What's Up feat. Ruby - A mea (feat. Ruby) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни What's Up feat. Ruby - A mea (feat. Ruby)

A mea (feat. Ruby)
A mea (feat. Ruby)
Versurile melodiei "A mea", interpretata de What′s Up si Ruby
My Dearest (feat. Ruby)
Traiesc din amintirea
I live in memory
Noptilor frumoase
Of beautiful nights
Cand nu stiu cum zbura timpul
When I don't know how the time flies
Dimineata la sase
At six in the morning
Tot impreuna
Always together
Noi tot impreuna
We were always together
De la buna dimineata
From good morning
Pana la noapte buna
Until good night
Orice om greseste, dar imi pare rau
Everyone makes mistakes, but I'm sorry
Pe cuvant ca m-am pus si in locul tau
I swear I also put myself in your place
Timpul trece si e impotriva mea
Time passes and it's against me
Dar eu tot te voi cauta
But I will keep looking for you
Si a trecut primavara, vara
Spring and summer have passed
Te-am cautat toata tara
I've searched the whole country for you
Tu nu mai esti a mea
You are no longer mine
Si o sa treaca toata toamna
And all autumn shall pass
Eu tot n-o sa-mi gasesc doamna
I still won't find my lady
Si-o sa vina iarna grea
And the harsh winter will come
Mi-am spus sa nu pun la suflet
I told myself not to take it to heart
Iar inima mea mi-a spus "Du-te"
And my heart told me "Go"
Asa ca am plecat
So I left
O vreme inapoi nu prea m-am uitat
For a while I didn't look back too much
Chiar voiam sa scap de tine, nu mai voiam sa te am
I really wanted to get rid of you, I didn't want you anymore
Mi-am sters contul de Facebook si contul de Instagram
I deleted my Facebook account and my Instagram account
Mi-am luat toate amintirile, le-am aruncat pe geam
I took all my memories, and threw them out the window
O vreme m-am simtit mai bine, zi de zi radeam, glumeam
For a while I felt better, every day I laughed and joked
Sau cel putin asa credeam
Or at least that's what I thought
Nu mai pot iubito ma rup de tine
I can't anymore my love I can't part ways with you
Vezi ca nici nu ma gandeam
See, I wasn't even thinking about it
Orice om greseste, dar imi pare rau
Everyone makes mistakes, but I'm sorry
Pe cuvant ca m-am pus si in locul tau
I swear I also put myself in your place
Timpul trece si e impotriva mea
Time passes and it's against me
Dar eu tot te voi cauta
But I will keep looking for you
Si a trecut primavara, vara
Spring and summer have passed
Te-am cautat toata tara
I've searched the whole country for you
Tu nu mai esti a mea
You are no longer mine
Si o sa treaca toata toamna
And all autumn shall pass
Eu tot n-o sa-mi gasesc doamna
I still won't find my lady
Si-o sa vina iarna grea
And the harsh winter will come
Alo, am primit porumbelul cu mesajul
Hello, I received your message by pigeon
Mi-a bucurat peisajul
It brightened my day
Dar parca mi-a vorbit mirajul
But it felt like a mirage was talking to me
Cel mai important e ca ti-ai mai dresat limbajul
The most important thing is that you've improved your language
Nu-mi vine sa cred ca te-am sunat iar
I can't believe I called you again
Pe inima mi-am calcat iar
I stepped on my heart again
Tu, caine, nu te-ai schimbat
You, scoundrel, you haven't changed
Acum inteleg de ce am plecat
Now I understand why I left
Ca mi-am dresat limbajul
Because I have refined my language
Si a trecut primavara, vara
Spring and summer have passed
Te-am cautat toata tara
I've searched the whole country for you
Tu nu mai esti a mea
You are no longer mine
Si o sa treaca toata toamna
And all autumn shall pass
Eu tot n-o sa-mi gasesc doamna
I still won't find my lady
Si-o sa vina iarna grea
And the harsh winter will come

What's Up feat. Ruby - A mea (feat. Ruby) - Single
A mea (feat. Ruby) - Single
дата релиза

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