What's Up feat. Satra B.E.N.Z. - Treaba Mea (feat. Satra B.E.N.Z.) [Cenzurat] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни What's Up feat. Satra B.E.N.Z. - Treaba Mea (feat. Satra B.E.N.Z.) [Cenzurat]

Treaba Mea (feat. Satra B.E.N.Z.) [Cenzurat]
My Business (feat. Satra B.E.N.Z.) [Censored]
Ce treaba ai tu cu treaba mea, treaba mea
What’s your business with my business, my business
De ce nu-ti vezi de treaba ta, treaba ta
Why don't you mind your own business, your business
Tu fa ce vrei, de azi raman in lumea mea
You do what you want, from today on I stay in my world
Te roade invidia
You are eaten by envy
Ce treaba ai tu cu treaba mea, treaba mea
What’s your business with my business, my business
De ce nu-ti vezi de treaba ta, treaba ta
Why don't you mind your own business, your business
Tu fa ce vrei, de azi raman in lumea mea
You do what you want, from today on I stay in my world
Te roade invidia
You are eaten by envy
Zi cine esti tu, s-ar rupe in doua sufletu'
Say who you are, my soul would break in two
Zi cine esti tu, s-ar rupe in doua sufletu'
Say who you are, my soul would break in two
N-ai fost, n-ai fost, n-ai fost langa mine
You weren’t, you weren’t, you weren’t by my side
N-ai fost la rau, nu te vreau la bine
You weren’t with me in bad times, I don't want you in good times
Daca nu te schimbi tu
If you don’t change
Eu n-am cum sa te fac mai bun, nu
I can’t make you a better person, no
Daca nu te schimbi
If you don’t change
Eu am de gand, sagand, sa-mi vad de drum
I plan, I plan to see to my way
Am tinut la tine si inca ma doare
I held on to you and it still hurts
Pe nimeni n-am mai iubit asa sub soare
I have never loved anyone like this under the sun
Imi aduc aminte cand erai in jurul meu mereu
I remember when you were always around me
Cum radeai de tot ce e greu si-mi dadeai tupeu
How you laughed at everything that was hard and gave me courage
Sa stii ca eu m-am pus des tare, des, des in locul tau
You know I often put myself hard, often, often in your place
Si tot nu stiu cum de ma vorbesti tocmai tu de rau
And I still don't know how you're the one talking bad about me
Ce treaba ai tu cu treaba mea, treaba mea
What’s your business with my business, my business
De ce nu-ti vezi de treaba ta, treaba ta
Why don't you mind your own business, your business
Tu fa ce vrei, de azi raman in lumea mea
You do what you want, from today on I stay in my world
Te roade invidia
You are eaten by envy
Ce treaba ai tu cu treaba mea, treaba mea
What’s your business with my business, my business
De ce nu-ti vezi de treaba ta, treaba ta
Why don't you mind your own business, your business
Tu fa ce vrei, de azi raman in lumea mea
You do what you want, from today on I stay in my world
Te roade invidia
You are eaten by envy
Am 35 da-s asa fresh de pe vremea lu' Tango si Cash
I'm 35, but I'm so fresh from the days of Tango and Cash
Treaba mea e sa-ncalt Vansi si sa scriu vise de pesti
My business is to wear Vans and write dreams of fish
Treaba ta-i sa hateresti, da' vezi tu c-aici gresesti
Your business is to hate, but you see you're wrong here
Ar trebui sa ne iubesti, iti spun sigur ca ne iubesti
You should love us, I'm sure you love us
Ca uite-o pe gagica-ta, in poze cu brigada mea
Look at your chick, in pictures with my crew
Si langa mine maica-sa, pe gat cu Guta cocalauru
And next to me her mother, on Guta's neck, the cocky one
Tu vezi ca valoarea la ura e cat bancnota de o p***a
You see that the value of hate is worth a f***ing banknote
Lasa-ma pe mine, in fine, ca toate drumurile duc la bine
Leave me alone, finally, because all roads lead to good
