Wikluh Sky - Kao svinja svaki dan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Wikluh Sky - Kao svinja svaki dan

Kao svinja svaki dan
Like a Pig Every Day
Prvo neanonimnom alkoholicharskom udruzhenju
First, to the first non-anonymous alcoholics association
Dacu sto hiljada eura od prvog miliona koji zaradim
I'll give a hundred thousand euros from the first million I earn
I promise
Vops ode, evo ga opet napio se kao svinja,
Vops is gone, here he is again, drunk as a pig,
Uu. sad ce da povraca, gle, gle, gle. ijao. koje sranje
Uu. now he's gonna puke, look, look, look. ouch. what a mess
Ej, sad stvar je u tome shto vishe ni ja ne znam
Hey, now the thing is, I don't even know anymore
Zashto toliko mnogo moram da pijem
Why do I have to drink so much
Ali svaki put kad vidim nju kako na stolu chuchi samnom
But every time I see her sitting at the table with me
Moram u cashu da lijem, pa da
I have to pour into the glass, so that
Nije to nije neka glupava navika
It's not, it's not some stupid habit
Koje ne mogu da se rastosiljam, ni bedak nije
That I can't get rid of, it's not even a problem
Aaaa. nije barem vishe
Aaaa. not anymore at least
A prso si? nisam bre! zbog pichke
Did you break up? I didn't! because of a chick
Ne, ne, nisam ono uopshte
No, no, not at all
Nego samo volim da se valjam pijan na sred ulice
But I just love to roll around drunk in the middle of the street
Eee. prilaze kerovi lutalice koji oce da se maze
Eee. stray dogs come up who want to be petted
A glista im viri iz guzice
And a worm sticks out of their ass
Pijan spopadam mlade mame trudnice
Drunk, I hit on young pregnant mothers
Koje su, eto vidite, to radile bez gumice
Who, you see, did it without a condom
Na lice stavljaju ogromne cvike kao glumice iz latino sapunice
They put huge glasses on their faces like actresses from a Latin soap opera
A ja. gubim pasosh i naravno mp3 plejer, koji mi je usput
And I. lose my passport and of course my mp3 player, which by the way
Onaj shupak prodao za stooo eura
That asshole sold me for a hundred euros
A poshto sam kad sam kupovao bio pijan. tako mi i treba!
And since I was drunk when I bought it. serves me right!
Pijan i poznat kao narodnjak "" kao. jebesh. lako cemo s tim."
Drunk and known as a folk singer "" like. fuck it. we'll deal with it."
A kad shvatish da si izgubio i 500 evra iz dzhepa
And when you realize that you've also lost 500 euros from your pocket
Malo popizdish
You get a little pissed off
Kad si naduvan i nacirkan kao svinja svaki dan
When you're high and wasted like a pig every day
Mozhesh da mislish kako ti je sve lepo
You can think how everything is beautiful for you
A kad dodje losh i nisi opet nacirkan i naduvan
And when a bad day comes and you're not high and wasted again
Kasno je da mislish kako mozhda nisi treb'o
It's too late to think that maybe you shouldn't have
Sad ne mogu da odem u bech, ne mogu nigde
Now I can't go to Vienna, I can't go anywhere
Ne mogu nigde da idem, potpuni bilde
I can't go anywhere, a total failure
Nisam spav'o ima dan dva, a zato se po ulici valjam
I haven't slept in two days, that's why I'm rolling around in the street
Igram po ulici "la kukaraca", povracam kad kod nekog svracam
I dance in the street "la cucaracha", I puke when I visit someone
I da, pisham s prozora sedmog sprata,
And yes, I piss from the window of the seventh floor,
Al malo usput josh dole povracam
But I also puke a little more down there
Nisam li bozhanstven? kako da ne, e objashnjavash bre
Am I not divine? of course I am, hey you're explaining
Popijesh malo, ee... e da, evo sa'cu
You drink a little, ee... yeah, here I'll come
Mislim to je jebeno tragichno, pored toga shto je totalno patetichno
I mean it's fucking tragic, besides being totally pathetic
Mislim, da sam se samo malo gluplje oseco
I mean, if I had just felt a little stupider
Kad sam se bivshoj ribi upisivao u leksikon
When I was writing in my ex-girlfriend's yearbook
Kad si naduvan i nacirkan kao svinja svaki dan
When you're high and wasted like a pig every day
Mozhesh da mislish kako ti je sve lepo
You can think how everything is beautiful for you
A kad dodje losh dan i nisi opet nacirkan i naduvan
And when a bad day comes and you're not high and wasted again
Kasno je da mislish kako mozhda nisi treb'o
It's too late to think that maybe you shouldn't have
E ovako. krnesh jednu plugu, drugu pljugu, trecu pljugu, petu paklu
Here's how it goes. you smoke one cigarette, second cigarette, third cigarette, fifth pack
Krnesh vinjak, krnesh viski, krnesh. aa. pivo i buksnu
You drink cognac, you drink whiskey, you drink. aa. beer and a joint
I odesh tamo gde te svi jebeno znaju
And you go where everyone fucking knows you
U mom sluchaju to bice svuda
In my case, that would be everywhere
I uzmesh da radish sve shto nisi smeo
And you start doing everything you weren't supposed to do
A sad mozhe jer ti je lobanja PRSLA!
But now you can because your skull is CRACKED!
I onda malo isparanoishesh jer ne znash shta ovaj oce. mislim
And then you get a little paranoid because you don't know what this guy wants. I mean
Mislim, jel se znamo, mislim, ko ste vi
I mean, do we know each other, I mean, who are you
Mislim, boli me bre kurac, mislim
I mean, I don't give a fuck, I mean
E onda se pobijesh i onda eventualno batine dobijesh
Then you fight and then you might get beaten up
Onako pijan
Drunk like that
A pored svega bio si i naduvan
And on top of everything, you were also high
Pa ce tek sutra da te boli i rebro i shija
So tomorrow your ribs and neck will hurt even more
I potrudi se da 500 evra iz dzhepa izgubish kao potpuni klipan
And try to lose 500 euros from your pocket like a complete kid
Jer prebijen fizichki i psihichki saznacesh kako je osecaj divan
Because being beaten physically and mentally you will learn how wonderful the feeling is
Kad si naduvan i nacirkan kao svinja svaki dan
When you're high and wasted like a pig every day
Mozhesh da mislish kako ti je sve lepo
You can think how everything is beautiful for you
A kad dodje losh i nisi opet nacirkan i naduvan
And when a bad day comes and you're not high and wasted again
Kasno je da mislish kako mozhda nisi treb'o
It's too late to think that maybe you shouldn't have
Kad si naduvan i nacirkan kao svinja svaki dan
When you're high and wasted like a pig every day
Mozhesh da mislish kako ti je sve lepo
You can think how everything is beautiful for you
A kad dodje losh i nisi opet nacirkan i naduvan
And when a bad day comes and you're not high and wasted again
Kasno je da mislish kako mozhda nisi treb'o
It's too late to think that maybe you shouldn't have

Авторы: Djordje Miljenovic

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