Weiss - Chicken Dinner - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Weiss - Chicken Dinner

Chicken Dinner
Chicken Dinner
Khallasna l tari2 l oula...
We're done with the first road...
"Haymana" sar fina notwe hiyye hal fashkha bi zeta.
"Haymana" has become for us a joke, this eloquent one with a lisp.
Masnou3a men kaza khotwe mchit b7enke khotwe khotwe.
A collection of several lines I walked between your lines, line by line.
Shi bsharase shi btarawwe la soret sabbeb l 3atme...
Some with lowliness, some with arrogance, the reason for the darkness...
Li bsamima kenet dawwe 3am beshla7 hal der3 l a7mar...
With a smile that used to shine, I spent three years solving this red puzzle...
Heda l damm mghatta l dehab ana mesh la elo l masdar...
This blood covered the ground, I am not the source...
Bas be3teref enne l sabab (li2an) madreste adimeh.
I just admit that the reason is (because) you didn't continue.
Shi3ara fann w ebde3 w madraseton zineh...
Poetry, art, and creativity, and your school is beautiful...
Tijariyye w ma btenbe3 al7enon tghatte l 7a2i2a.
Commercial and you don't sell, the tunes are drowning the truth.
Ana b3ayyesha bi 7arfe l rap mesh mousi2a...
I live by the letters of rap, not music...
L rap 3amal fanne 7erfe metmmalk menna lal logha...
Rap is a craft, an art, a craft extended from us to the language...
Brakkeb bkasser w bdir fa ma totla3 bi kawa3ed.
I assemble and break and do, it doesn't come out in rules.
La Fe3el bala damir ana tesla 3a mashhour.
Without a conscience, I am Tesla on a celebrity.
Ta2a bteshbah beit l she3er w henne edisson ghayyour.
It resembles a house of poetry, and here's Edison's change.
Tracks bteshbah beit l sha3er khetem albumeh 3al
Tracks resemble a house of poetry, the album is sealed on the
Reye2... bas ra7 ed3as kam se22eye ana eyem efta7 beereye.
Opinion... but go ahead and count how many pairs of eyes, my eyes opened wide.
7ada yraste2le stickeye
Anyone deserves a sticky
Fi wa2et lal kalem w fi wa2et lal idene fi wa2et lal salem w
There's a time for words and a time for ears, a time for peace and
Fi wa2et lal ihene hayda wa2t l athem ana ma boghfor khiyene ta
A time for joy, this is the time of guilt, I don't forgive betrayal even
T3ammer baddak tdammer w lsene mhadde w feltene fi wa2et lal kalem w
If you want to scheme forever, the tongue is sharp and the strife is in time for words and
Fi wa2et lal idene fi wa2et lal salem w fi wa2et lal ihene hayda wa2t
A time for ears, a time for peace and a time for joy, this is the time
L athem ana ma boghfor khiyene ta tsakketne bak te2telne
Of guilt, I don't forgive betrayal, you shut me up, you kill me
W ana neyem 3a tersene Verse 2: keno bi 7eje l shabeb.
And I sleep on the arsenal Verse 2: They were concerned with the youth.
7ada ye7mellon risele leich fekrak dajjo erheb?
Anyone carrying a message, why are your thoughts scattered and confused?
Ma3 enno sheghlon zbele w khlifeton mesh hal
Even though their work is trash and their upbringing is not this
La2ta... yeb2a batal 3al adim khen l shere3 khen l mabda.
Result... he remains a hero over the old, the brother of law, the brother of principle.
Bas ta yotla3 mainstream (tfehh) w rfi2o l 3akrout.
But when he goes mainstream (pfft) and his friend the walnut.
L wehemna bkell hal adese l mbarza2 sayer mash3out... meshe mkarbaj
Our illusion in all this absurdity, the arrogant has become famous... he's not a whip
Esmo nese ta y2ammen l "vitamine"... elouleh 3am yeble wled sar 3omro
His name is forgotten until he takes "vitamins"... at first he was a good boy, he became over
Fo2 l 30... mmasha 7awlo 16shet (pedo) bas shoufak
30... walking around 16th (pedo) but you see
Abbe3 ma fi wa2et ta sharafak tlemm l colombe lawno abyad.
It doesn't matter when you honored yourself to teach the dove its white color.
Ya ahbal shou 3am betshemm?
Oh my love, what are you teaching?
Khedouwa shakhsiyye bro... bte7ko w ma bta3mlo shi Ana bel awefe pro.
Take it personally, bro... you talk and you don't do anything. I'm loyal, pro.