Da de ce ti-o arzi asa, zici ca ti-am facut ceva
Why are you acting like that, like I did something to you
Imi tot spui ca m-am schimbat
You keep telling me I’ve changed
Cand de fapt esti un ratat
When you’re actually a loser
Si toata lumea stie cine esti
And everyone knows who you are
Si ca-ncerci in prostie, sa ne vinzi povesti
And that you try stupidly to sell us stories
Arunci cu invidie cand eu te iubesc
You throw envy when I love you
De ce naiba ai vrea sa faci asa ceva
Why the hell would you want to do that
Cand fratele nu ti-a oferit decat dragostea sa
When your brother gave you nothing but his love
Imi furi pe-aia de sus, carpo
You’re stealing from the one above, buddy
M-ai ambitionat, carpo
You’ve made me ambitious, buddy
Sa ajung ceea ce sunt
To become what I am
Acu' sterg pe jos cu tine, carpo
Now I'm wiping the floor with you, buddy
Si nu mi-ar fi greu deloc
And it wouldn’t be hard at all
Sa fac tot ce faci tu
To do everything you do
Sa distrugi e asa usor
To destroy is so easy
Da' sa construiesti, nu
But to build, no
Asta-i viziunea mea
This is my vision
Asta-i simfonia mea
This is my symphony
Ce treaba ai tu cu viata mea
What business do you have with my life
Ce treaba ai tu cu satra mea
What business do you have with my crew
Am inteles de ce lumea-i din ce in ce mai nefericita
I understood why the world is getting more and more unhappy
Sa fii invidios e o meserie neplatita
To be envious is an unpaid job
M**e garda, (virgula) banii
F*** the guard, (comma) the money
In ochii lor avem satanii
In their eyes we have the devils
In ochii mei bag la ciorap banii
In my eyes, I put money in my sock
Mhmm, vino la mine mami
Mhmm, come to me baby
Si cand fac eu treaba mea
And when I do my thing
Clar ca nu-i treaba ta
Clearly, it's not your business
Luxu-i lubrifiant
Luxury is lubricant
Ce am casa e terifiant
What a terrifying house I have
Treaba mea e lumina mea
My business is my light
Treaba mea m-a illuminat
My business enlightened me
Si cand au vazut s-au inchinat
And when they saw it, they bowed
Murdarul acum e imaculat
The dirty is now immaculate
Pe tine inca te roade invidia
You are still eaten by envy
Treaba mea m-a illuminat
My business enlightened me
Treaba mea m-a illuminat
My business enlightened me
Treaba mea-s binecuvantat
My business is I'm blessed
Ce treaba ai tu cu treaba mea, treaba mea
What’s your business with my business, my business
De ce nu-ti vezi de treaba ta, treaba ta
Why don't you mind your own business, your business
Tu fa ce vrei, de azi raman in lumea mea
You do what you want, from today on I stay in my world
Te roade invidia
You are eaten by envy
Ce treaba ai tu cu treaba mea, treaba mea
What’s your business with my business, my business
De ce nu-ti vezi de treaba ta, treaba ta
Why don't you mind your own business, your business
Tu fa ce vrei, de azi raman in lumea mea
You do what you want, from today on I stay in my world
Te roade invidia, te roade invidia
You are eaten by envy, you are eaten by envy
Si n-am inchis ochii nici macar o secunda azi-noapte
And I didn’t close my eyes even for a second last night
Satul de toti astia care, cica le stiu pe toate
Tired of all these people who supposedly know it all
M-am privit in oglinda si mi-am zis frate, se poate
I looked at myself in the mirror and said to myself, brother, it's possible
Sa treci la fapte, lasi totu' in spate si mergi mai departe
To go into action, leave everything behind, and move on

Авторы: Keed, Killa Fonic, Marius Ivancea, Marius Mirica, Nosfe, Super Ed

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