Wikluh Sky feat. DJ Rahmanee - Udarac (feat. DJ Rahmanee) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wikluh Sky feat. DJ Rahmanee - Udarac (feat. DJ Rahmanee)

Udarac (feat. DJ Rahmanee)
Impact (feat. DJ Rahmanee)
E, brate, Rahmanee, mogli bi da se potpisemo malo na sve ove godine
Yo, bro Rahmanee, we could leave our mark on all these years, you know?
- Jok i ne, pazi sad
- Nah, not really, listen up
Ajmo, ajmo
Let's go, let's go
Slusaj vamo slusaj to,
Listen up, listen to this,
Stajga banovo brdo,
Stajga Banovo Brdo,
Dj Rahmanee, Wikluh Sky sine
DJ Rahmanee, Wikluh Sky in the house
Ovo ide za sve one koji su s nama od prvog dana
This goes out to everyone who's been with us from day one
Slusaj vamo slusaj to
Listen up, listen to this
Rahmanee vinegal, pazi sad, banovo stajga zajeban rad
Rahmanee's spinning, watch out, Banovo Stajga, this is a killer track
Zajebane pice djuskaju s nama
Fine chicks are dancing with us
Kucka ne folira te je dama, jer ona tako pali sve sto mi radi,
The girl ain't faking being a lady, cuz that's how she turns on everything I do,
Razbija svakog dana, sve sto mi radi, pogledaj je, vidi sad ovaj rad, pomeraj se,
She's killing it every day, everything I do, look at her, check out this move, move your body,
Pun klub, sve cool, i ruke gore su, kida ritam, siba i vinegal kida klub
Club's packed, everything's cool, hands are up, the rhythm's tearing it up, the bass is hitting hard, and the spin's tearing up the club
Pokazi mi sve, znam hoces to, nije bitno ko je jebeno ko,
Show me everything, I know you want it, doesn't matter who the fuck is who,
Osecas bit, pokidan flow, rasturi jebeni dance floor
Feel the beat, the flow is on fire, destroy the damn dance floor
Ne mogu da verujem, to je to, posle svih godina mi smo to,
I can't believe it, this is it, after all these years, we are it,
Rahmanee drum and bass, ja hip hop
Rahmanee drum and bass, me hip hop
Sve sto cujem je samo daj jos!
All I hear is just give me more!
Evo ga, evo ga, evo ga,
Here it is, here it is, here it is,
Raspali po gudri nema stop sad, jaci nego Koza Nostra, Srbija, brate srpska posla!
Blast it on the speakers, no stopping now, stronger than Cosa Nostra, Serbia, bro, Serbian business!
Skaci sad jer ti znas da mi imamo taj rad i ceo grad odma idemo
Jump now, cuz you know we got that fire and the whole city's coming along
Znas da tako samo mi jako kidamo, to je to mrdni guzu jos daj mi jos, ajde
You know that's how only we tear it up hard, that's it, move your ass, give me more, come on
Skaci sad jer ti znas da mi imamo taj rad i ceo grad odma idemo
Jump now, cuz you know we got that fire and the whole city's coming along
Znas da tako samo mi jako kidamo to je to mrdni guzu jos daj mi jos, ajde
You know that's how only we tear it up hard, that's it, move your ass, give me more, come on
Secas li se dolara ko je dizo Beograd tad Rahmanee kido ploce, mikrofon kido Wikluh Sky
Remember the Dollar who raised Belgrade back then, Rahmanee was killing the turntables, Wikluh Sky was killing the mic
Ko je punio klubove sve bez reklame, iako su se neke gazde stekale za pare
Who was packing the clubs all without advertising, even though some owners were greedy for money
Sada vidi nismo br 1 nego 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Now look, we're not number 1, but 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Radimo hasove, talove, punimo klubove, splavove,
We're making waves, packing clubs, rafts,
Saplicu nas jebeni pederi DJevi, supci, tebra, jer sada radimo za mnogo vise od 50 eura
Fucking DJ-fags are tripping, assholes, bro, cuz now we're making much more than 50 euros
Pun dzep drum, rap, bicarke mrdaju guzice, pozdrav za ekipe sve za ekipe sa ulice
Pocket full of drum, rap, bitches shaking their asses, shout out to all the crews from the streets
Jedna ljubav za drugare, dve za kucke, tri za pare
One love for the homies, two for the bitches, three for the money
Sad smo zajebani to je to, Beograd jedna ljubav HARD CORE
Now we're badass, that's it, Belgrade one love HARD CORE
O da, ortaci ne znaju za 2007, DJ Rahmanee zna, Wikluh Sky zna
Oh yeah, buddies don't know about 2007, DJ Rahmanee knows, Wikluh Sky knows
Postovanje za sve ekipe koje su nam dale postovanje,
Respect to all the crews who showed us respect,
Jedna ljubav, stara pazi skola, druga ljubav povetarac,
One love, old school watch out, second love breeze,
Respect za Bad Copies, respect za brata Vanija i Gonza, respect za sve tu vas jer idemo odma
Respect for Bad Copies, respect for brother Vani and Gonzo, respect for all of you cuz we're going straight ahead
Respect za brata Nastica i TTP Crew,
Respect for brother Nastić and TTP Crew,
Rahmanee vrati ovo sranje jos jednom za celu ekipu!!
Rahmanee bring this shit back one more time for the whole crew!!

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