What's Up - Bine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни What's Up - Bine

Daca mi-e bine, hey, hey
If I’m fine, hey, hey
Ii vad pe toti dansand in jurul meu
I see everyone dancing around me
Aproape nimeni, hey, hey
Almost no one, hey, hey
Cu mine cand mai dau si eu de greu
With me when I too have a hard time
Am invatat ca viata merge in sus, in jos
I’ve learned that life goes up and down
Oricum, trec toate
In any case, it all passes
Si dupa cea mai proasta zi
And after the worst day
Vine si cea mai tare noapte
Comes the best night
Fac tot ce vreau
I do what I want
Ca seara asta-i seara mea
Because tonight is my night
Nu pot sa stau
I can’t sit still
Vad c-a inceput petrecerea
I see the party has started
Te-am sunat, nu-mi raspunzi
I’ve called you, you’re not answering
Eu fac selfie printe mese
I’m taking a selfie among the tables
Iti trimit poza pe WhatsApp
I’m sending you a picture on WhatsApp
Sa-mi spui cum imi iese
To tell me how I look
De fapt, ma bag in seama ca imi e dor de tine
In fact, I’m butting in because I miss you
Si de felul in care spuneai ca va fi bine
And the way you used to say it would be fine
Avem zile bune, zile proaste
We have good days, bad days
Azi, mare party, maine, iar la ale noastre
Today, a big party, tomorrow, back to our old ways
Zile bune, zile proaste
Good days, bad days
Daca mi-e bine, hey, hey
If I’m fine, hey, hey
Ii vad pe toti dansand in jurul meu
I see everyone dancing around me
Aproape nimeni, hey, hey
Almost no one, hey, hey
Cu mine cand mai dau si eu de greu
With me when I too have a hard time
Am invatat ca viata merge in sus, in jos
I’ve learned that life goes up and down
Oricum, trec toate
In any case, it all passes
Si dupa cea mai proasta zi
And after the worst day
Vine si cea mai tare noapte
Comes the best night
Hai sa-ti spun ce mi se intampla
I’ll tell you what’s happening to me
Eu m-am hotarat sa bag distractie cat sa-mi ajunga
I’ve decided to have enough fun to last me
Inchid ochii si merg unde vad cu mintea mea
I close my eyes and go wherever my mind takes me
Vreau sa uit, in seara asta, ca e viata grea
I want to forget the hardships of life
Si ce daca, maine dimineata
And what if, tomorrow morning
Iar ma duc la munca
I go back to work
Dupa ce ma spal pe fata
After I wash my face
Nimeni parca nu ne mai invata
It’s like no one teaches us anymore
Ca traim degeaba daca n-aveam o speranta
That we live in vain if we don’t have hope
Avem zile bune, zile proaste
We have good days, bad days
Azi, mare party, maine, iar la ale noastre
Today, a big party, tomorrow, back to our old ways
Zile bune, zile proaste
Good days, bad days
Daca mi-e bine, hey, hey
If I’m fine, hey, hey
Ii vad pe toti dansand in jurul meu
I see everyone dancing around me
Aproape nimeni, hey, hey
Almost no one, hey, hey
Nu-i cu mine cand mai dau si eu de greu
With me when I too have a hard time
Am invatat ca viata merge in sus, in jos
I’ve learned that life goes up and down
Oricum, trec toate
In any case, it all passes
Si dupa cea mai proasta zi
And after the worst day
Vine si cea mai tare noapte
Comes the best night
Si poate, poate
And maybe, maybe
Ne vedem toti int-o noapte
We’ll all see each other one night
Sora, Frate
Sister, Brother
Unde esti, nu esti aproape
Wherever you are, you’re not close
Mama, tata
Mom, Dad
Trebuie sa ma lupt cu toate
I need to fight it all
Viata, soarta
Life, fate
Mi-ai rupt mintea ca la carte.
You’ve broken my mind like a book.

Авторы: Ionut Marius Vasilache, Ioachim Octavian Petre, Gabriel Mihai Istrate, Marius Marian Ivancea, Alexandru Florin Cotoi, Marius Alexandru Mirica, Marius Ioan Moga

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