Wardruna - Voluspá (Skaldic Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wardruna - Voluspá (Skaldic Version)

Voluspá (Skaldic Version)
Voluspá (Skaldic Version)
Hljóðs bið ek allar helgar kindir
Hearken to me, all you holy kindred,
Meiri ok minni mögu Heimdallar
Greater and lesser, children of Heimdallr.
Viltu, at ek, Valföðr! vel framtelja
Wouldst thou that I, Allfather, should rightly recount
Forn spjöll fíra, þau er fremst um man
The ancient chronicles of men, that are foremost in memory?
Ár var alda þar er Ýmir bygði
Of yore there was an age when Ymir lived,
Vara sandr sær svalar unnir
There was neither sand nor sea nor cool waves,
Jörð fannsk æva upphiminn
Earth was not found, nor heaven above,
Gap var ginnunga, en gras hvergi
There was a gaping void, but no grass anywhere
Sól tér sortna, sígr fold í mar
The sun turned black, the earth sank into the sea,
Hverfa af himni heiðar stjörnur
The bright stars vanished from the sky,
Geisar eimi ok aldrnari
Steam and poison surged forth,
Leikr hár hiti við himin sjalfan
Hot flames played against the very heavens.
Bræðr munu berjask ok at bönum verðask
Brothers will fight and deal each other death,
Munu systrungar sifjum spilla
Kinsmen will break the bonds of kinship.
Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standandi
Yggdrasil ash trembles in terror,
Ymr it aldna tré, en jötunn losnar
The ancient tree groans, and the jötnar break loose.
Geyr Garmr mjök fyr Gnipahelli
Garm howls fiercely before the Gnipahellir cave,
Festr mun slitna en freki renna
Fetters will snap, and the wolf will run free,
Fjölð veit ek fræða, fram ek lengra
Many things I know, and I see still further,
Um ragna rök römm sigtíva
The powerful fates of the gods, the doom of the gods.
Sér hon upp koma öðru sinni
I see the earth rise again,
Jörð ór ægi iðjagræna
Green and new, from the sea,
Falla fossar, flýgr örn yfir
Waterfalls cascade, an eagle soars overhead,
er á fjalli fiska veiðir
Catching fish on the mountain.
Sal sér hon standa sólu fekra
I see a hall standing, fairer than the sun,
Gulli þakðan á Gimléi
Covered in gold, on Gimlé,
Þar skulu dyggvar dróttir byggja
There will righteous people dwell
Ok um aldrdaga ynðis njóta
And enjoy eternal bliss.

Авторы: Einar Selvik

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