Ento pro L G B T La bseme7 w la bensa...
You are pro L G B T I don't forgive and I don't forget...
W oratkon kella ma 3efta Ana l shere3 wel shawere3
And your faces are all not innocent. I am the law, the streets
Wel tor2et w ri7et zefta Hayde kholset "chicken dinner".
And the roads and the smell of diesel. This is the end of "chicken dinner".
Ra7 ballesh bel duo l tene L7e2t w fakkeit syeme.
I'm going to play the second duo, I rested and wasted my day.
Mesh ra7 oftar 3a debbene
I'm not going to break my fast on a fly
Fi wa2et lal kalem w fi wa2et lal idene fi wa2et lal salem w
There's a time for words and a time for ears, a time for peace and
Fi wa2et lal ihene hayda wa2t l athem ana ma boghfor khiyene ta
A time for joy, this is the time of guilt, I don't forgive betrayal even
T3ammer baddak tdammer w lsene mhadde w feltene fi wa2et lal kalem w
If you want to scheme forever, the tongue is sharp and the strife is in time for words and
Fi wa2et lal idene fi wa2et lal salem w fi wa2et lal ihene hayda wa2t
A time for ears, a time for peace and a time for joy, this is the time
L athem ana ma boghfor khiyene ta
Of guilt, I don't forgive betrayal, you
Tsakketne bak te2telne w ana neyem 3a tersene
Shut me up, you kill me and I sleep on the arsenal
3: Zyede ennon banet... b7ess
3: Also, they're girls... I feel
M7allal eghtisabon Erfet tize mnel 3aresh.
Halal is their reckoning. They knew how to climb the throne.
Jeye 2e23od 3a a3sabon bel tari2a l ta2lidiyye.
They come to sit on the nerves in the traditional way.
L mamlake bedda 3abid wa7yetak mesh 3onsoriyye...
The kingdom wants a worshiper, your life is not constitutional...
Ma ra7 tefro2 soud w bid awwal we7ed yeb2a m3attar...
You won't differentiate between sound and bidding, the first one will remain perfumed...
Bardou lezem yod3af netfe fete7la ma fi chi msattar...
The cold needs to weaken a little, open it up, there's nothing written...
7atta esmak manno sodfe l mamlake bteghtene fik.
Even your name is not a coincidence, the kingdom hates you.
Eza bel kilo men bi3ak wlek 7esh tsakker bayrout.
If they sold you by the kilo, you are worth a bag of Beirut sugar.
W ent ma fik tsakker ni3ak kaleb shehra metl m3allmak.
And you can't remember your fun, a dog's month like your teacher.
Ness w 3emel 7elak khayye ma b3omre ra7 khef mennak.
People and work, ruin your brother, I will never be afraid of you.
Bas khawfe te2lob 3layye w exak hal 7ousele...
But I'm afraid you'll ask me, and your brother is this husky...
L mbanda2 abou laknet "plz ma tjibo siret emme"...
The gun with the bayonet "plz don't bring my mother's picture"...
Shou hal rapper l fettek njara7 mahbalo ma ahbalo.
What's up with the rapper, the girl whose lover doesn't love her.
7atta s7abo tarkou hou ken lezem yekol khara.
Even his friends left him, he had to eat shit.
Aktar ma byekol bamboo men kel 3a2lak 3ouz sle7?.
The more he eats bamboo, the more you mind wants a weapon?.
3abele idayye lawweth mbawradla ma l ta7te deghre ...
He saw my hand clenched, he cooled down right below...
Noss klashen ma bi awwes
Half a Kalashnikov doesn't hesitate
Fi wa2et lal kalem w fi wa2et lal idene fi wa2et lal salem w
There's a time for words and a time for ears, a time for peace and
Fi wa2et lal ihene hayda wa2t l athem ana ma boghfor khiyene ta
A time for joy, this is the time of guilt, I don't forgive betrayal even
T3ammer baddak tdammer w lsene mhadde w feltene fi wa2et lal kalem w
If you want to scheme forever, the tongue is sharp and the strife is in time for words and
Fi wa2et lal idene fi wa2et lal salem w fi wa2et lal ihene hayda wa2t
A time for ears, a time for peace and a time for joy, this is the time
L athem ana ma boghfor khiyene ta
Of guilt, I don't forgive betrayal, you
Tsakketne bak te2telne w ana neyem 3a tersene
Shut me up, you kill me and I sleep on the arsenal

Авторы: Richard Peirs Dinsdale

Weiss - Bergerac / Chicken Dinner - Single
Bergerac / Chicken Dinner - Single
дата релиза

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