ended
بس طول ماهو جاي بكره
But as long as tomorrow is yet to come
ربنا يعوض علينا
Our Lord will compensate us
يعوض الله يعوض الله يعوض الله
God will compensate, God will compensate, God will compensate
الدنيا لسه بخيرها والله يعوض الله
The world still has its goodness, and God will compensate
احلى كلام في الهوى قلناه
The sweetest words of love we spoke
قد ما قلنا صدقناه
As much as we said, we believed
وعشقناه ودبنا معاه
And we adored it and melted with it
ودبنا معاه ودوبناه
And melted with it, and evaporated
دبنا دبنا دبنا
We melted, we melted, we melted
حب بحب نعطش حب نشرب حب
Love for love, we thirst, love, we drink, love
غنت كل الدنيا معانا اغاني الحب
The whole world sang love songs with us
واما قلنا خلاص ارتحنا
But when we said, "Enough, we're exhausted"
والايام حست بفرحنا
And the days felt our joy
ضاع الهوى بعد ما جرحنا
Love was lost after it wounded us
اه ع الدنيا لما بتدي
Oh, the world, when it gives
بس بتاخد قد ماتدي
It also takes away as much as it gives
واكتر ما بتدينا يا وعدي
And, the more you give us, my love
استكترت الحب علينا
You begrudged us with love
استكترت الفرح علينا
You begrudged us with joy
استكترت الحلم علينا
You begrudged us with dreams
آه وبايدينا آه انكوينا
Oh, and it's in our own hands, oh, we've been tricked
لما بالحب ابتلينا
When we fell into the trap of love
ابتلينا واتنسينا وانتهينا
We fell into it, abandoned ourselves, and ended
بس طول ماهو جاي بكره
But as long as tomorrow is yet to come
ربنا يعوض علينا
Our Lord will compensate us
يعوض الله يعوض الله يعوض الله
God will compensate, God will compensate, God will compensate
الدنيا لسه بخيرها والله يعوض الله
The world still has its goodness, and God will compensate
احلى ايام ياهوى انا بانتظارها
Oh love, I am waiting for the best days
بابتسامتها وحلاوتها ونارهابانتظارها
With their smiles, sweetness, and passion, I am waiting for them
بكره ايامنا اللي جايه تقول تعالوا
Tomorrow, our future days will say, "Come"
قلت اهلا بيها وبضحكه نهارها
I said, "Welcome," with a smile on its face
ولياليها وسهرها والعشره اللي بينا
And its nights, its parties, and the intimacy between us
لو حد افتكرها
If anyone thinks of it
يالله بينا
Come on, let's
نحضن الايام لترجع تجري بينا
Embrace the days so that they may run again between us
قبل ما الدنيا تجرح تاني فينا
Before the world wounds us again
نودع النغمه الحزينه تشترينا
Let us bid farewell to the sad melody that ensnares us
ندعي للايام تجينا والزمن هو يداوينا
Let us pray for the days to come and for time to heal us
ليه نشمت حد بينا ملي بينا
Why should we allow anyone to gloat between us?
كل ده محسوب علينا
All this is upon us
يا زمن حاسب علينا
Oh, time, hold us accountable
بعد ما ضحكت عينينا
After our eyes have laughed
اه واترضينا... اه واتصافينا
Oh, and we have reconciled... Oh, and we have become friends
لما رحنالهم وجينا
When we mortgaged ourselves and came to them
واما قلنا نحب بكره
But when we said, "We will love again tomorrow"
ربنا يعوض علينا
Our Lord will compensate us
يعوض الله يعوض الله يعوض الله
God will compensate, God will compensate, God will compensate
الدنيا لسه بخيرها والله يعوض الله
The world still has its goodness, and God will compensate

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